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Experimental Biology and Medicine

Adipocyte Differentiation: From Fibroblast to Endocrine Cell

Francine M. Gregoire

Experimental Biology and Medicine 2001, 226:997-1002.

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Adipocyte Differentiation: From Fibroblast to

Endocrine Cell
Metabolex, Hayward, California 94549

Recent advances regarding the biology of adipose tissue have ease (1). A dramatic increase in the incidence of both obe-
demonstrated that white adipose tissue (WAT) plays a central sity and NIDDM is currently observed in Western countries,
role in the regulation of energy balance and acts as a secretory/
endocrine organ that mediates numerous physiological and
but so far strategies to combat excess body weight and/or
pathological processes. Dysregulation of WAT mass causes WAT mass have not been effective in most individuals.
obesity or lipoatrophy, two disorders associated with life- Lipoatrophy, less frequent in humans, is characterized by a
threatening pathologies, including cardiovascular diseases and paucity of adipose tissue and is associated with insulin-
diabetes. Alterations in WAT mass result from changes in adi-
resistant diabetes (2), stressing that both increased and de-
pocyte size and/or number. Change in adipocyte number is
achieved through a complex interplay between proliferation and creased WAT mass can have profound effects at extra-
differentiation of preadipocytes. Adipocyte differentiation or adipose sites. Therefore, understanding the cellular and mo-
adipogenesis is a highly controlled process that has been ex- lecular basis of adipose tissue growth in physiological and
tensively studied for the last 25 years. In vitro preadipocyte pathophysiological states is an important area of research
culture systems that recapitulate most of the critical aspects of
fat cell formation in vivo have allowed a meticulous dissection that may lead to the development of innovative therapies to
of the cellular and molecular events involved in the adipogen- treat WAT-related disorders. WAT was originally viewed as
esis process. The adipogenic transcription factors peroxisome an inert tissue containing a fixed number of adipocytes, its
proliferator-activated receptor-␥ and CCAAT/enhancer binding main cellular component. It was believed to act as a passive
protein-␣ play a key role in the complex transcriptional cascade
that occurs during adipogenesis. Hormonal and nutritional sig-
energy depot, storing or releasing lipid under the influence
naling affects adipocyte differentiation in a positive or negative of various hormones. However, it is now undisputed that
manner, and components involved in cell-cell or cell-matrix in- WAT is a very dynamic endocrine organ with pleiotropic
teractions are also pivotal in regulating the differentiation pro- functions.
cess. This knowledge provides a basis for understanding the
Adipocytes secrete factors that play a central role in the
physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms that under-
lie adipose tissue formation and for the development of novel regulation of energy balance, insulin sensitivity, immuno-
and sound therapeutic approaches to treat obesity and its re- logical responses, and vascular diseases (3, 4). Moreover,
lated diseases. [Exp Biol Med Vol. 226(11):997–1002, 2001] several studies have suggested that WAT expansion during
Key words: adipocyte differentiation; adipose tissue; gene expres- adulthood not only results from increased adipocyte size,
sion; endocrine but also from increased adipocyte number. Adipocyte hy-
perplasia is observed in various rodent models, including
high fat-fed rats, obese Zucker rats treated with troglitazone,
besity is a disorder that results from excess white transgenic mice overexpressing GLUT4 selectively in adi-

O adipose tissue (WAT) and is a major risk factor for

type 2 diabetes (NIDDM) and cardiovascular dis-
pose tissue, and estrogen-receptor-␣ knockout mice (5–9).
Although the occurrence of adipocyte hyperplasia in hu-
mans remains controversial, fat cell precursors that can be
differentiated in vitro into mature adipocytes have been iso-
To whom requests for reprints should be addressed at Metabolex, Inc., 3876 Bay lated from human adult WAT (10–12), demonstrating that
Center Place, Hayward, CA 94549. E-mail: adults retain the potential to acquire new fat cells. More-
over, human WAT-derived stromal vascular cells were re-
Copyright © 2001 by the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine cently reported to differentiate in vitro into adipogenic,
chondrogenic, myogenic, and osteogenic cells in the pres-

