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And we provided integrated services for example in transport and infrastructure property

buildings energy environments sustainable development and so on and that is a multinational

corporation with more than 68,000 employees worldwide for example in Africa in the US in Asia
in Australia and so on and in Asia we have more than 3000 employees with 12 offices for
example in the mainland China in Singapore Thailand Korea Taiwan etcetera and Hong Kong is
the headquarters number is beating Asia with around 1500 employees so not sure if you have
any ideas another another question not sure if you have any ideas about the engineering news
record ranking and it's actually a rank globally every year measured by their gross revenue in
their engineering construction industry and this year 2023 in terms of setup servers peak global
rendered the number one in both transportation and building and regionally we rented number
six in Asia number two in Europe and number one in the US and Australia so here comes a
question with a special prize from us trying to guess what's our rank for the RP global in the top
225 international design firm just based on the information I shared about if feel free to raise
your hand if you would like to throw a wild guess and you would be given a special prize from us
if you got answer correctly #8 how how do you come up with this answer just guessing OK
thank you very young alright alright still you would be given a special was so with the where was
it number two just space on some calculation right I guess yeah I think so yeah OK OK again
because we measured this ranging by our our gross revenue so even if somebody named here
ranked number six maybe we have a very outstanding growth revenue in US Australia and
Europe so here comes the answer we render the number I'm so proud to hear that we raised it
there will be global rented the number one in the top 225 international design firms and this is
our third year to three consecutive years to shift this ranking and I'm looking forward to have
you joining us next year to win the 4th one all right so I guess you should be having some basic
ideas about who we are what we are doing and then how we do in terms of growth revenue so I
am now going to invite some of our business lines to share with you some very high level
direction of diversity and then we'll be having some young engineers to share with you some
very down to earth information that you may find interesting as well so with no further ado how
about having our first speaker managing director of transport infrastructure in Asia thank you
thank you I'm very glad to join the oh sorry to be shiny yeah I I'm very glad to give my sharing
today because just like Paris said that we are number one in the in amongst the in the group so
we are quite exciting to sharing about what is our normal life working that's why and how we
can strike forward the number one in in globally so indeed we are quite different just a typical
engineer but we future thing yes so this is the way how we present ourselves and how we do
ourselves this is very important because we don't look like an engineer because what we are
thinking in our head or our delivery is quite you know future ready so are we trying to grow our
engineer those mindset So what is future ready so on future ready is the way on how we think
ahead not following about the corporate practice currency but OK I'll a little bit living now and
then to cater our design in the future so this is very important because nowadays you
understand that we have lot lots of you know infrastructure which is lasting 400 years so this
this mean that we can't just you know keeping the design as of the day of the construction but
we need to think about the after the the implementation yeah the commissioning of the just
maybe so it will last 100 years So what will future in the 100 year be so are we trying to let our
design to be capable for the future so we set our betraying our engineer to get more
understanding about their design and to leave it up and talk to the client that they make better
noticing for a little bit more so that you can locate that for the future and it's so in indeed the
future rated trend actually we have a four major pillar one is the climate and the other one is
the society technology and the last thing is about the resources so we want the things on the
design including discount of trains so like on climate dividend we we fight for the net zero
because we want the building or the structure to be designed and to be used after the life cycle
it will be next 0 so for society we want some of these something to cater for the loneliness of
the elderly so this is very important as well indeed we will apply a lot of technology things for
our design doing in the process of the design and also about the after use of this of the building
structure so we're trying to you know utilize all those materials so that we treasure about the
resource in the in the so here is some in this project references we we we we will make a lot of
you know fire strategy or even the wider so we want this kind of design very capable for the
future here is also some of the main idea about what we have designed in global which is
already implemented in project so but this those are talking about the overseer one but we are
now recruiting people joining us in Hong Kong in column 1000 in so I want you to share with
you more about the Hong Kong projects so we have some projects in Hong Kong like the Q
designer sentence or the Chinese medical hospital so those are the infrastructure things are
what we are deciding now and also we do have some design for the the the course closing
facility automated car park so this is one of the very important the first car park which is totally
