Fauzana 2023 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 1160 012046

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2nd Agrifood System International Conference (ASIC-2022) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1160 (2023) 012046 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1160/1/012046

The dosage of biopesticide formulation of local Metarhizium

anisopliae flour in compost(metankos) against Oryctes
rhinoceros L.

H Fauzana1, Nelvia1, R Rustam1, F Puspita1, R Feronica1

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Riau University
Jl. Bina Widya no 30 Simpang Baru District Tampan. Pekanbaru 28293
* E-mail: hafiz.fauzana@lecturer.unri.ac.id

Abstract. The Rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) is the main pest that causes severe
impacts on palm oil plantations. The technology for controlling O. rhinoceros is more focused
on utilizing the biological agent Metarhizium anisopliae, which is added to the compost called
Metankos. The study aimed to obtain the best dose of local M. anisopliae biopesticide flour
formulation on Metankos on mortality of O. rhinoceros larvae. The study was conducted
experimentally using a completely randomized design consisting of eight treatments with four
replications to obtain 32 experimental units. Each experimental unit consisted of 10 larvae of
O. rhinoceros instar II. The treatments used several doses of M. anisopliae flour formulation
with doses of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, and 210 g/5 kg compost/bucket. The result showed
that a 60 g/5 kg compost/bucket of the best compost mixed with a formulation of M. anisopliae
flour induced a 52.5% mortality rate for O. rhinoceros larvae.
Keywords: Elaeis guenensis L., Oryctes rhinoceros larvae, Metarhizium anisopliae, Bio

1. Introduction
Palm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is one of the agricultural commodities which has an important role
in Indonesia as the producer of oil, the most extensive vegetable [1]. Riau Province is the province
with the largest palm oil area in Indonesia, namely 2.71 million ha in 2018, and in 2019 the area of
palm oil plantations in Riau Province was estimated to increase to 2.82 million ha [2]. The increase in
palm oil plantations area causes an increase in palm oil empty fruit bunches (POEFB). POEFB are
waste from coconut plantations. According to [3], POEFB, available in large amounts, can be used to
make compost because it can improve the soil's physical, chemical, and biological properties. The
content of POEFB includes: from 42.8% C, 2.90% K2O, 0.80% N, 0.22% P2O5, 0.30% MgO, 10
ppm B, 23 ppm Cu, to 51 ppm Zn [4]. However, these POEFBs are still not utilized much, so they are
still piled up on dishes. The accumulation of POEFB could become the place for laying eggs for
Oryctes rhinoceros [5].
Oryctes rhinoceros is a major pest of palm oil plantations because it could cause death to the plant
if it attacks the growing point of palm oil. O. rhinoceros pest attacks palm oil plantations in the field
until 2.5 years by destroying the growing point and causing damage to young leaves [6]. The attack of
O. rhinoceros on a palm oil plantation in Riau Province reached 12384.85 Ha [7]. Its attack can
decrease yield by 69% at the first harvest and cause death as much as 25% on plants that have not yet
been produced [8]. Efforts can be sought to reduce the population of O. rhinoceros by utilizing

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2nd Agrifood System International Conference (ASIC-2022) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1160 (2023) 012046 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1160/1/012046

POEFB. POEFB can be applied to palm oil plants to improve their properties and increase soil
humidity so the needed composting for maximizing element nutrients on the ground can be obtained.
POEFB compost and mixture with saw powder with a ratio of 50 g: 50 g added by M. anisopliae
can increase the pathogenicity of O. rhinoceros larvae with total mortality of 72.5% [9]. Efforts to
increase pathogenicity in controlling O. rhinoceros were carried out by adding entomopathogenic
fungi M. anisopliae, following the suggestion in control using the concept of integrated pest control
(IPM), namely using life of M. anisopliae which was easy to produce and develop therefore it is
effective to kill O. rhinoceros. M. anisopliae damages the tissues of O. rhinoceros with four infection
symptoms: melanization, mummification, mycosis, and the appearance of dark-greed colony fungus
[10]. Entomopathogenic M. anisopliae has larvicide activity which contains cyclopeptide, destructin
A, B, C, D, E, and desmethyldestruxin B. Destructin affects organelle target cells like mitochondria,
reticulum endoplasm, and membrane nucleus which cause paralysis cell as well as dysfunction of the
middle stomach, malpighian tubules, hemocytes, and muscle tissue [11].
The formulation of the M. anisopliae fungus that can be used is in the form of liquid and solid
formulations. Making formulation was conducted to make easy application utilization of
microorganisms in the field easy and to cause the product to be effective. According to a study
conducted by [12], the 30 g M. anisopliae formulation of flour corn per kg media was capable of
causing mortality of O. rhinoceros for up to 100%. The dose of M. anisopliae formulation flour
fungus on compost for O. rhinoceros control pest on coconut plant was still limited. This study aims
to obtain the best dose of M. anisopliae (Metsch.) flour formulation on compost for control larvae
of O. rhinoceros L.

