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“Which specific leadership qualities and principles

demonstrated by Mahatma Gandhi during the Indian

independence movement continue to be relevant and applicable in
today's world, and how can individuals in various fields apply
them to effect positive change?”
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of CBSE, Delhi.



(P.G.T English)

Mahatma Global Gateway

Gopalakrishnan Guruvasal,Veerapanchan,


At the outset I would like to take the opportunity of expressing

my sincere thanks to the Almighty for keeping me in good health
all through this grueling project work.

I would like to express my special thanks to my worthy

Academic Director Mrs.P.Hamsa Priya, Principal Mrs. Meena
Karuppiah and to my teacher guide Mrs.M.S.Suman Swaroopa who
provided motivation and valuable guidance to complete this project.

I got ample opportunity to do research which enriched my

knowledge and widen my thoughts in this arena. I am indebted to

I would also like to thank my parents and friends who always

inspired and helped me to complete this project.

Signature of the student


This is to certify that GAZAL SABARIVAS N of class XII of

Mahatma Global Gateway (CBSE), Madurai, has completed his
project file as a part of the paper of computer science under my
supervision. He has taken proper care and shown utmost
sincerity in the completion of this project.

I certify that this project is up to my expectation and as per the

guidelines issued by CBSE.

Signature of the Principal Signature of the Teacher In-charge

(Mrs.Meena Karuppiah) (Mrs.M.S.Suman Swaroopa)

Submitted for the viva-voce examination held on ___________ ,

at Mahatma Global Gateway (CBSE), Madurai.

Signature of the Examiner












The chapter "Indigo" unveils a dark period in Indian history when British
colonialism imposed exploitative practices upon Indian peasants, particularly in
the context of indigo farming. This chapter provides a vivid portrayal of the
suffering and oppression faced by Indian farmers who were coerced into
cultivating indigo under oppressive conditions. In this historical backdrop, we
can discern the profound relevance of Mahatma Gandhi's leadership qualities
and principles, which continue to hold great significance in today's world.

1. Non-Violence (Ahimsa):
Individual: A Human Rights Activist

One of Mahatma Gandhi's most enduring principles is his unwavering

commitment to non-violence. The chapter illustrates the brutality of the British
indigo planters, who used coercive and violent methods to force Indian farmers to
cultivate indigo against their will. Gandhi's advocacy for non-violence serves as a
poignant reminder of the importance of peaceful resistance in the face of
oppression. In today's world, where conflicts often escalate into violence,
individuals and movements can draw inspiration from Gandhi's principle of non-
violence. Peaceful protests, non-violent civil disobedience, and dialogue have the
power to bring about meaningful change without resorting to violence.

In the context of the "Indigo" chapter, non-violence is particularly

relevant because it was the brutal violence and coercion employed by the British
that pushed Indian farmers to the brink of despair. Gandhi's philosophy of non-
violence would later become the cornerstone of India's struggle for independence,
emphasizing the importance of resisting oppression without resorting to violence.

2. Civil Disobedience:
Individual: An Environmental Activist

The "Indigo" chapter also showcases the power of civil disobedience as

a means of challenging unjust laws and policies. Indian peasants, inspired by
leaders like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, protested against the oppressive indigo
farming system. It is worth noting that this chapter provides a historical
precedent for the adoption of civil disobedience as a strategy for change, a
strategy that Mahatma Gandhi would later champion in the fight for Indian

Today, individuals and movements can learn from this historical

example and employ civil disobedience as a tool for social change. Peaceful
protests, boycotts, and acts of resistance against oppressive systems remain
powerful ways to challenge injustice and effect positive change. Civil
disobedience, as seen in the chapter, involves individuals standing up against
unjust policies and demanding their rights, even in the face of adversity.

3. Self-Reliance (Swaraj):
Individual:”Swaraj is my Birthright”

Gandhi's concept of "Swaraj" or self-reliance encouraged people to take

responsibility for their own lives and communities. In the chapter, we see the
plight of Indian peasants who were trapped in a cycle of dependency on the
British for indigo cultivation. Gandhi's principles of self-reliance find relevance
today as individuals and communities strive for autonomy and self-sufficiency.