100% automation so once you drive in the car and then you left it and then and the GB will
deliver your account to the the place to the rack so now the rival touring is everywhere because
it used to be if you were driving or somewhere else you understand that we need a lots of space
for the top prize but nowadays because of the technology being so we help governments up
above the system architecture as well and how to implement about the free flow tolling so now
we try to push our transportation to be more you know free flow so talking about we also
develop about capability about the industrial and also the water infrastructure like we want to
we have three nation improvement work in the district the current one is the major one we are
focusing now is the wanting one so everyone knows you know last last Monday is a very chaotic
but this at least not the mask but we try to design a project in that month already because we
understand the situation in monetizing but because unfortunately because social it has not
been done yet and then yet the rainfall is already done but having said that we are helping
government to doing more climate changes design so that we and there's that we need a lot of
water reservoir to help to collect those kind of sudden rainfall remove so well just now I'm
talking about we are fostering about the rules and our engineer to be having more about the
digitalization things so we call it digital engineering so we say digital tearing so this is the way
how we force our engineer so we try to get full engineer to fully use alize about how to use the
design to transform it is more digital like this is not only talking about this but it's talking about
streamline about the process and also ensure the accuracy of the the deliverable so we focus a
lot of things like BIM and like robotic like those down of ICT things so this is the way how we try
to get all young engineer to embrace about no longer using pen pens or paper but everything in
the computer using the cloud I'm connecting with the IoT everything they can think of so we
can and we would encourage them to apply in the design yeah so so you you can see that this is
one of the project I would like to present to you guys because the top one is talking about a
small structure but indeed it's not only talking about BIM is more in there because we do a full
BIM for these these are finding project in Hong Kong we carry out all the rebar schedule into the
of the building structure so although this building is not very big later on you see that we have
we have demonstrated how to build it and we enhance about the constructability so that once
the contractor trying to do that but this is the rebar you can see that so indeed the contractor
when they tried to construct on site so the the conflict will be resolved because it's already
been done and carrying in the bit model so this kind of this civilization is one of the pioneer in
the industry as well on the on below at the bottom side actually we are set we have already
setting up our ilab in our offices we set up a lot of IO T devices so that you are we encourage our
engineer to do a you know the competition so this competition is to you know freefall for them
to think of how to utilize about those IoT devices as well as report 3 Tammy robot so they have
they they tried to encourage them to link up with the family as in and as well as the Lt. devices
so that I'm I'm calling can understand OK how to you know why the screen what the code thing
this is very important and very funny and we also during the course of the competition we
found that the engineer and not only focusing their own discipline but also they have you know
their passion to do some disorganization this is very important and this is what we encourage
them so the journey for like management like me so I also want always keep you know I'm
sharing with the team and and as well in the industry so this is one of the important things
because we encourage the most to sharing so we are very happy and open to share this is very
important because I mean in the old days when we do the engineering uh we just you know one
by one to to share or to to the technique but we would like to you know instead we would like
to know do some seminar do some online training so we want to our expertise or our technique
can be shared to the calling so this is the general engineering training set up from the
management so we want to pursue them so next time we will pass the stage to penny Choi so
he will be sharing with you more about the details thank you OK thank you thank you for
sharing this very impressive hello my name is penny Troy the Terminator in the building
structure and specialist in geotechnical in the coming 10 minutes I want to share the message to
you for your coming career path we got that this is the simple instruction of me in the career
similar to you after graduation I start my career in the consulting super to to keep to kick start
my my my my drink pop and under the skin may training Hong Kong ID and after that I got the
past exam and got my trader ship in 212 and three you laters and I have the chance to handle
be my first project here in China not in Hong Kong in that moment I have to go when when to
China to to to get the decide and communication meeting and and carry out the inspection
work and in the same year I'm also got the Hong Kong initial technical discipline application this
is one of the milestone in my career path and after that I I I have not only carried the design but
also carry out the culture management and have the chance to take a role in the seniority and
on in the development for the so-called and carry out the site management and 2020 and this is
my pleasure to to promote and say director Gray and also be a team leader in geotechnical
