Speaking and Writing

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1. How important do you think it is for companies to advertise their products?

In my way of thinking, advertising is really important when the company wants to enhance their products’
consumption. If all goods are advertised, consumers will access them easily through news, television or
social media. Moreover, they prove to be beneficial for both the customers and the company. But, with the
advertisement market rising up, I think companies have learnt the art of deceiving the customers as well.
You can easily find products being depicted as something else in the advertisements. Also, with so many
ads coming in, it becomes quite difficult and overwhelming for the customer to choose the product.
Having said that, I think advertisements are vital but then there should be more truth to them than flashy
2. How do advertisements influence people to buy things?
Surely, it does. Advertisements have come about to affect our choices in the way like never before. With
so many companies launching products and all of them being so similar, it is often the advertisement that
helps in deciding the product to buy. But, when it comes to choosing between a well-known or trusted
company and a newly established one, irrespective of the ad I prefer the trusted one.
3. How effective is advertising as a way of persuading people to buy things?
Advertisements bring different aspects of products to customers. Nowadays, when technology is
developed, people can easily see many types of advertisements through social media, television, and ads
on the web, especially the traditional advertising way using magazines. People can find information or
stories related to products and they show the benefits of those products too. Furthermore, advertising can
help people compare goods to other goods easily and they can understand deeply what they will choose to
buy. This can affect people’s decisions when they want to buy something.
4. Apart from advertising, what other factors influence people’s decisions to buy things?
In my opinion, there are many factors that impact on customers’ decision. Firstly, we are all social
animals so of course our purchasing decisions are impacted to some extent by the people around us. We
are constantly working on imitating other human beings, longing to fit in our surroundings. As a result,
social factors influence our buying behaviour regarding items. We all have our values and ideologies that
are shaped by the values and ideologies of the society we exist in and the community we belong to. Our
behaviour is consciously or subconsciously driven by the culture followed by that particular community.
For instance, let’s take the example of McDonald's India. India has a massive consumer base with
McDonald’s has adjusted its menu to match the tastes and preferences of the local community in whose
vicinity it resides. For instance, on account of cows being sacred and widely worshipped in India, chicken
has been put in place of beef.
5. In what ways can advertising be bad or harmful to society?
Advertisement literally surrounds nearly everything you do. From watching a television show to reading a
website, advertisements constantly pop up. That doesn’t mean they’re always good. While advertising has
its advantages, it also has its drawbacks and can quickly sink a company if used too liberally. One of the
biggest disadvantages to advertising is that it costs money to market business. The cost of advertising via
traditional methods, such as cable and magazines, can quickly run into thousands of dollars.
6. Why do you think that some people say advertising is a form of art?
I'm sure this question could really stir up some serious debate, and for me the answer would be that some
is and some aren't. If art is something created to stir the emotions in an audience in an effort to engage
them and force them to react, then I would venture to say that advertising is indeed a very calculated art.
One where the marketer researches and tries to predict the most efficient way to engage their audience.

Some people decide to start their own business instead of working for a company or organization.
Do the advantages for people working for their own business outweigh the disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and
There are many ways to start someone's career in this developed decade. The majority of individuals
choose to create their own businesses rather than apply for a company or organization. This essay believes
that the advantages of venturing into the entrepreneurship pathway outweigh the disadvantages. In this
essay, I will begin with the disadvantages aspects of owning a business and followed by the advantages.
Firstly, one of the biggest disadvantages of single ownership is that the proprietor is fully responsible for
any debts and losses. Understandably, the successor must bear all losses because no one else can assist
him. So, if they lose too much money, their firm will be closed, and they will be liable to be saddled with
severe debts since they will have lost all that they invested in the business. Furthermore, the owner's
dream is usually bigger than his capacity to produce and his funds. As a result, despite their poor talents,
many people squander their time starting firms that fail completely.
On the other hand, I strongly believe that choosing to start a business is remarkably constructive owing to
the following two reasons. Firstly, the owner receives all profits, which means that all earnings go to the
holder. For example, a clothing shop owner will receive all money from purchasing and she just has to
pay money for her first funds. In addition, working for yourself is significantly different from
employment in a corporation that someone else owns. Firstly, being self-employed, you are your own
boss and ultimately control your own destiny. You do not have to do what they tell you and you have to
make your own decisions. For instance, you can decide what time you come to your business place
without beyonding of a stickler for punctuality.
To summarize, working for oneself may be hazardous and time-consuming. However, the freedom to
pursue what you like and the potential substantial cash benefits outweigh the negatives. Therefore,
although business ownership is dangerous, it is also rewarding.

Some suggest that young people should take a job for a few years between school and university.
Discuss what the advantages and disadvantages might be for people who do this.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Traditionally, high school seniors will either pursue college or enter the workforce after graduation.
However, these days, a third option – gap year, where students can have a long-year break to travel or
work, is gaining traction. While there are admittedly several benefits to students, I believe that the adverse
impacts of this trend development are more apparent.
On the one hand, delaying tertiary education for one year has certain extend advantages for the young.
Firstly, gap-year takers can enhance their experience and cultivate relevant job skills through interning.
For example, students can choose to go abroad and try different types of jobs, which help them to enrich
their life experiences and hone practical skills. Second, given that most high schools provide inadequate
career guidance, spending several months looking for job opportunities or attending vocational training
courses will empower students to identify a suitable career path.
In contrast, I am convinced that the advantages pale in comparison with the significant disadvantages of
deferring university enrollment prior to embarking on higher education. A major drawback is that students
may fall behind in their study as well as facing peer pressure, which drains their self-confidence. In
addition, high school seniors can lose momentum, finding it hard to resume their education after a long
time being distracted from formal schooling.
In conclusion, there is no denying that taking a gap year brings certain benefits, I would contend that the
given disadvantages do not make it a worthwhile path.

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