By taking ownership of their actions, making sustainable choices, and
actively participating in local initiatives, people can work towards achieving self-
reliance and improving their communities. In the modern context, self-reliance
can mean communities taking control of their own development, reducing
dependence on external forces, and fostering sustainable practices.

4. Truth and Transparency:

Individual: A Journalist

In the chapter, the British indigo planters operated with a complete lack of
transparency, deceiving Indian farmers about the terms of their agreements.
Gandhi placed a strong emphasis on truth and transparency in leadership. Today,
leaders and individuals can apply this principle by being honest, transparent, and
accountable in their actions. Whether in politics, business, or personal life, truth
and transparency are vital for building trust and fostering a just society.

In the context of the "Indigo" chapter, truth and transparency are

particularly relevant because the exploitation of Indian farmers was made
possible through deceit and misinformation. Gandhi's principles of truth and
transparency stand as a stark contrast to the unethical practices of the British
indigo planters. In the modern world, leaders and institutions that prioritize truth
and transparency are more likely to earn the trust of the public and foster a sense
of justice.

5. Inclusivity and Equality:

Individual: A Diversity and Inclusion Consultant
Gandhi's vision of a just society included equality for all, regardless of
caste, creed, or gender. This principle is highly relevant today, as individuals can

work towards creating inclusive environments and advocating for equal rights for
all. In the chapter, we see the exploitation of Indian peasants who often belonged
to marginalized communities. Today, individuals can strive for social justice by
promoting diversity and inclusivity and by actively working to eliminate
discrimination and inequality in all its forms.

The chapter highlights the deep-rooted inequalities and discrimination

faced by Indian peasants at the hands of British planters. Gandhi's principles of
inclusivity and equality remind us of the importance of recognizing the inherent
worth and dignity of every individual. In the modern world, individuals and
organizations that champion inclusivity and equality contribute to a more just and
harmonious society.

6. Simplicity and Humility:

Individual: A Mental Health Counselor

Gandhi's modest lifestyle and humility served as a powerful example of

servant leadership. In today's world, leaders and individuals can apply these
qualities by prioritizing the well-being of others over personal gain and practicing
humility in their interactions. The exploitative practices depicted in the chapter
serve as a stark contrast to Gandhi's principles of simplicity and humility, which
continue to inspire people to lead with compassion and selflessness.

The "Indigo" chapter reveals the arrogance and greed of the British planters
who exploited Indian farmers for their own gain. In contrast, Gandhi's emphasis
on simplicity and humility underscores the importance of leaders and individuals
putting the needs of others ahead of their own desires. In today's world, leaders
who exhibit humility and prioritize the well-being of their communities often
inspire trust and loyalty.


In conclusion, Mahatma Gandhi's leadership qualities and principles, as

exemplified in the context of the "Indigo" chapter, remain highly relevant and
applicable in today's world. Non-violence, civil disobedience, self-reliance,
truth, inclusivity, and humility are principles that can guide individuals and
movements in their pursuit of positive change and social justice.

The chapter "Indigo" serves as a powerful reminder of the injustices of the

past and the enduring relevance of Gandhi's principles in our ongoing quest for a
more just and equitable world. By applying these principles, we can honor the
legacy of Mahatma Gandhi and work towards a brighter future for all.

In contemporary times, the lessons from the chapter and Gandhi's

principles can inspire individuals and movements to address pressing issues such
as land exploitation, unequal power dynamics, and the fight for justice. These
principles continue to provide a moral compass for those who seek to challenge
oppression and promote human dignity, making the world a better place for
current and future generations.

As we reflect on the chapter "Indigo" and its resonance with Gandhi's

principles, it becomes clear that the struggle for justice and the pursuit of a more
equitable society are timeless endeavors. Gandhi's leadership qualities and
principles serve as a beacon of hope, guiding us toward a future where
compassion, justice, and non-violence prevail.

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