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Carl Marthy M.

Javier Modern Trends in Education (4:30-7:30)

School Infrastracture Dr. Maribel Gabuat

The lack of school infrastructure and resources to support the ideal teaching process is the
most pressing issue pounding the Philippine basic education,” It was presented the latest
government inventory which shows that out of 327,851 school buildings in the country, only
104,536 are in good condition. Dated Feb 22, 2023

As a teacher assess the condition of your school building. Do you have enough classrooms to
accommodate students? Do you have the support?
 Dr. Arcadio Santos National High School have 8 buildings, each buildings have 4 floors. The
school buildings were enough to give the students enough classrooms and laboratories. There
is a space for inclusivity when considering bathroom accessibility for all gender identities.
Facilities in good condition, including low noise levels, cleanliness like routine trash removal,
high indoor air quality, appropriate heating and cooling, access to clean water, and absence of
overcrowding are not only conducive to instruction and learning, but essential for student and
staff overall health and well-being.
Discuss your present school set up. Identify what solution could be possible
 Dr. Arcadios Santos National High School is located at KM. 15 East Service Road, SMDP,
Paranaque City. Infront of the school are the police station and Barangay Hall of San Martin
De Porres. The School is easy access, for me it can be found easily because of the landmarks
around the school but it is dangerous for the students and teacher because it is near in the busy
road, wherein motorcycles, jeepneys and trucks are going in and out. Luckily, we have the
support of our Barangay staff and policemen, they are the one who assist us in crossing the
road. The school has narrow passage, same gate for entrance and exit, the floors are all tiled.
Th school should buy the land property around it in order to have a enough space for passage
and different gates for entrance and exit. Tiled floors are dangerous for the students especially
during rainy season and it was already proven and tested because there were already two
accident, break all the tiles in ground floor and change in to ordinary cemented floor.
What is your role as a teacher?
 I believed the roles of the teacher in school infrastructure is to keep clean and safe for every
students. Make students feel like they belong to a community, regardless of how different they
are from each other is crucial in creating a conducive learning environment. As a teacher, it is
your responsibility to create a space that encourages every student not only to learn, but have
fun while respecting everyone around him. Learning might go beyond the classroom, but the
things learned inside also matter as much.
As future principal, what would you to?
 If I could wave a wand, however, these would be the three I would change tomorrow. If I
could I would make one day per week a non-student day devoted to teacher growth and
learning. This would provide generous time to think, plan, assess, reflect, work with
colleagues, examine student work repeatedly, learn more about learning, learn about student
trauma, learn more about teaching, learn more about content. I would hire a team of camp
counselors to be available for all student free time on campus to lead games, activities, and
supervise student fun. Classrooms (and class numbers) would be flexible in space, seating, and
furnishings. So we would have larger theater like lecture halls as well as small books and
crannies for small group tutoring.

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