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Merry Christmas Alliance!

By Lucus Louize

This year has been extremely difficult for me. Members of my family, my friends, the
undercover “Confederation” operatives all turned out to be undercover Omegans. The
undercover Omegans operatives pretending to be undercover ‘Confederation’ operatives
would break promises in order discredit the real Confederation. My ‘family’ and ‘friends’
are undercover Omegans that I believe used the soul transfer machine to be born here on
Earth to carry out their missions. Once they die I believe they use the soul transfer
machine once again to transfer their souls into a new body in their bases.

Compounding the situation is it seems to me the real Confederation isn’t doing anything
about it. Being one of the groups of Angels I would think that it would be a good
opportunity for the Confederation to help out their supporters like myself but it seems
they may not be interested. To make things worse I am having ill health effects from my
chronic disease while I am battling undercover Omegans including family in what I call
the Subtle 3rd Aspect of the conflict on a daily basis.

Rest assured my situation is not unique. This is the standard story for most targeted
individuals who are harassed and gangstalked by the undercover Omegans who are trying
to control the targeted individuals life like a parasite controls its host in the Subtle 3rd

The Omegans have total control of the 3rd Aspect Social Control form of control of my
life and other TI’s as well. I wish the Confederation would help prevent the Omegans
from having these forms of social control.

However as Master KALEN-LI RETAN has stated the positive must prevail. In my view
the system God has helped me create is the D-U-E System which is a subsystem of the
Mathew 23:23 System and a version of the M-T-C cycle and it really does work in my
humble opinion.

Also the Alliance brothers have actually helped one of my dreams to come true! I
remember reading the articles on the excellent TerraKor Files site titled ‘In the
Beginning- 1960’s Contacts’.

I remember reading those awesome articles and knowing what I knew at the time the
message the Alliance was giving was that they were taking positions of influence all over
Earth in government, scientific, and other areas then gradually revealing themselves. This
was before they knew the presence of Omegans on Earth.
Reading those excellent articles by brother Bob, I remember wishing Earth would be in a
situations where the Alliance could slowly gradually reveal themselves as stated in their
messages to brother Bob at that time.

Thanks to the Alliance, my dream has come true! Since 2013 the Omegans while still
around, are no longer a serious threat regarding their main program. Please see the article
‘Arkay Questions and Answers 2013-10-16’ from the excellent TerraKor Files site.

Since 2017 the Alliance program went more public and we can see the results since then.
In the past 6 years we have seen the passing of UAP laws, major news media like News
Nation and The Hill promoting the subject of UAP in credible ways, credible scientists,
Congress, military, and other groups taking the subject seriously. I believe the goal is for
the UAP subject to be taken seriously so the Alliance can come openly to Earth and
remove the Omegan parasites completely.

Around 2017 when I was talking with brother Bob on one of the message boards I also
became aware the Alliance was taking part in the UAP movement mostly behind the
scenes. Who the undercover Alliance is I will never reveal. I am eternally grateful for
such humble friends for their service and friendship. However people don’t need to
believe me, just read ‘between the lines’ of the news of the day as brother Bob would say.
Please see the article ‘An Overview of the Omegan Situation: Section 2 From Letters To
Gabriel Green 2-25-1986’

It’s such an honor to be friends with brother Bob and the Alliance brothers since I am a
no one. I’m just an anarcho-punk who dresses in studded punk jackets with anarchist
punk band patches. (The market socialist form of anarchism of Benjamin Tucker is very
similar to the Alliance Universal Economics system)

Unlike the Omegans, the Alliance do not break promises. Earth people can trust the

Thank you Alliance seriously Thank You. The Omegans have so infested my life I would
be lost without your group.

Oh, also if any Alliance operatives are interested and see this may I humbly make a
request? Can you please send this message to brother Bob if you have the time and are
not busy? My message is:

“Hello brother Bob, I don’t wish to intrude, I am just wishing you an utmost happy life
with your wife and true peace. Happy Xmas brother and I am hoping you have much
success with your life on Korendor and in every future life as well. Nick from Earth.”
Once again thank you Alliance brothers for your heroic sacrifices on Earth in the conflict
with the Omegans and merry Xmas to the ladies and gentlemen (especially brother
Arkay) of Project Terra and also Sector Command.

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