Optimized One-Step Pretreatment Enhancing The Benefits of Air Flotation and Media Filtration

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Authors: Fabien Vergnolle, Daniel Baaklini, Romain Gandré, Cécile Cabrières, Caroline Barbé,
Abdelkader Gaid

Presenter: Fabien Vergnolle

Researcher – Veolia Recherche & Innovation – France


Technology improvements on seawater desalination over the last twenty years have led to a significant
rise towards the use of reverse osmosis for seawater desalination. The water treatment industry shall yet
strive to make Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) desalination more and more affordable without
compromising on the reliability and robustness of the overall process. The pretreatment step of SWRO
plants is a key component for these two criteria: (i) reliability, as pretreatment defines the level of
protection of the SWRO membranes, and (ii) cost-reduction, as pretreatment represents a significant
portion of the capital investment, notably for large-scale SWRO plants requiring a surface seawater
intake. This paper will present a new pretreatment process improving the advantages of two proven
pretreatment technologies: Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) and high velocity Granular Media Filtration
(GMF). This new process – SpidflowTMFilter – has been developed to address both of these challenges.

Semi industrial units fed with open intakes located in the Arabic Gulf and in the Gulf of Oman
demonstrated that this new process could be operated at loading rates of 30 m/h and could produce an
excellent pretreated water quality. Overall, the unique features of the process provide a reliable
protection against seawater quality upsets (algal blooms, presence of hydrocarbons, turbidity spikes) and
excellent pretreated water quality which guarantee the good performance of RO membranes downstream
(low CIP requirements); they also lead to a significant reduction in footprint as compared to a
conventional train composed of separate DAF and GMF, without increasing water losses or chemical
and energy consumptions.

The International Desalination Association World Congress – São Paulo, Brazil

REF: IDA17WC-58278_Vergnolle

Pretreatment to RO membranes is a key component of SWRO plants. Its purpose is to efficiently protect
the RO membranes regardless of the raw seawater quality fluctuations. This is why the versatility and
robustness of pretreatment determine the long-term viability of a plant.

Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is now systematically considered for the design of SWRO plants in areas
subject to algal blooms or to other events likely to deteriorate the quality of the seawater (e.g. jelly
fishes, pollutions by hydrocarbons, etc.) [1].
After flotation, further treatment units are still required to remove the smallest particles and reach the
requirements for pretreated water feeding RO units. Granular Media Filtration (GMF) or Low Pressure
Membrane Filtration (LPMF) are today the two filtration processes used downstream. LPMF (MF or UF
membranes) have very small cut-off sizes but they let dissolved organic matter and nutrients cross to the
RO membranes. GMF on the contrary allows biomass development and can biodegrade dissolved
organic matter and nutrients which is why it is particularly efficient to prevent biofouling development
on RO membranes [2] [3].

Some attempts have already been done in the past to combine DAF and GMF into one single
embodiment called DAFF (for Dissolved Air Flotation Filter). But the loads that such units could handle
were limited around 8 to 10m/h. The SpidflowTMFilter process development presented in this paper has
pushed the limits and can handle high loading rates (15 to 30m/h).


Veolia already has a long experience with its patented DAF (SpidflowTM [see Diagram 1]) and its high
velocity GMF (FiltrafloTM TGV [see Diagram 2]).

Diagram 1: Veolia patented DAF solution: SpidflowTM

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Diagram 2: Veolia high velocity GMF solution: FiltrafloTM TGV

Returns of experience from large-scale SWRO plants using SpidflowTM and FiltrafloTM (e.g. Fujairah 2
SWRO plant – 136 MLD – in operation since 2009) showed very positive results in terms of overall
protection of the SWRO units. DAF has been proven effective at maintaining stable performance
(quality + availability) of the filtration step located downstream even during episodes of raw seawater
degradations (including a major red tide that forced other plants to shutdown [4] [5]). With the recent
design optimization of SpidflowTM units, loading rates higher than 30 m/h became a standard.
GMF units are conventionally designed at a hydraulic loading rate between 8 and 12 m/h. But several
large-scale plants operate with FiltrafloTM TGV filters designed to be operated above 15m/h (e.g. Az
Zour South SWRO Plant – 136,600 m3/d – in operation since 2014) [6].

The new development presented herein after enhances the functionalities of SpidflowTM and FiltrafloTM
TGV into one single solution (SpidflowTMFilter) [see Diagram 3] able to provide long term protection
of RO membranes with a reduced footprint.