2. Material and Methods

This research was conducted at the Plant Pest Laboratory and the garden of the UPT Faculty of
Agriculture, University of Riau. The study was conducted from April to October 2022. The research
was conducted by experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of eight
treatments, four of which were repeated so that 32 units were obtained and tested. Each unit of the
experiment consisted of a 10-second instar of O. rhinoceros larvae. The treatments were several doses
of formulation congested of M. anisopliae, which was added by flour formulation M. anisopliae dose
of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210 g / 5 kg compost/bucket

2.1. Preparation of compost media

POEFB used were obtained from PT. Tunggal Yunus Estate Tapung, Kampar, Riau. POEFB were
chopped using a mechanical counter available at Biccom Faculty Riau University. Sawdust material
was obtained from furniture craftsmen on HR Soebrantas street, Handsome Subdistrict, Pekanbaru

2.2. Making compost

Making the compost was conducted by mixing POEFB organic ingredient, which had been chopped
with sawdust and manure above tarpaulin plastic with the comparison of 3:3:2. As much as 2 kg of
Trichoderma sp. was added to speed up the decomposition process, 5 g TSP, 5 g urea, 5 g dolomite,
brown sugar 2.5 kg, and water were also added to the mixture and stirred well until the mixture
became moist. Its process was repeated up to 4 times to get four layers of the stack so that all the
ingredients were mixed evenly. All ingredients were processed by stirring and closing using tarpaulin
plastic. The media was reversed every week. The incubation process was conducted over three

2.3. Compost Sterilization

Compost sterilization was carried out by the finalization or hot steam method on media. Compost
heating was conducted in Biccom Agriculture Faculty University Riau using a cormorant at 1 o'clock.

2nd Agrifood System International Conference (ASIC-2022) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1160 (2023) 012046 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1160/1/012046

2.4. Copying and isolating of the entomopathogenic fungus M. anisopliae

Procurement of fungi used insect bait method using Tenebrio molitor L., soil on palm oil discs at the
Experimental Garden Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau, taken to a depth of 10
cm, put in a plastic container, added by Hongkong caterpillars, moistened, and covered with black
cloth, and placed in the laboratory. The caterpillar's plant pests were infected in the moist chamber,
transferred to the PDA, and purified.

2.5. Propagation of M. anisopliae

Propagation of the M. anisopliae used broken corn medium. Corn was boiled until one-third cooked,
put in a 0.25 kg plastic bag, and covered by pipe, then sterilized in an autoclave. Isolated M. anisopliae
in PDA media was cut into nine parts to be entered into corn media, broken, and shaken until mixed
well in a laminar water flow cabinet (LAFC) room. The pipe was closed using cotton and then
incubated for five days.

2.6. Making of flour formulation

M. anisopliae starter on corn media was put in a plastic container, closed, and air-dried for two days.
The starter was blended until it became flour. This flour formulation was weighed according to the
treatment dose, namely 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, and 210 g

2.7. Application
The application of treatment was made by the mixing method. M. anisopliae was in the form of flour
mixed well in the compost per experimental unit to compost POEFB, then put in the treatment bucket.