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ence of lineage-specific induction factors (13), emphasizing cytes undergo at least one round of DNA replication and
WAT plasticity. This suggests that in addition to fibroblast- cell doubling, leading to the clonal amplification of com-
like cells already determined for adipocyte lineage (preadi- mitted cells (16). Although the clonal amplification step has
pocytes), human adult WAT also contains multipotent pre- been viewed as required for the subsequent differentiation
cursor cells. However, because differentiation into these lin- events, this view has recently been questioned. That is, pri-
eages was only assessed morphologically, the findings of mary preadipocytes derived from human adipose tissue do
this study need to be confirmed at the molecular level. Nu- not require cell division to enter the differentiation process
merous gaps still exist in our knowledge, mostly regarding (17). In addition, data collected on 3T3-L1 preadipocytes
the early molecular events that lead to the determination of corroborate that DNA synthesis and mitotic expansion are
primitive precursor cells to the adipocyte lineage. There- not required steps for preadipocyte differentiation into adi-
fore, if real, the availability of multipotent precursor cells pocytes (18). When induced by MIX and DEX, a significant
may provide a new model system for identification of novel proportion of preadipocytes differentiates in the absence of
adipogenic regulatory genes. mitotic clonal expansion. Moreover, treatment of normally
In contrast, the cellular and molecular events that take induced 3T3-L1 preadipocytes with a mitogen-activated
place during the transition from undifferentiated fibroblast- protein kinase-1 (MEK-1) inhibitor that blocks mitotic
like preadipocytes into mature adipocytes have been exten- clonal expansion by inhibiting mitogen-activated protein ki-
sively characterized. Adipogenesis results from the tran- nase and activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases
scriptional activation and repression of adipocyte genes, a 1 and 2 does not affect differentiation (18).
process that has been recently reviewed comprehensively The first hallmark of the adipogenesis process is the
(14, 15). This review summarizes this knowledge as well as dramatic alteration in cell shape as the cells convert from
other aspects of adipocyte biology, with a particular empha- fibroblastic to spherical shape. These morphological modi-
sis on recently identified adipocyte-specific secretory fications are paralleled by changes in the level and type of
factors. extracellular matrix (ECM) components and the level of
cytoskeletal components (5). Recent findings indicate that
Adipogenesis: from Fibroblast-Like to these events are key for regulating adipogenesis as they may
Mature Adipocyte promote expression of critical adipogenic transcription fac-
Various cell culture models, including preadipocyte tors, including CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-␣ (C/
cell lines and primary culture of adipose-derived stromal EBP␣) and/or peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-␥
vascular precursor cells, have been used to study the mo- (PPAR␥). Mediation of the proteolytic degradation of the
lecular and cellular events that take place during the adipo- stromal ECM of preadipocytes by the plasminogen cascade
cyte differentiation process. The characteristics of most is required for cell-shape change, adipocyte-specific gene
commonly used cell culture models have been reviewed in expression, and lipid accumulation (19). Plasma kallikreine
detail (5) and are not addressed here. or plasminogen deficiencies lead to inhibition of adipocyte
Committed preadipocytes have to withdraw from the differentiation in vitro and in vivo, probably through sup-
cell cycle before undergoing adipose conversion. For pre- pression of fibronectin degradation. Addition of exogenous
adipose cell lines as well as for primary preadipocytes, fibronectin during adipocyte differentiation also inhibits
growth arrest is required for adipocyte differentiation and is adipogenesis, confirming the negative regulatory role of this
normally achieved through contact inhibition. However, ECM molecule (5, 19). ENC-1, a Drosophila kelch-related
contact inhibition per se is not a prerequisite for adipogen- actin-binding protein may also play a regulatory role early
esis since cells plated at low density in serum-free medium in adipocyte differentiation by affecting cytoskeletal reor-
or kept in a methylcellulose suspension still undergo differ- ganization and cell-shape change. In preadipocytes, ENC-1
entiation (5). Following growth arrest, preadipocytes must colocalizes with actin filaments, and its mRNA levels are
receive an appropriate combination of mitogenic and adipo- transiently increased 8- to 12-fold early in adipocyte differ-
genic signals to continue through the subsequent differen- entiation. ENC-1 induction precedes expression of PPAR␥
tiation steps, leading to the progressive acquisition of the and C/EBP␣, and decreasing endogenous ENC-1 levels ef-
morphological and biochemical characteristics of the ma- fectively inhibit adipocyte differentiation (20).
ture adipocytes. The nature of the induction depends on the Many of the changes that occur during preadipocyte
specific cell culture model used because the responsiveness differentiation take place at the gene expression level. Sev-
to inducing agents may vary considerably between preadi- eral reports have attempted to schematize the stages of adi-
pose cell lines and primary preadipocytes (5). Overall, in pocyte differentiation into a simple hierarchy of molecular
serum-containing medium, the standard adipogenic cock- events. Genes differentially regulated during adipogenesis
tail, contains supraphysiological concentrations of insulin, have been categorized into early, intermediate, and late
dexamethasone (DEX), and isobuthylmethylxanthine mRNA/protein markers (4, 5, 14, 15, 21, 22). However,
(MIX), highlighting the involvement of the insulin/IGF-1, obtaining an accurate chronology of the molecular events
glucocorticoid, and cAMP signaling pathways in the adipo- that take place during adipocyte differentiation is a daunting
cyte differentiation process (5). Post-confluent preadipo- task. Growth arrest and clonal expansion, when present, are

