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Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Ananda Dasgupta1
1 Department

of Physics St. Xaviers College Kolkata

e-mail : a dasgupta website : dasgupta in

20th November 2005


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom



Simulation in the Physics Classroom Why teach simulations? The Python programming language Why use Python? Simulations - an example Simulating the oscillator Results The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion Some useful links
Dasgupta Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom



Simulation in the Physics Classroom Why teach simulations? The Python programming language Why use Python? Simulations - an example Simulating the oscillator Results The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion Some useful links
Dasgupta Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom



Simulation in the Physics Classroom Why teach simulations? The Python programming language Why use Python? Simulations - an example Simulating the oscillator Results The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion Some useful links
Dasgupta Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom



Simulation in the Physics Classroom Why teach simulations? The Python programming language Why use Python? Simulations - an example Simulating the oscillator Results The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion Some useful links
Dasgupta Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom



Simulation in the Physics Classroom Why teach simulations? The Python programming language Why use Python? Simulations - an example Simulating the oscillator Results The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion Some useful links
Dasgupta Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why teach simulations?

Why teach Simulations?

Enhances student comprehension Allows deeper explorations Trains in precision


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why teach simulations?

Why teach Simulations?

Enhances student comprehension Allows deeper explorations Trains in precision


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why teach simulations?

Why teach Simulations?

Enhances student comprehension Allows deeper explorations Trains in precision


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why teach simulations?

Why teach Simulations?

Enhances student comprehension Allows deeper explorations Trains in precision


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why teach simulations?

The implementation

The philosophy No Advanced numerical methods Advanced programming Yet Advanced Physics

The OS issue MS - Windows Linux The language issue FORTRAN C Java Python


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why teach simulations?

The implementation

The philosophy No Advanced numerical methods Advanced programming Yet Advanced Physics

The OS issue MS - Windows Linux The language issue FORTRAN C Java Python


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why teach simulations?

The implementation

The philosophy No Advanced numerical methods Advanced programming Yet Advanced Physics

The OS issue MS - Windows Linux The language issue FORTRAN C Java Python


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why teach simulations?

The implementation

The philosophy No Advanced numerical methods Advanced programming Yet Advanced Physics

The OS issue MS - Windows Linux The language issue FORTRAN C Java Python


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why teach simulations?

The implementation

The philosophy No Advanced numerical methods Advanced programming Yet Advanced Physics

The OS issue MS - Windows Linux The language issue FORTRAN C Java Python


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why teach simulations?

The implementation

The philosophy No Advanced numerical methods Advanced programming Yet Advanced Physics

The OS issue MS - Windows Linux The language issue FORTRAN C Java Python


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why use Python?

Why use Python ?

Example : The Hello World Program C: # include<stdio.h> void main() { printf(Hello world); } Python : print Hello world

Simple Easy to learn Powerful Extensible Platform independent Open Source Free


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why use Python?

Why use Python ?

Simple Easy to learn Powerful Extensible Platform independent Open Source Free

Python evolved as a language for teaching computer science concepts so the language overhead is deliberately kept at a minimum. An interpreted language - allows one to use the interpreter in the interactive mode to help understand concepts


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why use Python?

Why use Python ?

Simple Easy to learn Powerful Extensible Platform independent Open Source Free

A general purpose language Supports structural, functional and object oriented programming Powerful modules available
numeric gnuplot visual (aka vPython)


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why use Python?

Why use Python ?

Simple Easy to learn Powerful Extensible Platform independent Open Source Free Glue language C extensions for added speed


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why use Python?

Why use Python ?

Simple Easy to learn Powerful Extensible Platform independent Open Source Free Interpreters are available (for free) for both Linux and MS-Windows


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why use Python?

Why use Python ?

Simple Easy to learn Powerful Extensible Platform independent Open Source Free


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why use Python?

Why use Python ?

Simple Easy to learn Powerful Extensible Platform independent Open Source Free


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why use Python?

Using Python - the downside

Unconventional Slow

No longer! The google search engine uses python extensively - so does Linux!


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Why use Python?

Using Python - the downside

Unconventional Slow

No longer an issue at todays computer speeds!