2.8. Infestation O. rhinoceros larva

Oryctes rhinoceros instar II pest infestation was carried out by the laying method to the compost
medium. Infestation began with collecting larvae from the Sei Kijang palm oil field, Pelalawan
Regency, Riau. As many as ten larvae instar II were infested in plastic buckets at a depth of 10 cm,
later closed and returned with compost media. The bucket was closed using cloth gauze.
2.9. Observation
Research observations include changes in infected O. rhinoceros larvae, the initial time of the death
larvae of O. rhinoceros, lethal time 50 (LT50), lethal dose 50 and 95 (LD50 and 95), daily mortality,
total mortality, temperature, and humidity, as well as chemical analysis of metankos.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Data analysis

Each experimental unit's average temperature and humidity were 28,8 oC and 77,8 %, respectively. The
chemical analysis of POEFB compost and sawdust revealed a pH of 7,35, a moisture content of 56%,
37,22% organic C, and 0,66% total N. The temperature and humidity of the metankos compost, as well
as the high nutrient content and pH close to neutral, were ideal for the growth of the O. rhinoceros and
M. anisopliae

3.2 The changing in larva behavior and morphology

The slow movement, moving towards the surface of the compost media, standing still, and death was
observed in O. rhinoceros larvae infected with the M. anisopliae. According to [14], decreased larval
movement is caused by hyphae secreting dextrucine toxins and toxins that damage the structure of cell
membranes, resulting in cell dehydration. Dextrucine causes cell paralysis and abnormalities in the
function of the middle stomach, malpighian tubules, hemocytes, and muscle tissue.
Infected larvae and dead larvae were generally located on the surface of metankos. According to
[15], dead larvae show symptoms rising to the surface. It is a characteristic of larvae infected by

2nd Agrifood System International Conference (ASIC-2022) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1160 (2023) 012046 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1160/1/012046

pathogenic fungi known as summit disease. This phenomenon was allegedly an attempt to save other
healthy populations from entomopathogenic fungal infections.
Morphological changes in O. rhinoceros larvae after M. anisopliae application revealed that the
body stiffened and hardened. The body color of O. rhinoceros larvae changed to brownish white after
12 hours of death, and the body color of the larvae changed to brownish after 60 hours, black spot after
72 hours. The larvae developed a blackish discoloration at the 96th hour (Fig.1).
According to [16], the melanization process of O. rhinoceros larvae, a sort of insect body defense
against infections, caused the shift in larval body color to blackish brown. The melanization process of
O. rhinoceros larvae caused the change in larval body color to blackish brown, a type of insect body
defense against pathogens. These are the insects' bodies' defenses against pathogens. The phenol
oxidase enzyme is responsible for the formation of melanin during melanization. The larvae's lower
body, chest, abdomen, and inter-body segments are all melanized. The appearance of white hyphae
outside the larva's body indicates that the larva's body's nutrients have been depleted. The cuticle's
condition determines the hyphae's ability to appear outside the larva's body; if the conditions are dry
and moist, the hyphae will penetrate the cuticle and cover the insect's body in hyphae.

Figure 1. Morphological changes in O. rhinoceros larvae infected by M. anisopliae (a) Larvae are
brownish white after 12 hours, (b) brownish after 60 hours, (c) black spot after 72 hours, and blackish
after 96 hours.

3.3. The initial time of death

The results showed that the treatment of some doses of a local M. anisopliae flour formulation on
metankos significantly influenced the initial time of death of O. rhinoceros larvae. The initial time of
death of O. rhinoceros larvae after a DNMRT test at 5% can be seen in Table 1

Table 1. The initial time of death of O. rhinoceros larvae after treatment of several local M.
anisopliae dosages on Metankos.
Dosage treatment of formulation flour of local
The initial time of death ± SD (hour)
M. anisopliae to metankos
0 g/5 kg compost/bucket 480 ± 0 A
30 g/5 kg compost/bucket 231 ± 50.3 B
60 g/5 kg compost/bucket 159 ± 105.6 bc
90 g/5 kg compost/bucket 159 ± 111.0 bc
120 g/5 kg compost/bucket 141 ± 91.5 bc
150 g/5 kg compost/bucket 96 ± 29.3 C
180 g/5 kg compost/bucket 72 ± 9.7 C
210 g/5 kg compost/bucket 69 ± 11.4 C
The figures on the lane followed by lower case letters were not significantly different according to the DNMRT
test at the 5% level after being transformed √𝑦.

