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Speed : People use computer to makes their job can be done easier and faster .

For example ,
transferring data , banking , communication , and more .

Reliability : People are using computer to do their jobs because human can get affected by many factors
and cause them cant achieved their job .

Consistency : Computer do not require to rest , they can do their own jobs for all day long , unless the
computer got affected by virus or malfunction .

Storage : Computer contains a huge storage that can store up a huge amount of information , unlike
human they can easily forget their things .

Communication : Computer also become a good communication tools for human because it have some
software that can make us communicate all around the world .



Components of Computers

By Priya PedamkarPriya Pedamkar

Home Software Development Software Development Tutorials Computer Tutorial Components of


Components of Computers

Introduction to Components of Computers

Components of Computers can be defined as the vital elements of the computer system that makes the
device fully functional and run without procedural troubles. It is typically the basic hardware units that
complete the structural architecture of the computer system. It is important to notice that the device
does not work even if it is missed or not working. Every computer should have these essential
components in order to qualify for the instrument to be called a computer system.

Components of computers

The main components of a Computer System’s Architecture and their functional flow are as below,
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Input unit

Processing unit

Output unit

Though these components can work independently, to make the computer system give accurate
outcomes, it is important for these components to function in harmony with one another. Many devices
are qualified as input and output units for computer systems.

Components of computers

1. Input Unit

The input unit begins the computation process where the user interaction is involved. This component is
responsible for capturing the input from the user to command or instruct the other components of the
computer. This process gives a lead to the computer and lets the next component decide how to brew
up results for the input. There are multiple input devices available for this activity, depending on the
type of input required for specific tasks.

The following are some of the commonly used input devices for carrying out the activities of the input
unit are,

Keyboard: Keyboard device, as the name says, comprises a bunch of keys that are used to type the
instructions and input commands on the computer system. This device acts as an entity that lets the
system to record the input provided by the user, and the typical format used to build this type of device
is the QWERTY format, along with other functional keys like F1 to F12 ALT, CTRL, Shift, etc. keys.

Mouse: The mouse is another commonly used input device for pointing and clicking, which comes with a
scroll wheel for scrolling through the display and a couple of buttons for selection purposes.

Joystick: Joystick is an input device used to send out commands for the gaming processes carried out in
the computer system. It is made up of multiple control buttons and at least one lever control, hence,
given the name ‘Joystick’.

Touch Screen: Touch Screens are the latest advancement for sending input to computing devices, where
the user just has to use sensible touch screens to instruct the computer. The touch-action can be
performed by a dedicated pen-like device called ‘Stylus’ or even by using the user’s fingertips.

2. Central Processing Unit

The Central Processing Unit, commonly referred to as the CPU, is generally used for fetching input data
or instructions from input units and converting the unprocessed input data into a machine-readable
format, making it easy for the computer to carry out the processing activities. It is made of three
different units: the Memory Unit, the Control Unit, and the Arithmetic & Logical Unit.

Memory Unit: This Unit is used for numerous purposes like storing the data received from diverse input
devices, providing the necessary space for handling the computational activities, caching the previous
calculations, reserving space for upcoming activities, buffering the temporary information, etc.

Control Unit: This is the most intricate unit in the processing component of the computer system, which
accepts the raw data from the input components, and carries out the activities in a controlled format, in
accordance with the directions provided by the computer operators. This is another unit of hardware
module located inside the central processing unit.

Arithmetic & Logical Unit: The Arithmetic & Logical Unit plays a significant role in the workings of the
computer device, where the relevant operations and logical functions are concluded. This unit works in
collaboration with other units, like any other component in the computer system, by using the input
information from the input unit and the memory/ control units to perform various jobs to achieve a
flawless end result.

3. Output Unit

The Output Unit, similar to the input unit, is designed only for the sole purpose of interacting with the
computer system user. It is usually used to give the processed results to the user based on the input
provided. The devices that handle the output processing should be capable of delivering any type of
data or a combination of data types on their display units, including text, numbers, images, audio, video,
gifs, etc.

Here are the few commonly used output devices,

Monitors: The computer monitors are responsible for displaying the results received after processing
and completing all the operations in the central processing unit. The technology in designing the display
devices has evolved from monochrome monitors to colored monitors to the latest LED/LCDs.

Printers: Printers are another output device, similar to monitors, but the difference is that the output
data received are produced into hard copies. The performance standards of the printer device are
qualified based on the processing speed, the printing resolution, the processing memory capacity,
printing color feature, etc.

Speaker: Speakers are used for obtaining the audio formatted output data, which comes with various
extensions like.MP3, MPEG, .WMA, etc. This device aids in sending out audible alerts to the user,
accessing the data with music or audio, communication systems, etc.


Computer components are the crucial parts of the computer system, which serves their functions
independently and by complementing other components inside the system. A computer system cannot
perform to the fullest as a complete efficient & performing device unless all these components are
working without any glitches.