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

An example - Euler algorithm for the SHM

The algorithm : Initialize time, velocity, position . Calculate force from F = kx Calculate accleration from a =
F m vnew +vold 2

Calculate new velocity : vnew = vold + v = vold + a t Calculate new position : xnew = xold + Update the time tnew = told + t Keep on repeating until nal time is reached. Change the force law for other motions!! t


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

An example - Euler algorithm for the SHM

The algorithm : Initialize time, velocity, position . Calculate force from F = kx Calculate accleration from a =
F m vnew +vold 2

Calculate new velocity : vnew = vold + v = vold + a t Calculate new position : xnew = xold + Update the time tnew = told + t Keep on repeating until nal time is reached. Change the force law for other motions!! t


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

An example - Euler algorithm for the SHM

The algorithm : Initialize time, velocity, position . Calculate force from F = kx Calculate accleration from a =
F m vnew +vold 2

Calculate new velocity : vnew = vold + v = vold + a t Calculate new position : xnew = xold + Update the time tnew = told + t Keep on repeating until nal time is reached. Change the force law for other motions!! t


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

An example - Euler algorithm for the SHM

The algorithm : Initialize time, velocity, position . Calculate force from F = kx Calculate accleration from a =
F m vnew +vold 2

Calculate new velocity : vnew = vold + v = vold + a t Calculate new position : xnew = xold + Update the time tnew = told + t Keep on repeating until nal time is reached. Change the force law for other motions!! t


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

An example - Euler algorithm for the SHM

The algorithm : Initialize time, velocity, position . Calculate force from F = kx Calculate accleration from a =
F m vnew +vold 2

Calculate new velocity : vnew = vold + v = vold + a t Calculate new position : xnew = xold + Update the time tnew = told + t Keep on repeating until nal time is reached. Change the force law for other motions!! t


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

An example - Euler algorithm for the SHM

The algorithm : Initialize time, velocity, position . Calculate force from F = kx Calculate accleration from a =
F m vnew +vold 2

Calculate new velocity : vnew = vold + v = vold + a t Calculate new position : xnew = xold + Update the time tnew = told + t Keep on repeating until nal time is reached. Change the force law for other motions!! t


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

An example - Euler algorithm for the SHM

The algorithm : Initialize time, velocity, position . Calculate force from F = kx Calculate accleration from a =
F m vnew +vold 2

Calculate new velocity : vnew = vold + v = vold + a t Calculate new position : xnew = xold + Update the time tnew = told + t Keep on repeating until nal time is reached. Change the force law for other motions!! t


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

An example - Euler algorithm for the SHM

The algorithm : Initialize time, velocity, position . Calculate force from F = kx Calculate accleration from a =
F m vnew +vold 2

Calculate new velocity : vnew = vold + v = vold + a t Calculate new position : xnew = xold + Update the time tnew = told + t Keep on repeating until nal time is reached. Change the force law for other motions!! t


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

An example - Euler algorithm for the SHM

The algorithm : Initialize time, velocity, position . Calculate force from F = kx Calculate accleration from a =
F m vnew +vold 2

Calculate new velocity : vnew = vold + v = vold + a t Calculate new position : xnew = xold + Update the time tnew = told + t Keep on repeating until nal time is reached. Change the force law for other motions!! t


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

The Python Program

... while (t <= tf) : F = -k * x a= F/m vn = v + a * deltat x = x + (v+vn)*deltat /2 v = vn t = t + deltat print t,v,x


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

Output for the Simple harmonic oscillator

The undamped oscillator


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

Output for the Simple harmonic oscillator

SHO - viscous drag F = -k * x -gamma*v


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

Output for the Simple harmonic oscillator

SHO - with kinetic friction - what does the envelope look like?


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

Output for the Simple harmonic oscillator

SHO - with kinetic friction

if v >= 0.0: F = -k*x - mu*m*g else: F = -k*x + mu*m*g


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

Output for the Simple harmonic oscillator

SHO - with kinetic friction


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

Phase space plots for the oscillator

The undamped oscillator


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

Phase space plots for the oscillator

SHO - viscous drag


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Simulating the oscillator

Phase space plots for the oscillator

SHO - with kinetic friction


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Experience on the eld

So far, two batches of students have taken this course. 2003-04 2 theory classes / week. 3 periods lab / twice every three weeks Yearend project. 2004-05 No theory classes Lab with prepared instruction sheets Projects alloted.