team he under building structures and this year this is my pleasure just keep on inviting me to
to to join the Hong Kong to being a YouTuber and then the carrier few minute and similar
presentation and I also got my LG qualification under building ordinance this career path
achievement is not easy but very good to me OK then you know me but I'm penny try and first
you may think why I'm chose that geotechnical and is it geotechnical only site formation works
look excavation uh most likely is geotechnical but not all you can see the left hand side there's
some there's still still framing structure in the EUR and we in the queue technical engineer we
also have to decide some structure and also in the same formation works there's some
temporary role and being a geotechnical engineer we also have to think about how the the the
site plan logistic can ramp up to to different people so not only in geotechnical and the first
message I want you to know is that finally you you will face more and discipline and work with
each other then not only one discipline finally you have to be all round engineer so and step
into the career path just to kick start and choose the consulting firm can let you know more and
why discipline for the left hand side this picture shows that it's a one of the AV development in
one time they say the structural engineer not only carry out the structural design foundation
something like that he he also have to facing about the ground model to think about all the
things in when the development in the hillside and the right hand side is the Hong Kong you
profitable project the engineer with civil and geotechnical discipline is also have to think about
how to diversion for the water mains before carrying out the cycle mission works so engineer
not only one discipline and the discipline just like for your kick start in the career and why I
chose the building structure this is the same nowadays that the building structures not only just
building building only it's also involved the evolve widening and some piloting and maybe some
little bit infrastructure like construction increase and this is all come from one building
development project in China so not only building structure it's combined OK uh is it you may
think about that is it there in the consultant firm is so boring or just face on the computer
carrier design uh this is some capture when I'm a junior staff in office I have to carry out some
yes to design computer modeling and sketching and some PIM something like that at that time I
had no I this is just sales and new generation FBI but I I want to let you know that I also have to
carry out design coordination phase to people and during the design development the second
message I want to deliver to you is that in the the cycle certainty from like the first P is not only
work in the design office we I also have to go out to the site for inspection and work with the
team to carry out the the the some IC checking and some services even not related to my
discipline just like that when I filled out the still trucks still just leaving is so impressive I also can
food the concerning from the perspective can carry out inspection to be improvement so the
second message I want to let you know is don't stay on the workstation let's go outside to meet
people to to to to listen more about the story outside other than only stay in the office OK uh
why WSB why you choose WSP and what different choice is that yes the future thinker a we we
in the present grew up together and we solved the problem together but they normally use the
old way to as a team to work together only we also think about how to tackle the the the
problem in smart way the the left hand side left corner hand side is the showing there's a
painting model why we have to penalize this because we have to explain to the client and also
the design checker that how our steel structure the 3D what will be future like and how to
construct it so our office to support us to pin out feeding model in few years previously we also
use this solution and also we also encourage our college to to find some innovative effort to
make our works do automation or more smart and for this example is a few years ago and we
already have some idea that is that when carrying out the structural design we have to build a
model and then you will with the the the architectures after that and then we put it in carry out
the the the drafting they use so many manpower and time to get really consistent joy so in the
past and we already have take these carry away a software say ET to carry out the structural
design and drafting in one goal just provide input and then carry out the design model and
drafting automatically then and that's our engineer to focus more in the how to value design
but not only focus on the drawing what we now are doing is that we are focused on not just a
BIMDVD model it's also think about how about related time cost the right top corner is that the
the Hong Kong you project is the model related to the time and the cost which how to manage
my the construction and also we also think about the new material how to make the
construction industry improvement the last message I want to let you know is when you come
to the you will be the future finger just what the example I've told before is that in the past
what we think about today what I'm facing the difficulty so we think I have that when you come
to the best you can't stand how to help the industry in the future is there any AI to facilitate our
design and also the construction and any more new material to low carbon more sustainability
OK this is my this is in the final just works as a team and come out the brisket OK and then I'm
just customized to there was senior the better from Oscar they do both

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