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accompanied by complex changes in the pattern of gene critical role in the molecular control of the preadipocyte-
expression that can differ with cell culture models and the adipocyte transition (32, 33). GATA-2 and GATA-3 are
specific differentiation protocols employed. Moreover, pro- specifically expressed in white preadipocytes, and their
gressive acquisition of the adipocyte phenotype is associ- mRNAs are downregulated during adipocyte differentia-
ated with changes in the expression of over 2000 genes, as tion. Constitutive expression of GATA-2 and GATA-3 sup-
highlighted in a recent study using microarray technology to presses adipocyte differentiation and traps cells at the pre-
monitor global changes in gene expression profiles during adipocyte stage. This effect is mediated, at least in part,
3T3-L1 differentiation (23). Over 100 expressed sequence through direct suppression of the activity of the PPAR␥2
tags representing uncharacterized genes were expressed promoter. Moreover, GATA-3-deficient embryonic stem
only in preadipocytes or in adipocytes, clearly indicating cells exhibit an enhanced capacity to differentiate into adi-
that further research is needed to fully understand the adi- pocytes, and GATA-2 and GATA-3 expression is severely
pogenesis process. downregulated in WAT derived from genetically obese
Several transcription factor families that exhibit diverse mice (33). The transcription factor CREB is constitutively
modes of activation and function are key regulators of the expressed prior to and during adipogenesis, and is upregu-
adipogenesis process. The roles played by PPAR␥2 and the lated by conventional differentiation-inducing agents such
C/EBPs have been intensively investigated and recently re- as insulin, DEX, and dibutyryl cAMP. Overexpression of a
viewed (14, 15). Members of the C/EBP family and constitutively active CREB in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes is nec-
PPAR␥2 are involved in terminal differentiation by their essary and sufficient to initiate adipogenesis, whereas over-
subsequent transactivation of adipocyte-specific genes. Ex- expression of a dominant-negative CREB alone blocks adi-
posure of confluent preadipocytes to the adipogenic cocktail pogenesis in cells treated with conventional differentiation-
induces expression of C/EBP␤ and C/EBP␦, which in turn inducing agents (32).
activate PPAR␥2 and C/EBP␣. Production of the appropri- In addition to transcription factors, other signaling mol-
ate ligand of PPAR␥2 by the differentiating preadipocyte is ecules such as pref-1 and Wnts also regulate adipocyte dif-
likely a limiting step in this transcriptional cascade. The ferentiation (34, 35). Pref-1 is an inhibitor of adipocyte
nature of PPAR␥2 endogenous ligand and the molecular differentiation and is synthesized as a plasma membrane
mechanisms that regulate its production are still unknown. protein containing six EGF repeats in the extracellular do-
ADD1/SREBP-1c is another key transcription factor known main. Pref-1 is highly expressed in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes,
to modulate transcription of numerous liver genes involved but is not detectable in mature fat cells. DEX, a differen-
in lipid metabolism as well as adipocyte differentiation (15, tiation agent, inhibits pref-1 transcription and thereby pro-
24). ADD1/SREBP-1c and more recently C/EBP␤ and motes adipogenesis. Downregulation of pref-1 is required
C/EBP␦ were proposed to play roles in regulation of for adipose conversion, and constitutive expression of
PPAR␥2 ligand production (15, 25), but additional studies pref-1 inhibits adipogenesis. Conversely, decreasing pref-1
will be necessary to confirm their direct involvement in this levels by antisense pref-1 transfection greatly enhances adi-
process. The regulatory role of PPAR␦, another member of pogenesis (35). Wnt signaling also appears to be a molecu-
the PPAR family, is still a matter of intense debate. In lar switch that governs adipogenesis. Preadipocytes that
contrast to PPAR␥2, PPAR␦ expression is not restricted to constitutively express Wnt-1 failed to differentiate when
WAT. Ectopic expression of PPAR␦ in fibroblastic cell treated with the adipogenic cocktail. Moreover, activation
lines was originally reported to have either no effect on of Wnt signaling downstream of the receptor also inhibits
adipogenesis or to promote it (26, 27). Recent reevaluation differentiation, indicating that Wnt signaling maintains
of the role of PPAR␦ in adipocyte differentiation has con- preadipocytes in an undifferentiated state. This effect seems
firmed that its overexpression in both fibroblastic and adi- to be mediated through inhibition of C/EBP␣ and PPAR␥.
pocytic cell lines supports adipose conversion in the pres- Furthermore, disruption of Wnt signaling by expression of a
ence of non-specific (2-bromopalmitate) or specific dominant-negative TCF-4 that cannot be activated by
(L165041) PPAR␦ ligands (28–30). However, activation of ␤-catenin induces adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes,
endogenous PPAR␦ by L165041 is not sufficient to signifi- C3H10T1/2 cells, and NIH-3T3 fibroblasts. It also causes
cantly increase 3T3-L1 differentiation (30, 31); and expres- transdifferentiation of myoblasts into adipocytes in vitro,
sion of a dominant negative mutant PPAR␦ in differentiat- suggesting that the Wnt pathway plays a role in mesodermal
ing ob17 preadipocytes does not completely abolish differ- cell fate determination (34).
entiation induced by 2-bromopalmitate (29). Therefore, the During the terminal phase of differentiation, activation
impact of PPAR␦ on the processes that lead to terminal of the transcriptional cascade leads to increased activity,
differentiation is unclear, and its precise biological function protein, and mRNA levels for enzymes involved in triacyl-
remains to be determined. glycerol synthesis and degradation. Glucose transporters,
In addition to C/EBPs, PPAR␥2, and ADD1/SREBP- insulin receptor number, and insulin sensitivity also in-
1c, several other transcription factors, including GATA- crease. Synthesis of adipocyte-secreted products including
binding transcription factors GATA-2 and GATA-3, and leptin, adipsin, resistin, and adipocyte-complement-related
cAMP response element binding protein (CREB), play a protein (Acrp30) begins, producing a highly specialized en-

