Deep, Dark Secrets of Melatonin in Animal Evolution

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Deep, Dark Secrets of Melatonin

in Animal Evolution
Klaske J. Schippers1 and Scott A. Nichols1,*
1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Denver, Denver, CO 80208, USA


Tosches et al. show that melatonin signaling regulates circadian swimming in annelid worms by
rhythmically activating cholinergic neurons. This suggests an evolutionary connection between
melatonin signaling in invertebrates and sleep regulation in vertebrates.

Francois Jacob famously described evolu- To test this hypothesis, the first order of cholinergic neurons appear to control
tion as a ‘‘tinkerer’’ that periodically mod- business was to determine the cellular ciliary behavior, but can any of them
ifies organismal traits, with no long-term location of melatonin production in the respond to melatonin signaling? The au-
plan (Jacob, 1977). This tinkering can Platynereis trochophore. Expression of thors homed in on ventral cholinergic neu-
lead to some rather surprising results hiomt, a melatonin synthesis marker, was rons as candidate melatonin-responsive
over time. For example, melatonin is best detected in dorsomedial cells of the larval neurons, as they expressed both the Platy-
known as a neurohormone that regulates brain and colocalized with expression nereis melatonin receptor MNTR and the
sleep and seasonal behavior in vertebrates of phototransduction (such as opsins cholinergic marker ChAT. By imaging
(Dollins et al., 1994; Zhdanova et al., 2001), and CNG) and circadian clock (such as larvae expressing the GCaMP calcium in-
but it is present in nearly all life forms and L-cry and vrille) genes. Additionally, genes dicator, they showed that melatonin
its function as a cellular protectant against involved in the melatonin synthesis/degra- administered in the daytime enhanced
free radicals and oxidation extends back dation pathway were upregulated specif- neuronal activity in the center of the ventral
3.6 billion years (Tan et al., 1993). How ically at night, indicating that melatonin cholinergic neuron cluster. Additionally,
did a simple antioxidant molecule evolve signaling in the Platynereis larval brain is melatonin induced a sustained rhythmic
a complex signaling function in regulating controlled by light and/or the circadian activity pattern, which could be sup-
neuronal sleep circuits? In this issue of clock. pressed by adding the melatonin receptor
Cell, Tosches and colleagues (Tosches If the function of melatonin signaling in antagonist luzindale. This sustained rhyth-
et al., 2014) report an unexpected function the Platynereis trochophore relates to mic neuronal activity mirrors the neuronal
for melatonin signaling in the annelid DVM behavior, then ciliary swimming activity patterns of these same neurons
worm, Platynereis dumerilii, that suggests should vary over the course of a day and under normal conditions at night. Normal
mechanistic and evolutionary connections should be regulated by melatonin levels. activity could also be curtailed by luzindale
between melatonin signaling in inverte- To investigate this, the authors measured treatment, indicating a role for endoge-
brates and its role in regulating vertebrate the ciliary activity of larvae during the day nous melatonin in this process.
sleep. and night. Although ciliary beating fre- Given the widespread distribution of
Sleep is a well-known circadian be- quency did not change, ciliary arrest dura- DVM behavior across the animal phyloge-
havior, but most invertebrates and some tion did significantly increase at night. netic tree, this study has potentially far-
fishes exhibit another behavior known as Moreover, nighttime treatment of larvae reaching evolutionary implications and
diel vertical migration (DVM), in which with luzindole, a melatonin receptor antag- suggests that regulation of ciliary swim-
they rise to the surface of lakes and onist, dramatically decreased ciliary arrest ming may be an ancestral role for mela-
oceans during the night and sink to the time, whereas melatonin treatment during tonin signaling among animals (Figure 1).
depths during the day. In some cases, the day increased ciliary arrest time. These However, one future imperative will be to
DVM is governed by muscle-powered findings support the idea that melatonin examine other invertebrates to determine
swimming, but in most invertebrate larvae, signaling plays a role in regulating ciliary the extent to which generalizations can
it is controlled by ciliary beating. It has arrest and thus ciliary swimming behavior. be made. In particular, further study of
been proposed that DVM evolved in con- But what is the mechanism that drives key taxa at the base of the animal phylog-
cert with the animal circadian clock as ciliary arrest? To answer this question, eny will be necessary, with special atten-
a way to avoid damaging UV irradiation. the authors examined the relationship tion to: (1) sponges, for which neither
Tosches and colleagues therefore hypoth- between cholinergic neuronal activity and melatonin signaling nor circadian rhythms
esized that melatonin, which is oxidized by the control of ciliary arrest. They found have been clearly demonstrated, (2) placo-
light, might regulate diurnal patterns of that activation of cholinergic neurons zoans, which have melatonin receptors
ciliary swimming associated with DVM in increased ciliary arrest duration, whereas (Feuda et al., 2012) but lack neurons
the Platynereis trochophore larva. inhibiting their activity reduced it. So altogether, and (3) ctenophores, which