Both batches did reasonably well. The major problem that we faced is the lack of a good book using python in physuics simulations. So - we wrote one!


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Experience on the eld

So far, two batches of students have taken this course. 2003-04 2 theory classes / week. 3 periods lab / twice every three weeks Yearend project. 2004-05 No theory classes Lab with prepared instruction sheets Projects alloted.

Both batches did reasonably well. The major problem that we faced is the lack of a good book using python in physuics simulations. So - we wrote one!


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Experience on the eld

So far, two batches of students have taken this course. 2003-04 2 theory classes / week. 3 periods lab / twice every three weeks Yearend project. 2004-05 No theory classes Lab with prepared instruction sheets Projects alloted.

Both batches did reasonably well. The major problem that we faced is the lack of a good book using python in physuics simulations. So - we wrote one!


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Experience on the eld

So far, two batches of students have taken this course. 2003-04 2 theory classes / week. 3 periods lab / twice every three weeks Yearend project. 2004-05 No theory classes Lab with prepared instruction sheets Projects alloted.

Both batches did reasonably well. The major problem that we faced is the lack of a good book using python in physuics simulations. So - we wrote one!


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Experience on the eld

So far, two batches of students have taken this course. 2003-04 2 theory classes / week. 3 periods lab / twice every three weeks Yearend project. 2004-05 No theory classes Lab with prepared instruction sheets Projects alloted.

Both batches did reasonably well. The major problem that we faced is the lack of a good book using python in physuics simulations. So - we wrote one!


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Experience on the eld

So far, two batches of students have taken this course. 2003-04 2 theory classes / week. 3 periods lab / twice every three weeks Yearend project. 2004-05 No theory classes Lab with prepared instruction sheets Projects alloted.

Both batches did reasonably well. The major problem that we faced is the lack of a good book using python in physuics simulations. So - we wrote one!


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Experience on the eld

So far, two batches of students have taken this course. 2003-04 2 theory classes / week. 3 periods lab / twice every three weeks Yearend project. 2004-05 No theory classes Lab with prepared instruction sheets Projects alloted.

Both batches did reasonably well. The major problem that we faced is the lack of a good book using python in physuics simulations. So - we wrote one!


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Solving Laplaces equation - a student project

Solving Laplaces equation in a rectangular domain by the relaxation method

To solve :

2V 2V + =0 x 2 y 2 V (i + 1, j) + V (i 1, j) + V (i, j + 1) + V (i, j 1) 4

we use the nite dierence version V (i, j) =

Start from any initial set of V (i, j) and iterate until the eld does not change appreciably.
Dasgupta Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Solving Laplaces equation - a student project

Solving Laplaces equation in a rectangular domain by the relaxation method


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Solving Laplaces equation - a student project

Solving Laplaces equation in a rectangular domain by the relaxation method


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Solving Laplaces equation - a student project

Solving Laplaces equation in a rectangular domain by the relaxation method


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Solving Laplaces equation - a student project

Solving Laplaces equation in a rectangular domain by the relaxation method


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Solving Laplaces equation - a student project

Solving Laplaces equation in a rectangular domain by the relaxation method


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Solving Laplaces equation - a student project

Solving Laplaces equation in a rectangular domain by the relaxation method


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Motion of a charged particle - a student project

Using the vPython module for visualizing the motion of a charged particle in crossed electric and magnetic elds.


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

The story so far Plotting elds Charged particle motion

Motion of a charged particle - a student project

Using the vPython module for visualizing the motion of a charged particle in crossed electric and magnetic elds.


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Some useful websites :

The ocial Python site downloads documentation links forum jobs ...


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Some useful websites : For MS-Windows - a nicely packaged python suite with a good collection of useful modules.


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Some useful websites : Home of the Visual module aka vPython - a nice module for generating 3D animations.


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Some useful websites : Home of the book How to think like a computer scientist - in Python - nice book, especially for beginning programmers.


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Some useful websites : Home of the book Dive into Python - for more advanced programmers.


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

Simulation in the Physics Classroom The Python programming language Simulations - an example Results Some useful links

Some useful websites : Homepage of the scientic python module


Simulation in the Undergraduate Physics Classroom

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