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Date: 26/1/2020

Doc. No.: AP-APQ-01

Audit Plan Page No : 1 of 1
Rev. No. : 0

■ Internal Survey

External ■ Audit

1. Audit Reference: ASME III ED 2019 , NCQM Rev.01 and Procedures

2. Audited Organization / Orascom Construction / Quality Assurance Department
Department / Organization
to be notified
3. Audit Scope : Audit Personnel Qualification Procedure
4. Audit Team: Hussien Elkersh (Lead Auditor) .
5. Audit Date: 29/01/2020
6. References: : Audit Personnel Qualification Procedure NQAP 02.04 Rev1, NQAM Rev1
7. Attachments: Audit Checklist ACL-APQ-01 Rev.0
8. Requirement: NQA-1 Ed 2017 300, ASME 2019 Section III NCA-4252.1 and NCA-4252.2

I hereby certify that the assigned Auditors collectively have experience or training commensurate with the scope,

complexity or special nature of the activities to be audited.

Prepared by Reviewed and Approved by

Name Hussien Elkersh Mike Taylor

Position Lead Auditor NCQD

Date 26/01/2020 26/01/2020

Exhibit NQAME 18.01 Sheet 1 of 1 Rev.0

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