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Marketing campaign ideas-

1. Influencer collaboration- sponsored posts, reviews and giveaways

2. User generated content- contest or hashtag campaign where users can share photos and videos
wearing our shoes. Will post on our social media pages and they can win exciting offers.

3. Seasonal promotions- Offer limited-edition shoe designs, special discounts, or bundle deals during
festive seasons like Christmas, New Year, or summer.

4. Social Media Challenges: For ex, a dance challenge or a styling challenge where participants
showcase our footwear. Encourage participants to tag our brand and we can use a specific hashtag to
generate buzz and increase engagement. (can be done in college fests)

5. Fundraising event or collaborate with NGOs- relate our brand with eco friendliness and
sustainable. Shoe donation campaign.

6. Storytelling campaign- a week where we post only about our idea, vision values etc to develop a
narrative around our brand.

7. sneak peek pre-launch campaign- for our new product range

8. Virtual styling sessions- live sessions where a fashion expert provides tips on how to style our
footwear with different outfits. Special discounts during session to drive sales.

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