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3rd Review for Introduction to Educational Technology

Name : Irawati Rahayu

NIM : 23861002a
Subject : Introduction to Educational Technology
Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Deni Darmawan, S.Pd.., M.Si., M.Kom., MCE
Obed Kw Abina Opoku Nkansah Bsc. MPA.
Pada pertemuan ke 3 mata kuliah Pengantar Teknologi Pendidikan, Dr Obed
Kembali mengajar kami karena Bapak Professor Deni sedang kunjungan ke Thailand
dalam rangka kepentingan kedinasan. Tapi pada pertemuan ke 3 ini Dr Obedtidak bisa
mengajar secara tatap muka dating ke kelas tetapi memberikan kuliah secara online.
Adapun mata kuliah yang diberikan pada pertemuan ke 3 ini masih membahas
tentang strategi teknologi Pembelajaran diantaranya penggabungan atau integrasi alat dan
teknologi digital ke dalam proses Pendidikan untuk mendukung berbagai aspek
Pendidikan. Untuk mendapatkan hasil optimal dari teknologi dan alat digital, Pendidik
harus berperan sebagai ahli strategi.
Pemindaian lingkungan dalam konteks teknologi Pendidikan melibatkan proses
yang sistematis diantaranya : pemantauan, analisis, dan menanggapi factor dan tren
eksternal dan internal yang dapat berdampak pada pendidik di lapangan. Pemindaian
lingkungan sangat penting karena dapat membantu intuisi pendidik dan propesional tetap
mendapat informasi, Membantu institusi Pendidikan mengikuti perkembangan teknologi
Pendidikan terkini, serta membantu institusi Pendidikan dan professional membuat
keputusan mengenai penerapan teknologi Pendidikan.
Teknologi harus selaras dengan tujuan Pendidikan, kita harus tetap responsive
terhadap pembelajaran digital yang terus berkembang, serta menyesuaikan dan
memanfaatkan teknologi untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Adapun komponen
proses pemindaian mencakup teknologiyang sedang berkembang, aplikasi software,
perangkat keras dan alat digital yang meningkatkan pengajaran dan pembelajaran.
Pada perkuliah hari itu ada beberapa pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh mahasiswa
dan mahasiswi via chat diantaranya sebagai berikut :
1. How can the Formulation of technology integration strategies support personalized
learning experiences for students? ( IRAWATI RAHAYU )
2. How to build collaboration with colleagues who have different understandings of
educational technology? so that we can build a common understanding about educational
technology? ( IRWAN HERMANSAH )
3. Today’s lessons how to apply environmental scanning in educational technology, one of
which collaborating with friends. Coincidentally, collaboration with friend is good, but our
leaders play less of a role in collaborating, when making a decision becomes difficult.
What should we do? ( ESSY SOLIHATI )
4. Can you explain the important of needs assessment in formulation of technology
exchanged teaching strategies? ( SANTI HARDIANI )
5. How do we change the teacher’s paradigm that educational technology is very important
in learning? ( DODI HERDIANA )
At the 3rd meeting of the Introduction to Educational Technology course,
Dr. Obed returned to teach us because Professor Deni was visiting Thailand for
official purposes. But at this 3rd meeting Dr. Obed could not teach directly in class,
hence the learning process was held by online.
The course given at the 3rd meeting is still discussing learning technology
strategies including the incorporation or integration of digital tools and technology
into the education process to support various aspects of education. To get optimal
results from digital technology and tools, educators must act as strategists.
Environmental scanning in the context of educational technology involves a
systematic process of monitoring, analyzing, and responding to external and
internal factors and trends that may impact educators in the field. Environmental
scanning is important because it can help educators' and professionals' intuition stay
informed, help educational institutions keep up with the latest developments in
educational technology, and help educational institutions and professionals make
decisions regarding the application of educational technology.
Technology must be aligned with the goals of education, we must remain
responsive to evolving digital learning, and adapt and utilize technology to improve
the quality of learning. The components of the scanning process include emerging
technologies, software applications, hardware and digital tools that enhance
teaching and learning.
In the lecture that day there were several questions asked by students and
female students via chat including the following:
1. How can the Formulation of technology integration strategies support
personalized learning experiences for students? (Irawati Rahayu)
2. How to build collaboration with colleagues who have different understandings of
educational technology? so that we can build a common understanding about
educational technology? (Irwan Hermansah)
3. Today’s lessons how to apply environmental scanning in educational technology,
one of which collaborating with friends. Coincidentally, collaboration with friend is
good, but our leaders play less of a role in collaborating, when making a decision
becomes difficult. What should we do? (Essy Solihati)
4. Can you explain the important of needs assessment in formulation of technology
exchanged teaching strategies? (Santi Hardiani)
5. How do we change the teacher’s paradigm that educational technology is very
important in learning? (Dodi Herdiana)

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