Cell 159, September 25, 2014 ª2014 Elsevier Inc. 9

information by rhythmic burst firing of
thalamic relay neurons in mammals dur-
ing sleep (McCormick and Feeser, 1990).
If these parallels are indeed correct, then
melatonin signaling may offer one of the
most elegant and unlikely new examples
of how the diversity of modern animals,
in form, physiology, and behavior, is
the products of endless evolutionary


Dollins, A.B., Zhdanova, I.V., Wurtman, R.J.,

Lynch, H.J., and Deng, M.H. (1994). Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA 91, 1824–1828.
Feuda, R., Hamilton, S.C., McInerney, J.O., and Pi-
Figure 1. Evolution of Melatonin Signaling in Animals sani, D. (2012). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109,
Melatonin is present in all animal lineages. Its proposed primary biological function is as an antioxidant that 18868–18872.
protects cells against toxic free radical damage (in red). During the evolution of animals, melatonin has
Jacob, F. (1977). Science 196, 1161–1166.
acquired additional biological functions. In vertebrates, the conserved function of melatonin is the regu-
lation of sleep (in orange). However, melatonin receptors essential for circadian clock entrainment (green) McCormick, D.A., and Feeser, H.R. (1990). Neuro-
are present in all animals except sponges, suggesting an unknown signaling role in invertebrates. Using an science 39, 103–113.
invertebrate model (the Platynereis worm), Tosches and colleagues show that melatonin signaling controls
Moroz, L.L., Kocot, K.M., Citarella, M.R., Dosung,
neuronal activity regulating ciliary swimming, linking the control of diel vertical migration (in blue) of
zooplankton to the origin of animal circadian rhythms. Moreover, they provide a plausible mechanistic S., Norekian, T.P., Povolotskaya, I.S., Grigorenko,
explanation for how the role of melatonin signaling in vertebrate sleep may have evolved directly from an A.P., Dailey, C., Berezikov, E., Buckley, K.M.,
ancestral role in ciliary swimming (dashed line). et al. (2014). Nature 510, 109–114.
Randel, N., Asadulina, A., Bezares-Calderon, L.A.,
Veraszto, C., Williams, E.A., Conzelmann, M., Sha-
undergo DVM but have been argued to suggests that the neurons that regulate hidi, R., and Jekely, G. (2014). Elife. Published on-
have independently evolved neurons in ciliary swimming are capable of receiving line May 27, 2014.
parallel with other animals (Moroz et al., alternative inputs—from visual systems, 02730.
2014). for example (Randel et al., 2014). If mela- Tan, D.X., Chen, L.D., Poeggeler, B., Manchester,
Nonetheless, an exciting implication of tonin signaling saturates the activity of L.C., and Reiter, R.J. (1993). Endocr. J. 1, 57–60.
the present study is the proposed con- these neurons, it is plausible that other Tosches, M.A., Bucher, D., Vopalensky, P., and
nection between ciliary swimming in the sensory inputs cannot be processed. Arendt, D. (2014). Cell 159, this issue, 46–57.
Platynereis trochophore and the mecha- The authors draw parallels between this Zhdanova, I.V., Wang, S.Y., Leclair, O.U., and Dan-
nisms of vertebrate sleep. Some evidence scenario and the filtering of sensory ilova, N.P. (2001). Brain Res. 903, 263–268.

10 Cell 159, September 25, 2014 ª2014 Elsevier Inc.

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