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Mock Test for Send Up 9th English

Objective Marks 19
(A) . Choose Correct form of verb (5)
1. She _______________ any noise.
a) does not hear b) had not heard c) did not hear d) was not hearing
2. They _______________ their meal before the guests arrived.
a) had taken b) took c) had been taking d) was taking
3. I did not listen when you_______________ .
a) talked b) were talking c) have taled d) were talking
4. How long ago did you_______________ here?.
a) come b) have come c) coming d) came
5. She __________________for a car for months when she found one at a reasonable price.
a) looked b) was looking c) had been looking d) had looked
( B ) Choose words with correct spellings (4)
6. a) fantacy b) fantecy c) fantesy d) fantasy
7. a) embarased b) embarrsed c) embarrassed d) embarassed
8. a) piercing b) peircing c) piericing d) peiricing
9. a) nausiance b) nuisance c) nauisance d) nuasince
(C) Choose choose synonym/Antonyms of underlined words (5)
10. The meaning of expedite is:
a) exhibition b) exponent c) speed up d) huge
11. All become irritants from time to time
a) relevant b) irresponsible c) barrier d) annoying
12. The synonym of curative is
a) derivative b) healing c) forbidden d) effective
13. The antonym of satisfied is
a) imsatisfied b) insatisfied c) non-satisfied d) dissatisfied
14. The opposite of downy is
a) hard b) above c) shallow d) deep
(D) Choose correct option according to the grammar (5)
15. He is a man without a friend. The underlined phrase is
a). Noun b) Adjective c)Adverb d) Conjunction
16. The umbrella which has a broken handle is mine. The underlined clause is
a). Noun b) Adjective c)Adverb d) Conjunction
17. You can put it where you like. The underlined transitional clause is used for
a). emphasis b) exemplification c) comparison d) addition
18. Harris is back from work so he must take rest. The underlined clause is
a). subordinating b) noun c) dependent d) independent
19. He was very pleased that you have passed. The underlined clause is adverbial clause of:
a). place b) time c) manner d) reason

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