2nd Agrifood System International Conference (ASIC-2022) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1160 (2023) 012046 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1160/1/012046

According to Table 1, the first time of mortality of O. rhinoceros larvae varied greatly depending
on the administration of different dosages of M. anisopliae mushroom powder formulations to
compost media. Death took place between 69 and 231 hours after application. When there were more
fungal conidia present, there was a higher chance of infection of O. rhinoceros larvae by M. anisopliae
if the fungus came into touch with the larvae. This explained the initial difference in mortality. When a
larva comes into contact with a fungus, the fungus conidia adhering to its body quickly infects it,
enters the body, produces hyphae, and attacks body tissues, immediately exhibits symptoms of
infection, before the larva dies a few days later [17]. It takes around 7 days for M. anisopliae to
develop in the host body until the host passes away [18]. The duration of the M. anisopliae fungus'
incubation period, according to [19], is between 5 to 10 days.
At a dose of 210 g/5 kg compost/bucket of M. anisopliae mushroom powder, the beginning time of
death of O. rhinoceros larvae tended to be the same the doses at 180, 150, 120, 90, and 60 g/5 kg
compost/bucket did not differ significantly from one another and significantly different from the
treatment of 30g/5 kg compost/bucket. The infection process will be similar if the dosages of
M. anisopliae flour formulations tend to have the same quantity of supportive elements that influence
conidia germination. The supporting factor for fungal growth, specifically the temperature and
humidity of the compost, will also have an impact on the rate at which fungal conidia grow. In
particular, the temperature of the compost media is 28.8°C, and the average humidity is 77.8%, which
is not ideal for the growth of the fungus M. anisopliae. This is in line with [20] assertion that high
humidity levels of 80 to 90% are ideal for the growth and development of fungal conidia.

3.4. LT50
The results showed that the treatment of several doses of local M. anisopliae flour formulation on
metankos significantly affected the lethal time of 50 O. rhinoceros larvae. The lethal time 50 of O.
rhinoceros larvae after the DNMRT test at 5% level can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2 shows significant differences between the treatment of different doses of local M.
anisopliae mushroom powder formulations to compost media and the lethal period for 50 O.
rhinoceros larvae. 50% of deaths happened between 222 and 462 hours after application. The conidia
density of the M. anisopliae flour formulation, which affected the speed of the fungus infecting and
the mortality of O. rhinoceros larvae, was what caused the difference in the amount of time needed to
kill 50% of O. rhinoceros larvae. The capacity of each fungus to infect varies at the moment of
penetration, in which capacity of each fungus to infect is variable at the moment of penetration, which,
according to [21], accounts for the variation in the timing of insect deaths. Because more conidia were
present due to a more significant dose of M. anisopliae flour formulation, the infection process moved
more quickly the higher the germination rate, hastening the demise of O. rhinoceros larvae [22].

Table 2. Lethal time 50 O. rhinoceros larvae after giving treatment of several M. anisopliae
local dosage on Metankos.
Treatment Dosage of local M. anisopliae
Lethal time 50 ± SD (hour)
formulation flour to Metankos
0 g/5 kg compost/bucket 480 ± 0 a
30 g/5 kg compost/bucket 462 ± 22.9 ab
60 g/5 kg compost/bucket 423 ± 45.2 b
90 g/5 kg compost/bucket 372 ± 25.9 c
120 g/5 kg compost/bucket 357 ± 26.6 c
150 g/5 kg compost/bucket 330 ± 15.4 c
180 g/5 kg compost/bucket 270 ± 31.7 d
210 g/5 kg compost/bucket 222 ± 49.4 e
The average value on the same column followed by the same lowercase letter is not significantly different
according to the DNMRT test at a level of 5% after being transformed with the formula √𝑦.

