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Properties of Engineering Materials

Elastic Thermal Electrical

Density Poisson's Yield Stress Ultimate Stress Elongation
Material Modulus Conductivity Resistivity
(Kg/m3) Ratio (MPa) (MPa) (%)
(GPa) (J/m/s/k) (W)
Aluminum [Al] 2700 70 0.33 20 70 60 230.0 2.65E-08
Brass 8500 100 0.34 70 to 550 200 to 620 4 to 60 120.0 6.00E-08
Brick (Compression) 700 to 2200 10 to 24 - - 7 to 70 -
Bronze 8800 96 to 120 0.34 82 to 690 200 to 830 5 to 6 59.0
Cement (Powder) 1200 - - - - -
Concrete 2500 18 to 30 0.1 to 0.2 - 10 to 70 - 1.4
Copper [Cu] 8900 110 to 120 0.33 to 0.36 55 to 330 230 to 380 10 to 50 380.0 1.72E-08
Glass 2500 48 to 83 0.2 to 0.27 - 30 to 1000 - 1.0
Gold [Au] 19300 83 0.44 - 315.0 2.24E-08
Gravel 1700 - - - -
Iron (Cast) 7300 83 to 170 0.2 to 0.3 120 to 290 69 to 480 0 to 1 52.0 1.00E-06
Iron (Wrought) 7100 190 0.30 210 340 35 38.0 9.71E-08
Magnesium [Mg] 1740 41 0.35 20 to 70 100 to 170 5 to 15 4.45E-08
Monel (67% Ni, 30% Cu) 8800 170 0.32 170 to 1100 450 to 1200 2 to 50 22.0
Nickel [Ni] 8890 210 0.31 140 to 620 310 to 760 2 to 50 70.0 6.85E-08
Nylon; Polyamide 1140 2.1 to 2.8 0.40 - 40 to 70 50 - -
Platinum [Pt] 21500 145 0.38 14 71.0 1.05E-07
Rubber 1200 7E-4 to 4E-3 0.45 to 0.5 1.0 to 7.0 7 to 20 100 to 800 -
Sand 1500 - - - - -
Silver [Ag] 10490 76 0.37 - 428.0 1.59E-08
Solder; Tin-Lead 8520 18 to 35 - - 12 to 54 55 to 30 50.0
Stainless Steel 7800 193 0.30 279 to 1600 17.0
Steel 7800 207 0.27 to 0.3 280 to 1600 340 to 1900 3 to 40 54.0 1.50E-07
Stone; Granite (Compression) 2800 40 to 70 0.2 to 0.3 - 70 to 280 -
Stone; Limestone (Compression) 2700 20 to 70 0.2 to 0.3 - 20 to 200 -
Stone; Marble (Compression) 2800 50 to 100 0.2 to 0.3 - 50 to 180 -
Titanium [Ti] 4510 110 0.33 - 500 25 4.30E-07
Wood (Bending) 400 to 1100 10 to 13 - 40 to 70 50 to 100 - 0.14

* All Properties at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure

Prepared by: Waleed Nassef

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