Diagram 3: SpidflowTMFilter
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 Functionalities related to coagulation and flocculation (e.g. destabilization of colloids,
agglomeration of colloids and/or small particles into flocs) provide performance reliability
against suspended particles and can tackle dissolved matter present in the raw seawater.
Chemical dosing rates depend on the raw seawater quality.
 Functionalities related to Dissolved Air Flotation enable to separate most particles from the
water regardless of any degradation of the raw seawater quality (algae or jelly fish blooms,
pollutions with hydrocarbons, etc.). Retained particles float at the surface of the DAF where they
accumulate into thickened sludge before being skimmed away, which helps reducing the water
losses of the plant and reduces the size of the sludge treatment. These functionalities can also
help reducing some chemical requirements e.g. no need to add polymer during the flocculation
step because most particles found in the raw seawater have a natural tendency to float.
 Functionalities related to Granular Media Filtration (e.g. coalescence above media bed, deep
filtration, biodegradation of dissolved organic matter and nutrients) provide reliability against
fine particles and biofouling potential of the water. In SpidflowTMFilter, the media filtration is
done by gravity to save energy.

The hydraulic of the SpidflowTMFilter was very carefully studied and tested by the Veolia’s technical
team in order to boost both processes and especially the filter at high velocities instead of simply
coupling a filter below a DAF with a resulting reduced overall velocity on the DAF section. The
resulting process is therefore an enhanced dual and thorough process eliminating particles like
suspended matters, floating material like hydrocarbons and soluble organic compounds that are very
detrimental to SWRO membranes fluxes and the main agent of their fouling and life time shortening.

The unique features of SpidflowTMFilter enable to combine a DAF separation zone and high velocity
GMF filtration zone into one single and common tank which results in significant footprint savings. As
an example: replacing DAF at 30m/h and GMF at 10m/h by a SpidflowTMFilter at 10m/h results in 27%
savings in the separation zone footprint. Enhancing both processes by pushing the velocities to 15m/h or
30m/h, allows SpidflowTMFilter to generate footprint savings of 46% and 73% respectively. [see
Diagram 4].

Diagram 4: Separation zone footprints of various pretreatment solutions

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3.1 Semi-industrial pilot plant units

Veolia used its long experience with DAF and GMF technologies to design and built two semi-industrial
pilot units. During the design phase, hydraulic design of the unit was optimized so as to be able to
efficiently reduce the footprint without compromising mechanisms at stake during Dissolved Air
Flotation and Granular Media Filtration steps.

Both units were composed of:

 An in-line coagulation system
 A flocculation tank
 A white water production system
 A white water injection chamber fitted with nozzles
 A separation tank with at its top a skim removal system to evacuate the floating material and at
its bottom a granular media filtration floor

The units were designed so that one could accept up to 10m3/h feed flow and the other one up to 80m3/h.
They were dispatched to two different sites to demonstrate the performance of SpidflowTMFilter on
actual surface seawaters from the Gulf of Oman (subject to Algal blooms and other sources of seawater
degradation) and from the Arabic Gulf (usually even more challenging than seawaters from the Gulf of
Oman). [see Diagram 5]

Diagram 5: Two semi-industrial scale pilot units

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3.2 Water quality monitoring

Table 1 herein below shows the main analytical parameters that were monitored to assess the
performance of SpidflowTMFilter units.

Table 1: Water quality parameters monitored

3.2.1 Silt Density Index (SDI)

SDI is an index that gives indications about the colloidal and particulate fouling potential of a water
source. Its measure consists in measuring the rate at which a 0.45µm filter is plugged when filtering
water under a constant pressure of 30 PSI ( 2.1bar). RO membrane manufacturers usually require
pretreated seawaters to have a SDI15 value lower than 5.

3.2.2 Turbidity

Turbidity is an optical characteristic of the water. It increases with the amount of light that is scattered
by material present in the water. So it is an indirect way of measuring the quantity of material present in
the water.

3.2.3 Particles

After the beginning of the trials, the pilot unit was equipped with an online particle-counter in order to
monitor the number of particles of a given size present in the filtrated water. The instrument was set so
as to measure the number of particles with sizes equal or greater than 1.3µm and 5µm.

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3.2.4 Iron

Traces of iron can generally be found in the raw seawater. But most importantly, iron is one of the main
components of the coagulant reagent that was used on the unit during the trials (i.e. Ferric chloride at
41% w/w). The purpose of this analysis is to monitor the iron residual present in the treated water. If no
iron is measured at the outlet of the unit, then it means that all the coagulant injected upstream has
reacted with the raw seawater and was retained by SpidflowTMFilter. If iron can be measured in the
filtrated water, then it means that the coagulant dosing rate was probably too high for the actual raw
seawater demand so the dosing rate can be reduced. RO membrane manufacturers usually require
pretreated seawaters to have iron residuals lower than 0.05 ppm as Fe.