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docrine cell that will play key roles in various physiological adipocytes. Resistin mRNA is markedly induced during adi-
processes. These complex series of events require the cell to pocyte differentiation as well as in diet-induced and genetic
process a variety of combinatorial inputs during the decision forms of obesity. Its expression is under nutritional and
to undergo differentiation. The identification of agents and hormonal regulation, with resistin message being very low
molecules that modulate the adipogenesis process has pro- during fasting and in WAT derived from streptozotocin-
vided insights into the signal transduction pathways in- treated (i.e., insulin-deficient) rats, and increasing upon re-
volved. So far, a plethora of hormones, cytokines, and feeding and insulin administration, respectively (39, 40).
growth factors able to act as positive or negative adipogenic Immunoneutralization of circulating resistin improves blood
regulators have been identified. Their respective role on glucose levels and insulin action in high fat-fed mice, sug-
preadipocyte differentiation was recently reviewed in detail gesting that elevated resistin levels may result in decreased
(5). Briefly, insulin, IGF-1, glucocorticoids, and agents that insulin sensitivity in obese rodents (39). Interestingly, re-
increase intracellular cAMP levels are generally recognized sistin also exerts an inhibitory effect on adipocyte differen-
as positive effectors. Cytokines, growth factors belonging to tiation; i.e., treatment of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes with condi-
the TGF-␤ family, and protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors tioned medium from COS cells transfected with murine re-
are viewed as negative regulators. sistin markedly decreases expression of adipocyte markers.
This indicates that resistin may function as a feedback sig-
The Mature Adipocyte: a Highly Specialized nal to restrict adipocyte formation (40). Such a finding im-
Endocrine Cell plies that adipocytes express resistin receptors and that re-
Mature adipocytes, the main cellular component of sistin is likely to have autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine
WAT, are uniquely equipped to function in energy storage functions. However, further investigations are required to
and balance under tight hormonal control. However, with determine the precise role played by resistin in vivo.
the realization that adipocytes secrete factors known to play Acrp30 (synonyms: AdipoQ, ApM-1, and adiponectin)
a role in immunological responses, vascular diseases, and is an adipocyte-specific secreted protein that displays se-
appetite regulation, a much more complex and dynamic role quence homology with C1q, the first component of the clas-
of WAT has emerged. In addition to proteins involved in sical complement activation pathway. Acrp30 mRNA is
lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, cytokines, and growth dramatically induced during adipocyte differentiation (42,
factors, adipocytes also synthesize factors involved in the 43), and its human ortholog apM1 (renamed adiponectin) is
regulation of food intake and energy homeostasis. Adipo- the most abundant gene transcript in human adipose tissue
cyte-derived factors include leptin, adipsin, acylation stimu- (44). Acrp30 is abundant in normal serum and, in vitro, its
lation protein, agouti, angiotensin II, prostaglandins, secretion is enhanced by insulin (43). Its message level is
Acrp30, resistin, TNF-␣, macrophage migration inhibitory dysregulated in obesity, being significantly reduced in
factor, secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC), WAT derived from obese mice and humans (42). Moreover,
and PPAR␥ angiopoietin related (PGAR)/ fasting-induced in obese subjects, plasma concentrations of adiponectin are
adipose factor (FIAF). significantly lower than in lean controls (44), suggesting
Leptin, the obese (ob) gene product, is a hormone that that this adipocyte-secreted factor plays a role in the regu-
