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Guidelines of Internship/Thesis Program

1. Select an Appropriate Title.

2. Structure of the Report:
* Formal Pages: Cover Page, Letter of Transmittal, Student’s Declaration, Letter of
Authorization, Acknowledgement, Executive Summary, Table of Contents
Chapter: 01. Introduction:
 Introduction
 Objectives of the Study
 Methodology of the Study (Primary data, Secondary data, Questionnaire
 Limitations of the Study
Chapter: 02. Profile of the Organization (Details of the organization)
Chapter: 03. Literature Review (Theoretical Discussion, Summary of Previous
Chapter: 04. Analysis of the Study (Main body of the report, real scenario)
Chapter: 05. Findings
Chapter: 06. Recommendations & Conclusion
APA Style of Referencing (Article)

*Font: Times New Roman
*Font Size:
 Heading: 14
 Description: 12
*Page Range:
 For Internship (BBA): Above 30 Pages (Internship Report)
 For Thesis (MBA/RMBA/EMBA/MSCM): Above 50 Pages. (Thesis Paper)

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