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Presented By : Group 3
Tactical Factors Learning Strategies Communication
Tactical factors involve skillful methods and
details. Specifically, they address
accomplishing the various strategic
elements that lead to achieving the goal.
Such tactics are discussed under the general
rubric of learning strategies and
communicative strategies.
Learning Strategies

Learning Strategies are efforts by learners

to enhance or assist their language learning
Learning Strategies
Metacognitive Cognitive
To plan, control and These are mental
assess their own processes, conscious or
development. unconscious, with which
the understanding of
language, its assimilation,
its storage in memory, its
recovery and its laser use
are improved.
Learning Strategies
Social Affective
Three sets of social Three main sets of
strategies: affective strategies:
1. ask questions 1. lower anxiety
2. cooperate with 2. encourage oneself
others 3. take emotional
3. empathizing temperature

Communication strategy is the scheme of

planning how to share information.
Communication strategy is the choice of the
most useful objectives of communication
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