Shamanism in Mongolia (File) - Horseback Mongolia

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Le chamanisme en Mongolie (dossier) - Horseback


Jul 04, 2019

shamanism is neither a religion nor a way of life. It is a set of beliefs dictated by
aholistic and animist conception of the world. Present in Mongolia since the dawn
of time, shamanism aims to find the balance between man and nature.
'environment in which he lives. Since it is not easy to explain, we tend to see
shamanism as a form of witchcraft. However, shamans have unsuspected powers
which you will be amazed by if you go to meet them! Definition and origins of
shamanism, shamanism and Buddhism, roles and a> a>.shamanism in Mongolia…
We explain everything about shaman rituals

1. What is shamanism?
Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual practices in the world. It is not based on
faith in a god but rather on animism, that is to say, a belief that attributes a soul and
a spirit to all living beings < /span>, the world of purgatory, the world of waters and
the world of the guardians of nature. and all the elements that make up nature. In
this sense, shamanism correlates several worlds: that which is visible and
perceptible and those which we do not see, namely the world of spirits

There are no doctrines or holy scriptures in shamanism. On the other hand,

shamans practice a certain number of rituals (see part 7) to enter into contact with
the entities superiorsas well as the spirits. This can concern the souls of animals,
the dead and ancestors of the people, the souls of the sick to be healed or of
unborn children…

2. Origins of shamanism
Shamanism has its origins in Siberia and more precisely in the mountains of Altai<
/span>. , influenced by Tibetan Buddhism (see part 3) or even black or white
shamanismyellow shamanism also includes other forms such as Mongol
shamanism, founder of the Mongol Empire. But Genghis Khan issue ancient Turkish
religions. This form of shamanism was popularized in Mongolia through
polytheistic animist shamanism, a form of Tengrism century. The Mongols mainly
practicedth in the 13official religion of the Mongol Empire. It was even
proclaimedthe oldest belief of the people, shamanism is Mongolia. In Tungusic
tribe with the

Over time, Mongol shamanism has never ceased to confront the Buddhist
movements. Not to mention the arrival of communism which had traditions and
religions in its sights. Thus, until 1995, shamans who practiced their rituals were
liable to prison. It was only at the end of communism that shamanism found its rise
and continued to develop under several influences by espousing other doctrines
and religions.

Today, shamanism continues to be practiced in Mongolia and it is found mainly in

the daily life of ethnic groups like Darkhads, Buryat Khotgoid, Uriankhais and
Tsaatans . Shamanism is also practiced by many peoples all over the world, from
Asia to Africa, including America and Australia!
3. Shamanism and Buddhism
Both competing and complementary, shamanism and Buddhism have succeeded
each other more than once in Mongolia. And although Buddhism is the official
religion today, it has not always been obvious to the population. Indeed, common
people have long followed ancestral shamanist practices for a long time, even when
Buddhism was a state religion. So much so that a form of Buddhist-influenced
shamanism was created. This is yellow shamanism! This refers to the yellow caps
(Gelugpa) of Tibetan Buddhism and is therefore inspired by Buddhist practices. This
type of shamanism is still practiced today by the Khalkha Mongols
( (

4. Who are the shamans?

The shamans are men or women who have been chosen by the spirits. Becoming a
shaman cannot be learned and no one can teach it. For the shaman, shamanism is
not a lifestyle choice, it is a gift given by nature to ensure a certain harmony
between man and the world. a i=8>. This is why the shaman cannot turn away from
his missions and must take his role very seriously.curative powers or by hereditary
transmission for their

5. Shaman's disease
As we told you, you don't become a shaman, you are born a shaman. The selection
of the shaman is carried out by a process known as “the touch of the spirit a>. The
symptoms are described as conventional and more or less expected and
provoked.initiatory disease”. To discover his powers, the shaman must know and
face the

During the ceremony, the individual enters a trance. If he faints, this indicates his
entry into the world of shamanism. It is at this moment that the ancestors take the
soul of the future shaman so that he can be instructed. The shaman's illness can
last a few days or even several years. It is customary to believe that if the candidate
designated by the spirits does not become a shaman after going through this
initiatory illness, he risks dying. This shows the extent to which it plays a
determining role within the Mongol people of shamanic belief...
6. The role of shamans
In Mongolia, they are nicknamed the torchbearers because they are the
intermediaries between the humans and other worlds. But beyond this function,
shamans play a very important role in the social functioning of a people, a
community or a society . They are guides and spiritual masters, healers and that
everyone listens to and respects on a daily basis. They are the ones who will heal
the body and soul, name children, accompany the souls of the dead, communicate
with nature to bring rain or game…protectors

Of course, rituals depend from one region to another and all shamans can personalize them. In
order to communicate with spirits, they can practice various forms of rituals to enter a trance.
Most of the time, it is a rhythmic dance to drum beats. Others sing and some consume alcohol,
weed and other hallucinogenic plants during the ritual to open perceptions. The drum journey is
characteristic of North Asian shamanism. Thus, Mongol shamans use the drum to reach the
state of trance. It is not for nothing that in the Evenki language (Tungusic language of Mongolia),
the word shama translates as “to dance, to move, to move, to jump”…7. The Shaman’s Trance
To communicate with the spirits, the shaman must reach an modified state of
consciousness. In other words, the shaman must put himself in a particular
psycho-physiological state which, through ecstasy, allows him to cross the limits of
rational consciousness and thus communicatewith other worlds. Most of the time,
the trance state is represented by a bodily expression whose tremors are evocative
of the presence of spirit(s) in the body of the shaman.

The tools used to enter a trance are numerous. In Mongolia, the drum is a sacred
object since it is which allows the shaman to come into contact with the spirits.
Moreover, the shamanic drum is considered a Mongolian national treasure . It is
strictly forbidden to leave the ground with this object of great symbolic value.
Besides the drum, the shaman has other accessories such as thejaw harp, amirror ,
pebbles (41 in number) or even small fabric dolls a>.

When a shaman enters a trance, the spirits manifest. We often hear that the latter take the form
of wild animals such as the wolf, the owl, the bear... An intimate conversation then takes place
between the shaman and the spirits . The shaman may offer offerings to the spirits they
encounter and when the ritual ends, he takes care to share the spirits' messages and answers to
the people's questions. During atrance state, the shaman suffers aloss of the notion of space
and time . He hasvisions and can experience adecreased perception of pain and conversely, an
increase in physical forces. A trance can be so violent that the shaman must be accompanied by
an assistant who intervenes when needed.Meet the shamans
To discover the secrets andmysteries of shamanic rituals, there is nothing like an
immersion within the Mongol tribes. Take advantage of atrip to Mongolia to meet
certain people with shamanic beliefs. You can stay in the steppes < a i=9> in
the company of a shaman and his assistant who will teach you the rituals and
introduce you to (
steppe)shamanist meditation. For a timeless adventure, ride the taiga to reach the
camps of the Tsaatans
( and discover their
shamanist traditions.

And if shamanism interests you, don't miss the Shamanism Festival -shamanism-in-mongolia
( which
takes place every year in Mongolia in June or September. This event brings together
shamans from all over the world who come to share their knowledge and their

One thing is certain, if you meet a true shaman, you will be forever marked by this
experience...Florine Dergelet

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