3.2.5 UV absorbance at 254 nm

UV light at 254nm wavelength is absorbed by most organic compounds, especially by aromatic organic
compounds which contain double bounded ring structures. Measuring UV254 absorbance is also much
easier and faster than measuring other organic matter indicators (e.g. Total Organic Carbon). This is why
it is often used at sites as a surrogate for TOC values. RO membrane manufacturers usually require
pretreated seawaters to have TOC contents lower than 3 ppm as C.

3.2.6 Phytoplankton identification and count

Phytoplankton identifications and counts are made through taxonomic analysis subcontracted to an
external laboratory. Samples are taken at site and immediately preserved with Utermöhl’s solution. The
Utermöhl's solution (prepared as described in Guillard (1973) [7]) enables to stabilize the samples and to
store them for several days [at ambient temperature and in the dark] before analysis by the external

3.3 Other indicators used to assess the performance of SpidflowTMFilter units

3.3.1 Filtration cycle duration and pretreatment recovery rate

Filtration cycles of media filtration beds were monitored to determine the duration filtration cycles and
to calculate the recovery rate of the pretreatment.

Recovery rates were calculated as follows:

Amount of water treated during the cycle Water losses during the cycle
Amount of water treated during the cycle
 A cycle corresponds to the amount of time elapsed between two backwashes of the media
filtration bed. A cycle starts at the end of a backwash, when the unit resumes filtration; and it
finishes at the end of the next backwash.
 The amount of water treated over the cycle is calculated with values from feedwater
 Water losses are calculated by adding up all water volumes lost during the cycle. They

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include floated sludge skimmed at the surface of the separation zone, water used to backwash
the media filtration bed, the first filtrated waters sent to the drain after a backwash, etc.

Attention was also paid to the evolution of initial head losses of the filtration zone after backwash to
make sure that the backwash remained efficient from one filtration cycle to the other.

3.3.2 RO membrane performance

Many publications have already shown that assessing the impact of pretreated seawater over the
performance of RO membranes can be difficult.
The number of pretreated seawater quality parameters that can be accurately quantified is limited and
their impacts on RO membrane performance are often counterintuitive. [2] [3]
For this reason, RO pilot units simulating a full first pass of membranes were installed on both sites to
obtain reliable conclusion on the fouling potential of the filtered water quality. They were fed with
pretreated water produced by SpidflowTMFilter units. Their performance (e.g. hydraulic behavior, need
for CIPs) were monitored to confirm the suitability of SpidflowTMFilter as a SWRO pretreatment.


4.1 Raw seawater qualities

4.1.1 Demonstration unit fed with surface seawater from the Arabic Gulf

The SpidflowTMFilter unit was fed with a seawater submerged pump located between the shore line and
a jetty. During the monitoring period (more than a year), the feed water temperature fluctuated between
20 and 38°C [see Chart 1]. Turbidity values were under 5 NTU most of the time but several spikes were
observed above 10 NTU and even above 20 NTU. SDI3 values were relatively stable around 30 during
most of the year.

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Chart 1: Raw seawater quality from the Arabic Gulf

4.1.2 Demonstration unit fed with surface seawater from the Gulf of Oman

The SpidflowTMFilter unit was fed with a submerged pump located inside an existing open seawater
intake structure.
During the monitoring period (about a year), Temperature and SDI3 values were the parameters that
fluctuated the most [see Chart 2]. Temperature changes (ranging from 22 to 35°C) were mainly
seasonal whereas SDI3 value fluctuations were more erratic. It is worth noting that both the lowest and
the highest SDI3 values were measured during the winter months. Unfortunately one could not find a
correlation between this high fouling potential and other analytical parameters analyzed.
Phytoplankton analysis in particular did not show any unusual values or species: analysis carried out
over the period showed cell concentrations around 1.10^5 cell/l with the following repartition: around
9% of Diatoms, 1% of Dinoflagellates, 90% of others e.g. mainly unidentifed microflagellates and
monads (<10 um). On some occasions the proportion of Diatoms raised up between 20 to 50% of the
total amount of cells but the order of magnitude remained around 10^5 cell/l for total phytoplankton.
UV254 absorbance also remained pretty stable around 1m-1 although some peaks were observed at 1.5m-
. 85 to 91% of the material responsible for UV254 absorbance was dissolved in the water. Few samples
were taken for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) analysis by an
external laboratory. These analyses showed TOC values around 1 ppm as C and evidenced that 80 to
90% of the Organic Carbon was actually Dissolved Organic Carbon.