2nd Agrifood System International Conference (ASIC-2022) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1160 (2023) 012046 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1160/1/012046

The fastest 50 lethal times occurred at a dose of M. anisopliae mushroom powder formulation of
210 g/5 kg compost/bucket, which was 222 hours and significantly different from the treatment at a
dose of 180 g/5 kg compost/bucket, which was 270 hours. The higher the density and germination, the
faster the fungus can kill insects. A higher dose with a higher number of conidia resulted in more
conidia being attached to the insect cuticle so that they infected the larvae more quickly than the lower
The treatment dosages of 150, 120, and 90g/5 kg compost/bucket for the M. anisopliae mushroom
powder formulations did not differ considerably. Since numerous factors affected the infection, there
was no discernible difference when the M. anisopliae dose was increased. [23] states that the isolation
utilized, the kind of host, and the environment all affect how long it takes to infect the target pest.

3.5. LD50 and LD95

The dosage of local M. anisopliae flour formulation in compost exhibited lethal levels of 50 and 95, or
1.7 and 55.4, respectively, based on the findings of a probit analysis using the Polo software. Table 3
displays the probit analysis's outcomes.

Table 3. Lethal Dosages of 50 and 95 of the M. anisopliae formula against the O. rhinoceros larva in
the composition.

Lethal Dosage (LD) SK Range
(g/5 kg compost/bucket)
Lethal Dosage 50 1.7 0.9 – 3.3
Lethal Dosage 95 55.5 14.7 – 65.14
SK Description: Confidence interval

According to Table 3, the appropriate dose of M. anisopliae flour formulation to kill 50% of O.
rhinoceros larvae in compost was 1.7 or equivalent to 17g/5 kg compost/bucket in the SK range 0.9 -
3.3. The therapeutic dose of 30g/5kg compost/bucket is comparable to this dosage. The lethal dose of
95 to kill 95% of O. rhinoceros larvae in compost was 55.5 or equivalent to 555 g/5 kg
compost/bucket in the SK range of 14.7 – 65.14. This dose is not close to all M. anisopliae flour
formulation treatment doses.
The dose of M. anisopliae flour formulation in the suitable compost killed 50% of O. rhinoceros
larvae, which was close to a dose of 30g/5kg compost/bucket, the smallest dose of the prescribed
treatment. It is caused by the number of conidia, which affects the degree of infection in killing
O. rhinoceros larvae, as well as other contributing elements that also impact the ability of the
M. anisopliae fungus to infect. Because the incubation period was too long and the biological agents
used were microorganisms that could multiply in the body of the pest, [24] found that each fungal
isolation had a 50% mortality rate difference, even while the number of conidia was declining.
Therefore, the efficiency of the application dose offered is demonstrated by administering the correct
quantity in the smallest amount.

3.6. Daily Mortality

The daily mortality of O. rhinoceros larvae was treated with local M. anisopliae mushroom powder
formulations to compost media increased throughout the observations, as seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2 shows larval mortality increasing from day 3 to day 20 after application. The death of
O. rhinoceros larvae occurred on day 3, namely at doses of 210, 180, and 150 g5kg compost/bucket

2nd Agrifood System International Conference (ASIC-2022) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1160 (2023) 012046 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1160/1/012046

with a range of 2.5 – 7.5%. It is consistent with the study's findings by [22] because, on the third day,
the infected larvae began to exhibit symptoms. The larvae's first signs of M. anisopliae infection are
blackish-brown patches on the cuticle and spiracles. It demonstrates the potency of mushrooms and the
increased dosage of mushrooms.
The peak daily mortality of O. rhinoceros larvae occurred on day 20 after application for all
treatments. The highest daily mortality occurred at a dose of 210 g.5kg-1 compost/bucket, followed by
a dose of 180 g.5kg-1 compost/bucket. These results indicate that at high doses of high M. anisopliae
flour formulations, the number of conidia was high, so the contact of pests and fungi was also high.
Treatment of other M. anisopliae flour formulations tended to approach daily mortality.
According to [21], there are four different ways that M. anisopliae infections occur: inoculation,
conidial attachment and germination, invasion and penetration, and destruction. A destructive process
takes place that results in blastospores being formed in the larva's body, which then spread in the
O. rhinoceros hemolymph to form secondary hyphae and harm other networks. Inoculation occurs due
to contact between the conidia and the larval body. The conidia attach to the larval cuticle and
germinate to form a fungal propagule, infecting through the larval cuticle. M. anisopliae paralyzes the
larval body, disrupting the system that controls mobility. O. rhinoceros larvae's bodies will either be
mummified or stiffened and hardened.


