Political Science 6

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Political science 6

1. International relations is a study of…

A relations among States

B relations among individuals

C relations among citizens of state

D none of above

Answer- A

2. International relations was branch of which discipline?

A sociology

B International law

C political science

D none of above


3. International relations is a……discipline.

A narrow

B vast

C long

D none of above


4. practice of international relations includes……

A International corporations and organisations

B humanitarian organisations

C think tanks research centres

D all the above


5. The two types of relations between state in international relations are…..

A individual

B cooperative and oppositional

C healthy
D peaceful

Answer B

6.International relation is a branch of…..

A foreign science

B medical science

C political science

D home science


7. Which of the following is not a tangible component of national power?

A geography

B population

C technology

D leadership


8. According to professor hartmann which is most favourable temperate zone for human activity?

A 20 to 40 degree

B 20 to 60 degree

C 32 to 50 degree

D 10 to 40 degree


9.among population there must be……people more than……people. It helps to improve economical
conditions of nation

A bad , good

B youth children a, old

C happy, angry

D none of above


10. Leadership has aspects like political diplomatic and…..

A industrial
B military

C ideal

D ideological

Answer- B

11. spirit to make sacrifice for sake of other people in country means…..

A National character

B diplomatic leadership

C National morale

D tangible component

Answer- C

12. willingness to sacrifice is an element of……

A industrial development

B national character

C political leadership

D national morale

Answer- D

13. classical approach can be divided into….

A traditional and modern

B traditional and philosophical

C old and new

D none of above

Answer - B

14. International law was first coined by….

A Jessup

B Oppenheim

C Jeremy Bentham

D Bernardo

15. The sources of international law are….

A customs and treaties

B military and people

C youth and politicians

D none of above

Answer- A

16. according to John Austin and Hans kelsen international law is not true love but only……..

A negative International morality

B positive International morality

C positive International character

D regional morality


17………. Form the moral code for nations.

A international law

B International morality

C political influence

D all the above

Answer- B

18. Role of International morality….

A Morality condemnation of war

B protection of human life in war

C protection of human life in peace

D all the above


19.International morality consists of……….. principles which are endorsed by number of nations.

A legal

B moral

C illegal

D good
Answer- B

20.What is public opinion?

A the measure of what politicians think about the people

B the measure of water politicians think about each other

C the measure of what people think about political issues ,parties and public figures

D the measure of what public things about celebrity marriages

Answer - C

21. Of the methods listed which is most accurate way of measuring public opinion?

A public opinion poll with random sample

B voter records

C record of attendance at political events

D approaching people in public space like mall and asking reviews

Answer- A

22. the idea of developing your opinion about issues affecting world around you being a lifelong process
is called……

A opinion formation

B primary intrinsic

C public opinion

D political socialization

Answer- C

23 an act of a force to compel our enemy to do our will is called…

A diplomacy

B war

C negotiations

D leadership

Answer- B

24. War is use of organized force between two human groups persuing contradictory policies each good
seeking to impose its policy upon the other .this definition is defined by….
A Huffman nickerson

B open ham

C Lawrence

D starke

Answer- a

25. The set of techniques used by group to carry out war is known as…

A warfare

B leadership

C diplomacy

D none of above

Answer- A

26. The causes of War are divided as….

A Small and big

B traditional and modern

C normal and serious

D old and regular


27.among the following which is the traditional cause of War?

A religious

B geographical

C cultural

D all the above


28. the chief reason of War…..

A fear

B selfishness

C revenge

D all the above

29.Modern causes of War includes…

A international trade

B balance of payment

C protectionism

D all the above

Answer- D

30 international trade provides material means indispensable for economic development. In these
material means is…

A capital goods

B machinery

C raw

D all the above

Answer- D

31. How many countries are involved in World War first?

A 18

B 25

C 32

D none of these


32. In the post-world war II 2nd period the world got divided into two groups or camps while one the led
by USSR other was led by….

A England

B france


D japan

Answer - C

33. Between which of two countries cold war situation existed?

A India Pakistan

C france England

D china japan

Answer - B

34. What was the treaty that ended world war second

A Geneva conference

B the treaty of Versailles

C peace treaty

D all the above

Answer - B

35. who first coined the term balance of power

A open ham

B Jeremy Bentham

C Bernardo rucellai

D John Russo

Answer- C

36. the balance existing between two Nations or any two groups of nations of nearly equal power is
called a……

A multiple balance of power

B diplomacy

C simple balance of power

D disarmament

Answer C

37. among the following which is not the method of balance of power….

A compensation

B divide and rule

C buffer States

D territorial claims

Answer- D

38. Collective security is based on principle…..

A all in one

B one for all and all for one

C selfishness

D one of kind

Answer -B

39. which of the following is requirement of collective security.

A subjective

B objective

C both a and b

D none of above

Answer C

40 . Collective security means….

A Aggression against one nation is an aggression against international peace and security

B security of one group of nation

C security of a smaller Nations

D security of a super powers

Answer- A

41 what is obligation of peaceful settlement of disputes?

A it is an obligation of result that is states are under strict obligation to resolve their disputes as soon as

B it is an obligation of a conduct that is States have an obligation to try to solve the disputes through
peaceful means .This does not entail and obligation to resolve their disputes

C it is normal of international law and all States have a legal interest to to safeguard its application in
any given disputes

D it is an obligation which can solely international courts and tribunals

Answer B

42. is there any hierarchy or priority among the various methods of peaceful settlement of disputes.

A yes all political methods should be exhausted prior to resorting to legal method

B legal matters prevail over political method since they are binding upon parties

C there is no hierarchy among these methods and choices a belongs to dispute states
D none of the above


43. Which of the following is not method of Pacific settlement of disputes

A negotiations

B mediation

C good offices

D compensation


44. Diplomacy means….

A Ways to start international business

B method of international relations

C means of waging War

D all of the above

Answer B

45. the term diplomacy was used for first time by…..

A open ham

B Edmund Burke

C Jeremy Bentham

D John Locke

Answer B

46. examples of direct diplomacy include all of the following except…

A skillful communication involving persuasion

B economic inducement

C war

D economic sanctions

Answer C

47. The UN charter contains….. articles in its constitution and it is divided into….chapters.

A 116,24

B 111,26
C 225.26


Answer B

48. The charter of United Nations organisation was adopted on…

A 24 June 1944

B 25 June 1945

C 21 June 1947

D 25 July 1945

Answer B

49 in which day the UNO day is celebrated

A 24 October

B 23 October

C 26 jan

D 21 july

Answer A

50 ….Is chief organ of UNO.

A security council

B general assembly

C secretariat

D none of above

Answer B

51. How members are there are in IMF?

A 120

B 189

C 148

D 200

Answer- B

52. IBRD is also known a

A Asian development Bank

B world Bank

C international morality fund

D None of these

Answer B

53.What is meaning of disarmament

A reduction or elimination of certain Or all armaments

B reduction of only nuclear weapons

C reduction of armaments only in future

D limit the production of weapons

Answer- A

54. Which of the following is not organ of UNO.

A general assembly

B security council

C secretariat

D collective security

Answer D

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