Computer software is a set of instructions or programs instructing the computer to do specific tasks.
Software is basically a generic term used to describe computer programs. In general, scripts,
applications, programs and a set of instructions are all terms often used to describe a software.

On the basis of language in which software is developed and platform which is required for its execution,
we can group different types of software into two categories: System Software and Application
Software. Read through this article to find out more about System Software and Application Software
and how they are different from each other.

What is a System Software?

Those computer software that control and monitor the computer hardware and provide essential
functionality to the computer are called system software. Therefore, system software are essential parts
of a computer, which means a computer cannot perform its functions without system software. System
software are entirely responsible for creating an interface between the computer’s user and computer

System software are the system-side computer programs that are required for the working of the
computer itself, although the user of the computer does not need to know about the functionality of
system software while using the computer. Examples of system software include: operating systems,
device drivers, language processors, etc.

What is an Application Software?

A computer software which is developed to perform a specific function is known as an application

software. Application software are also called end-user software because they are designed to use by
users of the computer.

An application software may be a set of computer programs or a single computer program. These
software provide the required functionality for a specific purpose. Thus, a computer user uses these
software to accomplish a specific task.
The different types of application software can be developed to accomplish different tasks such as word
processing, playing multimedia files, database applications, spreadsheets, accounting, graphic designing,
etc. The most common examples of application software are: MS-Word, Excel, PowerPoint, browsers,
video editors, etc.

Difference between System Software and Application Software

Both system software and application software are essentially required for using the computer. But they
are completely different from each other in many aspects like programing languages, purposes,
development processes, etc. The important differences between a system software and an application
software are listed in the following table −

Parameter System Software Application Software

Definition System Software is the type of software which is the interface between application
software and system. Application Software is the type of software which runs as per user request. It
runs on the platform which is provide by system software.

Development Language In general, System software are developed using low-level language which is
more compatible with the system hardware in order to interact with. In case of Application software,
high level language is used for their development as they are developed as some specific purpose

Necessity System software are essential for operating the computer hardware. Without these
software, a computer even may not start or function properly. Application software are not essential
for the operation of the computer. These are installed as per the user’s requirements.

Usage System software is used for operating computer hardware. Application software is used by
user to perform specific task.

Installation System software are installed on the computer when operating system is installed.
Application software are installed according to user’s requirements.

User interaction System software are specific to system hardware, so less or no user interaction
available in case of system software. Users can interact with an application software with the help of
a User Interface (UI).

Dependency System software can run independently. It provides platform for running application
software. An application software cannot run independently. It cannot run without the presence
of system software.
Examples Examples of system software include operating systems, compilers, assemblers,
debuggers, drivers, etc. Examples of application software include word processors, web browsers,
media players, etc.


The most significant difference between a system software and an application software is that a system
software operates on the machine-side and is essential for operating the computer hardware, while an
application software operates on the user-side and performs a specific task as per the user’s

Application software that assist OS in carrying out certain specialized tasks are called utility software. Let
us look some of the most popular utility software.


A virus can be defined as a malicious program that attaches itself to a host program and makes multiple
copies of itself, slowing down, corrupting or destroying the system. A software that assists the OS in
providing virus free environment to the users is called antivirus. An anti-virus scans the system for any
virus and if detected, gets rid of it by deleting or isolating it. It can detect many types of virus like boot
virus, Trojan, worm, spyware, etc.

When any external storage device like USB drive is attached to the system, anti-virus software scans it
and gives an alert if a virus is detected. You can set up your system for periodic scans or scan whenever
you feel the need. A combination of both the techniques is advisable to keep your system virus free.

File management tools

As you know, file management is an important function of operating systems as all data and instructions
are stored in the computer in form of files. Utility software providing regular file management tasks like
browse, search, update, preview, etc. are called file management tools. Windows Explorer in Windows
OS, Google desktop, Directory Opus, Double Commander, etc. are examples of such tools.

Compression tools
Storage space is always at a premium in computer systems. So operating systems are always looking at
ways to minimize amount of storage space taken by files. Compression tools are utilities that assist
operating systems in shortening files so that they take less space. After compression files are stored in a
different format and cannot be read or edited directly. It needs to be uncompressed before it can be
accessed for further use. Some of the popular compression tools are WinRAR, PeaZip, The Unarchiver,

Disk Cleanup

Disk cleanup tools assist users in freeing up disk space. The software scans hard disks to find files that
are no longer used and frees up space by deleting them.

Disk Defragmenter

Disk defragmenter is a disk management utility that increases file access speeds by rearranging
fragmented files on contiguous locations. Large files are broken down into fragments and may be stores
in non-contiguous locations if contiguous ones are not available. When such files are accessed by the
user, access speed is slow due to fragmentation. Disk defragmenter utility scans the hard disk and tries
to assemble file fragments so that they may be stored in contiguous locations.


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