is primarily made and secreted by mature adipocytes and lation of energy balance. Supporting this hypothesis is the
that plays a crucial role in the regulation of energy balance. recent report that the proteolytic cleavage product of
Current knowledge on leptin production, regulation, and Acrp30 (gAcrp30) is able to regulate body weight and lipid
action has been recently reviewed (3, 36, 37). The functions metabolism in mice (45). Acrp30 effects on energy homeo-
of agouti, acylation stimulation protein, angiotensin II, and stasis are mediated, at least in part, by increased free fatty
prostaglandins in the regulation of energy balance and acid oxidation in muscle. Although the molecular mecha-
whole-body homeostasis have also been recently described nisms through which Acrp30 achieves this effect are cur-
(3, 38). Here, we concentrate on four newly described se- rently unknown, the possibility of pharmacologically in-
creted factors that may play a role in energy homeostasis creasing free fatty acid oxidation in muscle may provide
and/or affect key functions in adipose tissue physiology and new ways to control body weight without interfering with
pathology: resistin, Acrp30, SPARC, and PGAR/ FIAF. food intake (45).
Resistin is an adipocyte-derived secreted product that SPARC (also known as osteonectin or BM-40) is a
potentially links obesity to diabetes (39). It belongs to a newly identified factor secreted by the adipocyte (46).
family of tissue-specific secreted proteins that include re- SPARC belongs to the matricellular group of proteins
sistin-like molecules ␣ and ␤ (RELM-␣ and RELM-␤). Re- known to modulate cell adhesion, differentiation, and an-
sistin is exclusively expressed in adipose tissue; RELM-␣ giogenesis. SPARC is not an adipocyte-specific product. In
has a restricted tissue distribution with highest levels in adult animals, its expression is limited largely to remodeling
adipose tissue and RELM-␤ is expressed only in the gas- tissues, and it is prominent in tumors and in disorders as-
trointestinal tract (39–41). Resistin is a thiazolidinedione- sociated with fibrosis (47). Interestingly, SPARC mRNA is
regulated protein as evidenced by the finding that thiazoli- markedly upregulated in several models of experimental
dinedione treatment decreases resistin mRNA in 3T3-L1 obesity, including genetic and chemically and diet-induced

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models, suggesting that elevated SPARC gene expression duced by the mature adipocytes is growing rapidly, further
may be a general feature of this pathology (46). SPARC is emphasizing its pleiotropic function. Adipocytes modulate
hormonally and nutritionally regulated, with insulin and metabolic processes, immune response, reproduction, and
high fat feeding each increasing its message levels. More- hematopoiesis. WAT is a critical endocrine player in obesity
over, addition of purified SPARC to cultured rat adipose and its associated disorders, stressing the need for further
tissue increases plasminogen activator inhibitor I (PAI-1) identification of novel factors produced by adipocytes as
mRNA expression, indicating that SPARC is an autocrine/ well as for further characterization of the transcription fac-
paracrine factor that might contribute to the elevation in tors that regulate adipocyte determination, differentiation,
plasma PAI-1 observed in obesity (46). Increased PAI-1 and function. This will lead to development of innovative
levels are associated with increased risk for a coronary therapeutic approaches to human obesity that will most
event (48), but it is not yet known if SPARC expression is likely involve modulation of adipocyte function rather than
also altered in human obesity or if it plays a significant role manipulation of the adipogenesis process in vivo. The latter
in the pathophysiology of this disease. In addition to modu- approach is indeed questionable in the light of the conse-
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