Dose M. anisopliae
Daily Mortality (%)

70 0 g/5 kg compost/bucket
60 30 g/5 kg compost/bucket

50 60 g/5 kg compost/bucket
90 g/5 kg compost/bucket
120 g/5 kg compost/bucket
30 150 g/5 kg compost/bucket
20 180 g/5 kg compost/bucket
10 210 g/5 kg compost/bucket

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Day After Application

Figure 2. Oryctes rhinoceros larvae daily mortality following formulation dose application of
M. anisopliae flour in compost.

3.7.Total Mortality
The analysis showed that local M. anisopliae flour formulation in Metankos significantly affected the
total mortality of O. rhinoceros larvae. Results for the average death of O. rhinoceros larvae after the
DNMRT test at the 5% level can be seen in Table 4.

2nd Agrifood System International Conference (ASIC-2022) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1160 (2023) 012046 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1160/1/012046

Table 4. Total mortality of O. rhinoceros larvae after several local M. anisopliae flour formulation
dosages on Metankos.
Treatment Dosage of formulation flour
Total Mortality ± SD (hour)
M. anisopliae local to Metankos
0 g/5 kg compost/bucket 0±0a
30 g/5 kg compost/bucket 47.5 ± 9.5 b
60 g/5 kg compost/bucket 52.5 ± 9.5 b c
90 g/5 kg compost/bucket 52.5 ± 5.0 b c
120 g/5 kg compost/bucket 52.5 ± 5.0 b c
150 g/5 kg compost/bucket 55.0 ± 5.7 b c
180 g/5 kg compost/bucket 57.5 ± 9.5 b c
210 g/5 kg compost/bucket 65.0 ± 17.3 c
The average value on the same column followed by the same lowercase letter is not significantly different
according to the DNMRT test at a level of 5% after being transformed with the formula arc sin-1√𝑦.

Table 4 shows a significant difference between the total mortality of O. rhinoceros larvae, which
ranged from 47.5 to 65%, and the treatment dose of the M. anisopliae flour formulation. Larval
mortality resulted from variations in the number of conidia and their germination. The local humidity
impacts how quickly fungal spores proliferate, which is another factor that influences larval mortality.
According to the [20] theory, high humidity levels of 80–90% are ideal for the growth and
development of fungal conidia. In addition to the influence of insects' molting, environmental
conditions like temperature, humidity, and sunlight significantly impact how successfully an infection
spreads. The density of the conidia produced by the applied entomopathogenic fungi was a major
factor in insect death. Since 77.8 % of compost had an unfavorable humidity level for fungi, it was
hypothesized that this contributed to the gradual and significant mortality of O. rhinoceros.
From the results of the study in Table 4, it can be seen that adding the number of doses of
M. anisopliae flour formulation mixed into the compost had the same effect on the infection rate and
total mortality of larvae. Treatment of 210 g/5kg compost/bucket larvae mortality was 65%, not
significantly different from treatments at doses of 180, 150, 120, 90, and 60 g/5kg compost/bucket
with total mortality of 57.5%, 55%, and 52.5% respectively, and significantly different from treatment
with 30 doses of mortality 47.5% and 0 g/kg compost/bucket. In terms of treatment, increasing the
dose of M. anisopliae flour formulation above 60 g/5kg compost/bucket caused the same mortality for
O. rhinoceros larvae. Thus, the best dose of M. anisopliae flour formulation into compost was a dose
of 60 g/5kg compost/bucket, which caused the mortality of O. rhinoceros larvae to be 52.5%. The
recommended dose of 60 g/5kg compost/bucket shows that biological agents given in lower amounts
will continue to grow in compost because biological agents are microorganisms that grow and develop
and are permanent in the environment.

4. Conclusion
According to the study, a 60 g/5kg compost/bucket of the best compost mixed with a M. anisopliae
flour formulation induced a 52.5% mortality rate for O. rhinoceros larvae. The proper dose for O.
rhinoceros larvae that can result in 50% mortality is 30 g/5kg compost/bucket.

Thank the University of Riau DIPA Fund for funding this research (contract

2nd Agrifood System International Conference (ASIC-2022) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1160 (2023) 012046 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1160/1/012046

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