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ROLL NO – D22M101

1) What is your idea of success/progress/development?

My idea of success/progress/development is that these three are

not related to each other, but they each level that eventually leads
to success. First, we must see some development in ourselves.
Next, we need to use this to progress ourselves and finally when
we learn to progress from our development, we earn our success.

2) What is your idea of happiness?

The idea of happiness comes from the fact that the person is in the
state of being happy. Of course, this could mean in many ways. It
mostly involves positive emotions and thoughts and the type of
positive satisfaction you gain.

3) What are the 3 key problems you see around yourself at each
of the 4 levels – individual, family, society and
nature/existence? What are the possible solutions you can
think of for each of the problems identified earlier?

For an individual – stress, distraction and peer pressure are the

main problems. At family level – financial, misunderstandings and
domestic violence. The society faces some of these problems –
poverty, unemployment and corruption. Finally, the nature too
faces three of these problems – pollution, deforestation and global
warming. The individual must learn to control his emotions and
must set some goals. In a family, they must learn to cooperate with
each other. The society needs to create an awareness on the
importance of education and we human beings must stop the
sources of pollution to save the nature and the ecosystem.

4) Write down 5 activities of yourself, 5 activities of your body

and 5 activities of your body + self-Observe in yourself if the
activities of your self are continuous or temporary.

The 5 activities that I do are playing guitar, reading a book,

watching something interesting, drawing a sketch and playing a
game. The 5 activities my body does are – digestion, circulation,
respiration, excretion and brain activity. On observation, all the
activities that I do by myself are mostly temporary and not

5) While you are studying by yourself, observe for 30 minutes –

how much time your attention is on what you are reading and
how much time your attention is on other things. What is the
% of the time your attention is on the subject? Is this same for
all subjects/topics?

So, when I’m observing myself for 30 minutes while I am studying

by myself, I would get distracted for some time, say for 10 mins.
Then I would study for the next 20 mins. This depends a lot, like I
could get distracted in between too. For around 70%, I have my
attention on the subject. Yes, this same for all the subjects/topics.
6) What is the average study time required per day for you to
understand completely all that is being taught in all the
courses in this semester.

The average study that I require per day for me to understand

completely all that is being taught in all courses in this semester is
two and a half to three hours.

7) Make a list of your desires. Divide them into 2 parts – needs of

the self and needs of the body. Next divide them into 3 parts –
motivated by preconditioning, motivated by sensation and
motivated by natural acceptance. What % are needs of the self
and those of the body?

The % that are needed of the self and those of the body are 50%
and 50% respectively.

Needs of the self Needs of the body

Good financial status Healthy food
Excellent placement Clean air
A bright future Proper exercise

Motivated by Motivated by Motivated by natural

preconditioning sensation acceptance.
Financial status Nutritious food satisfaction
placement Proper exercise happiness
Having a good future Clean air Stress-free
8) What % of your desires are motivated by natural acceptance?
Now analyse your weekly schedule – and find out what % of
your time is spent on physical facility/sensation and what % is
spent on effort for relationship and right understanding? What
do you understand from this exercise?

About 70% of my desires are motivated by natural acceptance.

From my weekly schedule I spent 75% of time on physical
activities throughout the week and I spend 60% on effort for
relationship and right understanding. From this, I can understand
that we need to give importance to physical activities and improve
spending our time with our family and relatives.

9) Share an instance of your personal interaction where you

could see that the other had the right intention but was
lacking competence. What was your participation in the
interaction – did you help the other?

There was once an instance where I was in a science fair during

my school days and we needed to complete our project before the
time limit. I had an idea and I discussed it with my friend, I told him
the right instruction and he followed. But he didn’t get the work
done and our time couldn’t participate. Of course, we didn’t get
angry at him, but we did motivate him through our teachers help.

10) Share one fight/opposition you remember you had with

someone, even a stranger, where now you can look back and
see that it was a result of doubting the intention of the other
(e.g., even a smile or a laugh hurts us if we have a doubt on
the intention). What did you do with the other? How do you
feel about the other now.

I remember myself having a fight with my friend because he eats

all my food from my lunchbox (I know it sounds very dumb). Of
course, it went physical and we both sustain injuries. When I look
back at it now, I find it very silly for what we fought for. Now we
don’t talk we each other since it has been a long time since I last
saw him.

11) List out 5 instances where you have done over

evaluation and under/otherwise evaluation of the
other/yourself. What would have been the right evaluation in
that situation, as you are now able to see?

I once thought to myself that I can dance very well, but in reality,
I’m a bad dancer so I went to embarrassed myself during the
event. There was another time where I thought I was good at
giving a speech but I really didn’t practice properly and I utterly
didn’t say half my speech correctly. I would sometimes under
evaluate myself and others too. Once I didn’t participate in a music
fest because I thought it was a waste of time and I didn’t even go
to many seminars because of the same reason. These were the
instances where I under evaluated myself. In fact, I under
evaluated someone else because he was a loser, but in fact he as
a genius.

12) Share what you have understood about response.

Analyse your interaction in the last 1 week. How many of
these interactions are reaction and how many are response?
Take one instance of reaction and one instance of response
and share it in detail

In my understanding, response means a kind of reaction (it can be

physically and verbal) towards someone or something. After
analysing my interactions in the last one week, I didn’t really
interact that much, not because I was afraid to interact, but I didn’t
have any reason to interact. Most of those interaction was both
responses and reactions. For reactions, I mostly reacted to
whatever the speaker said and as for the responses, I responded
to any questions that were asked to me.

13) Share your understanding about excellence and about

being special. Where do you now want to put your effort for –
to be special or to be excellent?

In my understanding, excellence is all about a quality in us where

we outstand in a particular field. Being special means something
different from the usual in a good way. Now if I want to put all my
efforts in one of the two above, I would put them all in being

14) What have you understood about human goal – as an

individual, as an individual who is part of society? Write in
detail about the goal of your family in the light of this

Human is goal is something like a target which is set by an

individual to achieve something in life. Me, as an individual who is
part of the society can see a human goal as target to achieve. The
goal of my family is to give us the best facilities and good
education to help us create a platform for a bright future.

15) Out of the 5 dimensions of human order, where do you

feel you can participate? And what specific goal would you be
working for through this participation?

Out of the five dimensions of human order, I can participate in both

production and justice. By choosing these two orders, I can set my
goal on becoming an IAS Officer.

16) What do you take from nature; and what do you give
back to nature? Are you a source of harmony in Nature?

We as human beings take a lot of resources from nature, but we

don’t give anything in return back to nature. But me ad an individual, I
have taken nothing from nature, but I have returned a planted sapling in
a form of gratitude to nature. Hence, I have seen myself as a source of
harmony in nature.

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