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Chart 2: Raw seawater quality from the Gulf of Oman

4.2 Pretreated water qualities

4.2.1 Evolution of treated water quality during filtration cycles

Usually, for SWRO applications, GMFs give very good outlet turbidities right after backwashes but they
need more time (typically 4 to 5 hours) before producing filtrated water with stabilized SDI15 values.
This time is called the maturation time of the GMF.
Chart 3 herein below shows examples of SDI15 values measured at the outlet of the SpidflowTMFilter
pilot unit just after backwashing the media of the filtration zone and during the following hours.
Throughout the testing period, SDI15 values were consistently below 5 immediately after the backwash
and they stabilized in less than 3 hours to values usually ranging between 3 and 4. This result suggests
that the maturation time of SpidflowTMFilter is lower than the maturation time of usual GMFs. It can be
explained by the high hydraulic load that accelerates the formation of a floc layer on top of the media
and improves the removal capacity of the media bed.
The analysis of particle contents in filtrated water gave similar results. Chart 4 gives an example of a
particle count profile obtained at the outlet of SpidflowTMFilter immediately after backwash (for
particles with sizes equal or greater than 1.3µm). The number of particles measured in the treated water
went down below 100part/ml within the first 30min of filtration and then remained stable around

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Chart 3: Evolution of SDI15 during the maturation of the filter (Gulf of Oman, 30m/h)

Chart 4: Evolution of Particle counts during the maturation of the filter (Gulf of Oman, 30m/h)

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Another interesting result is that after maturation, values remained low throughout the end of the
filtration cycle which suggests that despite the high hydraulic loads, the filter media bed is efficient to
prevent any particle breakthrough. [see Chart 5]

Chart 5: Evolution of SDI15 values over the filtration cycle (Gulf of Oman, 30m/h)

4.2.2 History of pretreated water qualities

The two following charts give the history of SDI15 values measured on both sites [see Chart 6 and
Chart 7]. The testing periods lasted for more than a year so the results captured the influence of the raw
seawater seasonal variability over the performance of SpidflowTMFilter units.

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Chart 6: Pretreated water quality (Arabic Gulf)

Chart 7: Pretreated water quality (Gulf of Oman, 30m/h)

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For the unit located in the Gulf of Oman, it is worth noting that the SpidflowTMFilter was operated at a
very high loading rate during the whole testing period. Despite this intense pace and despite all the SDI3
value fluctuations, the unit managed to continuously produce a good pretreated water quality. 94.4% of
SDI15 values were below 4; 41.3% of them were even lower than 3.
Also, iron and UV254 analyses were carried out on this unit throughout the trials. Measured values
evidenced very good performance [see Table 2] that is similar to performance usually obtained with
SpidflowTM and Granular Media Filter operated in series.

Table 2: Pretreated water quality (SpidflowTMFilter @ 30m/h – Gulf of Oman)

4.3 SpidflowTMFilter Hydraulic performance

4.3.1 Influence of Dissolved Air Flotation over the duration of filtration cycles

It is often said that DAF units are used to protect downstream filtration steps. Some experiments were
done with the SpidflowTMFilter located in the Arabic Gulf to quantify the same.
First, the SpidflowTMFilter unit was operated at 19 m/h loading rate with all its functionalities. The
pretreated water had SDI15 values around 4 at the very beginning of the cycle but they soon stabilized at
3.5 and then further reduced down to 3. The filtration cycle lasted during almost 45 hours. [see Chart 8]
Then, another cycle was initiated without the DAF functionality (no white water injection i.e. no floated
materials). Initial SDI15 values were similar but they remained between 3.5 and 4 towards the end of the
cycle. The filtration cycle lasted for 25 hours only. [see Chart 8]
This example (which was confirmed on several occasions and for various velocities) gives evidence that
DAF functionalities integrated into the SpidflowTMFilter solution are able to retain materials that would
otherwise go on the high velocity filtration step and compromise its efficiency.

Depending on the raw seawater quality, using the DAF functionalities can reduce the loads of clogging
material going to the filtration media bed. Therefore it can increase the filtration cycle durations.
It is also worth noting that backwashing a filter usually produces low concentrated sludge whereas the
DAF functionalities produce small volumes of concentrated sludge. So using the DAF functionalities
can help reducing pretreatment water losses and the size of sludge treatment facilities.

