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EnCompass is proud of its accomplishments over the past years, and we fully share this success with every
consultant who has been a part of our Global Consultant Network. You are the face and spirit of our
organization to our clients, who are the beneficiaries of our services and programs. At the end of the day,
it is the quality of your work, your caring, and your deep competency that distinguishes the work of
EnCompass and makes a difference in the world. We feel a strong commitment to you and will strive to
honor and respect our collaboration with you. Together we deliver outstanding quality and exceptional
customer service to our clients.

Given EnCompass’ extensive Global Consultant Network, it is important to codify the values, principles
and practices that make our mutual success possible. In that spirit, we have outlined some guidelines for
EnCompass consultants. We thank you for your contributions and look forward to our continued
collaboration and success. We are here to support you in any way we can. Please let us know how we can
assist you!

Our requests of you:


 Please always bring to our attention any ideas or concerns you may have that affect quality and
responsiveness. We welcome honest and transparent feedback.
 Please complete all fee vouchers and expense request forms in a timely and accurate way.


 If you are assigned an EnCompass email address, it should be used for ALL EnCompass-related
correspondence – e.g., with EnCompass staff, other EnCompass consultants, partner organizations
and especially in interactions with EnCompass clients.
 Email Signature - please set up your EnCompass email account to include your EnCompass email
address and generate emails from this account (if you are assigned an EnCompass email address).
EnCompass will provide assistance in setting up this account. Please also create a signature block
that indicates you are an EnCompass consultant, e.g.,

Consultant Name
EnCompass LLC
1451 Rockville Pike, Suite 600
Rockville, MD 20852
Your office phone number
Your mobile number
 Please do not use your business name or personal email addresses (if you are assigned an
EnCompass email address) or signature block/contact info in any correspondence on an
EnCompass assignment.
 Business Cards - if you are given EnCompass business cards (either your own or your supervisor’s
card) please use them exclusively on any EnCompass projects. You may present your EnCompass
email address (if you are assigned an EnCompass email address) and your preferred phone
number, in addition to the headquarters contact information.


 Your EnCompass Project Manager is your primary and direct point of contact for any work,
program design or delivery-related questions or concerns.
 As a consultant, you are not authorized to negotiate any verbal or written agreements on behalf
of EnCompass, whether or not a fee is involved. If you have an interest in presenting an idea or
offering a service to an EnCompass client, please discuss this with your Program or Project
Manager, who will (if appropriate) negotiate any work with the client.
 As a consultant, you are not permitted to contract your private business services directly to the
client during the period of your contract with EnCompass LLC.


Please protect and do not share or utilize for other business purposes any EnCompass property including
equipment, office supplies, information systems, product designs, confidential information and/or funds.


At no time will a relative, or a person that you are intimately involved with, be allowed to be in a position
of personnel decision-making authority (either directly or indirectly) over you. Relatives under this policy
include spouse, domestic partner, parents (including grand-, step-, foster-, and in-laws) brothers and
sisters (including step-, foster-, and in-laws), children (including grand-, step-, and foster-), aunts, uncles,
nieces, nephews, and cousins.

The existence of an intimate personal relationship between an employee and the consultant in which
he/she has direct or indirect personnel decision-making authority over the consultant is not allowed. This
situation will require the transfer of supervision of the consultant to another appropriate supervisor;
transfer to another project, department, or business unit; or the termination of the business relationship
with the Company.


Please dress appropriately and in line with the client’s culture. If in doubt, please ask your Program
Manager and/or dress more formally, at least on the first day of an engagement until you can assess the
appropriate dress.


 We value an inclusive environment that accepts diversity in people and perspective. We have a
policy of zero tolerance for discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment.
 Drug and alcohol abuse is not acceptable. EnCompass will take into account common practices in
countries where moderate consumption of alcohol (e.g., accompanying a meal) is common
practice. All consultants are held accountable for ensuring that their performance and judgment
are unimpaired during working hours.
 EnCompass is firmly committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace. As an agent of the
Company, you are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, distribution,
dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance in the workplace and/or while officially
representing the Company. Violation of this policy will result in the termination of your business
relationship with the Company or require you to participate in an approved drug abuse assistance
or rehabilitation program.
 You must notify the Company immediately (and in no event more than five (5) business days after
conviction (or plea of guilty or no contest) on a charge under any criminal statue involving the
manufacture, distribution, dispensation, use or possession of any controlled substance in the
workplace or while representing the Company.
 Compliance with this policy is a condition of appointment with the Company as an organization
receiving Federal grants and contracts.
 As a U.S. federal government contractor, EnCompass complies with Federal Acquisition Regulation
(FAR) Part 52.203-13 and subpart 3.10. Please refer to the FAR website
( for full details.


 Our business transactions with clients should always be free from even the perception that
favorable treatment was sought, received or offered as a result of gifts, favors, hospitality,
entertainment, including but not limited to tickets, fees, passes to sporting or cultural events,
lodging, meals, door prizes and/or other items of value.
 Modest refreshments offered on an occasional basis in conjunction with business activities are
acceptable. If you deal with representatives of a particular federal agency, you are responsible for
complying with that agency’s standards of conduct.

Leonel Edgardo Vásquez López

Name Signature


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