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Introduction of Azolla Cultivation

What is Azolla?

Is the free-floating water fern consisting of a short, branched, floating stem, bearing roots which hang
down in the water. It's kind of green fodder grown on water surface.

Why the Azolla cultivation is increasing and becoming popular?

Because, Azolla has many nutrient benefits when compared to other fodders. Apart from this, it has
nature of fixing Nitrogen in rice crop field. This is the reason the Azolla is being used as Common bio-
fertilizer and green manure in rice fields.

The blue-green algae grow in symbiotic association with this fern and are responsible for nitrogen
fixation in the rice crop.
Where can it be grown?

It can be cultivated in ponds, ditches and rice fields of warm-temperate and tropical regions throughout
the world. Azolla fodder is an excellent alternate feed supplement for livestock, poultry and fish. This is a
boon for dairy farmers because; it drastically reduces the feed cost and results in increased milk yield.

Though there are many species of Azolla, "A. pinnata" is popular among those. When it comes to
nutrient value, Azolla possess high protein content

 Amino acids,

 vitamins,

 minerals (magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, and potassium).

Azolla is a highly productive plant and it doubles its biomass in 4-1O days period, depending on
conditions. Let us talk about more about growing Azolla

Advantage of Azolla in animal production and environment.

 Azolla enriches hen egg, creating beautiful yellow hues for a visually appealing and nutritious

 When used as supplemental feed in dairy, it helped to increase the milk yield.

 Azolla can be grown in large quantities, if requires and used as green manure.

 Azolla can fix atmospheric CO and nitrogen to form carbohydrates and ammonia respectively.

After decomposition it adds available nitrogen to the soil.

 Azolla solubilizes Zn, Fe and Mn and make them available to the rice in the field.

 Azolla helps in weed control and Suppresses tender weeds in rice field.

 In natural way, Azolla releases plant growth regulators and vitamins which are very much
required to enhance the growth of paddy crop. Azolla helps increase the crop yield and quality.

 Azolla reduces water evaporation rate from the irrigated rice field.
Growing Conditions for Azolla.

Azolla can be grown or found in ditches, ponds and wetlands of warm temperate and tropical regions.

Azolla prefers shade and requires light (30 to 50 % light required for its growth) for photosynthesis. As
we all know this (Azolla) is water-based crop, one should ensure sufficient water for its cultivation.

It is always recommended to have at least 5 inches or 15cm of water in pond for proper growth of Azolla.
Azolla grows well where the optimum/ideal temperature range is 20°C to 35°C. Higher temperatures
above 36°C will seriously affect the multiplication of Azolla for better yield

Azolla Cultivation:

For Azolla production, it requires a shallow pond. Let us discuss more about Azolla growing in fresh
water ponds.

 Location of Pond in Azolla Cultivation:

The pond location plays major role in Azolla cultivation. Make sure to have location where you can
monitor on regular basis. As this requires good water supply, choose a location near to good water

Basically, Azolla prefers partial shade, hence one should select the location where partial shade is
expected or create the partial shade to cover the location. This partial shade helps in better growth of
Azolla and preventing water evaporation. Make sure to have pond bottom free from any pointed stones,
thorns that can damage or puncture the sheet place at the bottom of pond.
 Construction of Pond in Azolla:

Size of the pond varies from farmer to farmer and mainly depends on how much quantity of Azolla is
expected to feed the livestock.

In case of small holders, you can go for 6 feet (180cm) x 4 feet (120cm) and depth 20cm for growing

This can produce l kg of supplemental feed/day.

1. The pond should be cleaned thoroughly and levelled.

2. Use bricks to construct side walls of pond (Even you can use raised embankment with the
excavated soil).

3. Place durable plastic sheet at the bottom of the pond and secure all the sides of sheet by placing
bricks over the side walls.

4. The pond with a net to prevent the fall of leaves and other debris into the pond. This net also
provides partial shade which is very essential in Azolla cultivation. In order to secure this net,
place wooden poles or bamboo sticks over the pond walls.

5. Place stones or bricks on the edges for securing the plastic sheet and net should also be secured.

Growing (Production) of Azolla:

 Mix clean fertile soil with cow dung and water and spread across (uniformly) the pond.

 To cover the 6 feet X 4 feet pond, 1 kg of fresh Azolla culture is required.

 Apply this culture uniformly in the pond. Make sure to have the water depth at least 5 to 6
inches in the pond.

 For fast growth of Azolla, you can tap the rain water during spring Season

 Another important factor to consider in Azolla cultivation is not to have high content of salt in
pond water which can adversely affect the growth of Azolla.

NB: If you are growing the Azolla, it is better to test the water for Alkalinity and acidic properties.

Pond Maintenance in Azolla Cultivation:

1. For ensuring better growth of Azolla, apply l kg of cow dung and 100 to 120 grams of super
phosphate once in 2 weeks.

2. Make sure to remove any weeds formed in the pond regularly. The pond should be emptied
once in 6 to 8 months and cultivation of Azolla has to be restarted with fresh culture and soil.

Harvesting and Feeding Azolla Cultivation:

 Usually, Azolla will be ready for harvesting in 2 to 3 weeks after stalling the culture in the pond.

 Azolla can be harvested daily after its full growth. Plastic sieves should be used to harvest the
biomass from the pond's surface. One can obtain on an average, 1 kg of fresh Azolla per day
from the size of 4 feet x 6 feet pond.

 Harvested Azolla can be fed directly or mixed with nutrients and fed to livestock like cattle
(dairy), sheep, goat, pigs, poultry and rabbits. Azolla in dried form can also be fed to livestock.

 Before feeding Azolla to livestock, clean the Azolla with fresh water. Dairy avoiding feed cost
and also it has been proven, increased milk yield. To get used to the taste of Azolla, better to
feed it along with the concentrates in the initial stages.

Economics of Azolla Cultivation:

The cost of preparing a 6 feet X 4 feet pond depends on labor and other elements like bricks (if bricks
are used to build the sides of pond). Generally, it costs Tsh 50,000/= for this pond including plastic sheet.

A farmer can obtain a net profit per year from the additional milk yield and reduced usage of
concentrates' feeding for livestock. avoiding feed cost and also it has been proven, increased milk yield.

To get used to the taste of Azolla, better to feed it along with the concentrates in the initial stages.

Limitations in Azolla Cultivation:

High summer temperatures, extreme lower temperatures, water scarcity, and low humidity, poor
quality of water makes it difficult to adopt Azolla cultivation.
Bottom Line:

Azolla cultivation is an excellent option for farmers who want to fix the Nitrogen in paddy fields and to
save supplemental feed cost in livestock.

Bwanashamba: Olvaris Justine Lasway

Call us: +255626244751


Morogoro - Tanzania

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