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Chart 8: Impact of Dissolved Air Flotation on filtration cycles (Arabic Gulf, 19m/h)

4.3.2 Filtration cycle durations and water recovery rates

During filtration, the influent water brings particles to the media filtration bed. These particles
accumulate at the top of the media as they are retained by the filtration layers. This accumulation
progressively increases the head losses created by the media bed. When the head losses become too
high, the filtration capacity of the media bed is compromised and a backwash is required to remove
clogging materials and recover the media bed filtration capacity. Increasing the hydraulic load on the
media filtration bed results in an increase of the incoming flux of particles and clogging material so it
should reduce the duration of the filtration time before backwash.
When a GMF is fed with treated water from a DAF unit, there is an additional risk: dissolved air can
reach the media bed where it accumulates – this phenomenon is known as embolism. In case of
embolism, head losses of the filter increase and, consequently, the duration of filtration cycles reduces.
The design of SpidflowTMFilter technology has been carefully studied not to be impacted by these two

Veolia has a very long experience of water treatment, both as a constructor and as an operator. This
unique position enabled to integrate state-of-the-art technologies and know-hows into the design and
operation of the SpidflowTMFilter solution.

Chart 5 showed the results obtained with SpidflowTMFilter operated at 30m/h. In this case, the duration
of the filtration cycle was above 38h and the recovery rate of the process reached 96.9% (only 2.9% of
water losses).

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Another interesting aspect is that treated water quality was not degraded over the duration of the
filtration cycle. Turbidity and SDI15 values of the filtrated water remained stable.

On both sites, SpidflowTMFilter units have been able to reach filtration cycle durations of approximately
40 hours regardless of the hydraulic load they were treating.

4.3 Performance of RO membranes fed with pretreated water from SpidflowTMFilter

RO membranes simulating a full first pass were installed downstream both SpidflowTMFilter units.
On the site located in the Arabic Gulf, the RO membranes were commissioned almost at the same time
as the pretreatment.
On the other site the start-up of RO membranes was delayed so they only started recently.

It is probably too early to draw conclusions from the site located in the Gulf of Oman but the first trends
show relatively stable performance which is encouraging. [see Chart 9]

Chart 9: Differential Pressure and Permeability of the 1st pass of RO membranes

The data accumulated on the other site [see Chart 10] showed that after almost 18 months of operation,
only one preventive CIP was required. This result is also very positive and confirms that the pretreated
water quality produced over the period was suitable to feed RO membranes.

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Chart 10: Differential Pressure and Permeability of the 1st pass of RO membranes


The results obtained so far with two different qualities of surface sea waters from the Arabic Gulf and
from the Gulf of Oman showed that SpidflowTMFilter operated at 30m/h is able to produce good
pretreated water quality regardless of the feed water quality fluctuations.
Throughout the testing period, SpidflowTMFilter units produced pretreated water compatible with RO
membrane specifications i.e. more than 90% of SDI15 values below 4 and turbidity values below
0.1 NTU.
Beyond the conventional recorded parameters (SDI15, Turbidity), this study highlighted also the low
fouling potential of the filtered water. It confirmed that SpidflowTMFilter allows biomass development
which degrades biofouling molecules and enables to maintain low CIP requirements for downstream RO
Through bespoke operation procedures, filtration cycles could reach 40 hours despite the high loading
rate. It resulted in overall pretreatment recovery rates higher than 97%. These are also key performance
indicators as shorter filtration cycles would compromise the cost viability due to the increased volume of
backwash waters and to the decreased water recovery.

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1. Dr. Chiara FABBRI, Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF): the solution to guarantee maximum
availability in challenging seawater conditions, IDA World Congress, Perth September 2011,
2. P.J. Remize and Al., A pilot-scale comparison between granular media filtration and low-
presssure membrane filtration for seawater pretreatment, Desalination and water treatment,
2009, Vol. 9 (2009), p.22-27.
3. P.J. Remize and Al., A pilot-scale comparison of granular media filtration and low-pressure
membrane, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2009, Vol. 5 (2009), p.6–11.
4. UAE, Red tides close desal plants, Water Desalination Report, Volume 44 N°44 (December
2008), p.1.
5. Dr. Abdelkader GAID, Overcoming Red Tide, H2O, May 2010 (2010), p.26-34.
6. Kader Gaid, Grégoire Muller, Jerome Leparc, High rate filtration for desalination: from pilot
plant to full scale plant, IDAWC 2013, Ref. IDAWC/TIAN13-007
7. Guillard RRL. 1973. Division rates. Pages 289-311 In: J.R. Stein, (Ed.) Phycological Methods.
Cambridge Univ. Press.

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