Abbasa2015 Article InfluenceOfAxialLoadOnTheLater

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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng.

2015, 9(2): 176–193

DOI 10.1007/s11709-015-0289-7


Influence of axial load on the lateral pile groups response

in cohesionless and cohesive soil
Jasim M. ABBASAa,* , Zamri CHIKb, Mohd Raihan TAHAb
Department of Civil Engineering, Diyala University, Diyala, Baqhuba 32001, Iraq
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi Selangor 43600 UKM, Malaysia
Corresponding author. E-mail:

© Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

ABSTRACT The lateral response of single and group of piles under simultaneous vertical and lateral loads has been
analyzed using a 3D finite element approach. The response in this assessment considered lateral pile displacement and
lateral soil resistance and corresponding p-y curve. As a result, modified p-y curves for lateral single pile response were
improved with respect to the influence of increasing axial load intensities. The improved plots can be used for lateral
loaded pile design and to produce the group action design p-multiplier curves and equations. The effect of load
combination on the lateral pile group response was performed on three pile group configurations (i.e., 21, 22 and 32)
with four pile spacings (i.e., s = 2D, 4D, 6D and 8D). As a result, design curves were developed and applied on the actual
case studies and similar expected cases for assessment of pile group behavior using improved p-multiplier. A design
equation was derived from predicted design curves to be used in the evaluation of the lateral pile group action taking into
account the effect of axial load intensities. It was found that the group interaction effect led to reduced lateral resistance for
the pile in the group relative to that for the single pile in case of pure lateral load. While, in case of simultaneous combined
loads, large axial load intensities (i.e., more than 6H, where H is lateral load values) will have an increase in p-multiplier
by approximately 100% and will consequently contribute to greater group piles capacities.

KEYWORDS piles, pile group, spacing, configuration, combined load

1 Introduction position of pile within the group directly affects the pile
performance especially its lateral behavior. The piles in
According to current day practice, piles are independently trailing (back rows) are thought to exhibit less lateral
analyzed first for the vertical load to determine their resistance because of interference with the failure surface
bearing capacity and settlement and then for the lateral of the row of piles in front of them. This group interaction
load to determine the flexural behavior [1,2]. This effect is expected to become less significant as the spacing
approach is valid only for small lateral loads, however, between piles increases because there is less overlap
in case of pile groups, the lateral loads are significantly between adjacent failure planes [4]. One method which
high and the order of 10%–20% of the vertical loads. In was presented by many researchers (e.g., [5–9]) account-
such cases, studying the interaction effects due to ing for the group reduction effects is to reduce the modulus
combined vertical and lateral loads is essential. Thus, a or the soil resistance, p, from a single pile p-y curve using a
more systematic analysis is essential [1–3]. In general, the constant reduction factor or p-multiplier (fm) which was
pile group should not be only design or analyze to support proposed initially by Brown et al. [10]. Although this
vertical loads or lateral loads separately but always a simple approach has provided relatively good estimates of
simultaneous combination of the vertical and lateral loads. measured pile group behavior [10,11], p-multipliers are
Piles are always constructed within a group and the extremely restricted in their application. The values of the
p-multiplier always depend only on the magnitude of
Article history: Received Oct. 14, 2014; Accepted Jan. 2, 2015 lateral load.
Jasim M. ABBASA et al. Influence of axial load on the lateral pile groups response in cohesionless and cohesive soil 177

Many investigators have studied assessments of the model massive structures in the soil or bedrock layers that
behavior of laterally loaded pile group using finite element include piles etc. [23] This model represents Hooke’s law
method. Normally, the finite element method simulates the of isotropic linear elasticity used for modeling the stress-
soil as a continuum. Pile displacements and stresses are strain relationship of the pile material. The model involves
evaluated by solving the classic beam bending equation two elastic stiffness parameters, namely the effective
using one of the standard numerical methods such as the Young’s modulus, E', and the effective Poisson's ratio, ν'.
models used by Kishida & Nakai [12], and Iyer & Sam
[13]. Randolph [14] developed simple algebraic equation 2.2 Soil model
of interaction factors, based on results from finite element
analysis, to account for the added displacements from the The surrounding soil represented by Mohr-Coulomb’s
influence loads of neighboring piles. Muqtadir and Desai model. This elasto-plastic model based on soil parameters
[15] used a three-dimensional (3D) finite element approach that known in most practical situations. The model
to evaluate the pile group behavior embedded in sandy involves two main parameters, namely the cohesion
soil. A 3D analysis was performed using von Mises surface intercept, c' and the friction angle, f# . In addition, three
was reported by Brown and Shie [16]. Trochanis et al. [17] parameters namely Young’s modulus, E', Poisson’s ratio,
studied a two-pile system subjected to lateral load using ν', and the dilatancy angle, ψ' are needed to calculate the
commercial program (ABAQUS), in 3D conditions. complete stress-strain (σ, ε) behavior. The failure envelope
Another 3D finite element analysis for evaluating the as referred by Potts & Zdravkovic [24] and Johnson et al.
lateral pile group response when Kimura et al. [18] [25] only depend on the principal stresses (í í
1 , 3 ), and is
reported carrying pure lateral loading. In addition, using a independent of the intermediate principle stress (í 2 ).
finite element package, GPILE-3D. In addition, other
researchers used computational methods for soils perfor- 2.3 Interface elements model
mance (i.e., [19–21]). Finalluy, Kahyaoglu et al. [22] used
PLAXIS 3D Foundation to investigate the behavior of Interfaces are modeled as 16-node interface elements.
laterally loaded pile and pile group. Interface elements consist of eight pairs of nodes,
As previously mentioned, all lateral response on pile compatible with the 8-noded quadrilateral side of a soil
groups were studied by non-simultaneous actions of both element. Along degenerated soil elements, interface
axial and lateral loads. Thus, this study aim to assess the elements are composed of six node pairs, compatible
influence of simultaneous load combinations on the lateral with the triangular side of the degenerated soil element.
pile group action using 3D finite element approach in Each interface has a virtual thickness assigned to it which
PLAXIS 3D FOUNDATION software [23]. Two types of is an imaginary dimension used to obtain the stiffness
soil (a cohesionless and a cohesive soil) were used for properties of the interface. The virtual thickness is defined
comparison. The study includes three pile group config- as the virtual thickness factor times the average element
urations with four pile spacing. The main intention of this size.
paper is to obtain improved p-y design curves taking into
account the influence of pile spacing on the lateral pile
response within group for different group configurations 3 Analysis methodology and layout
subjected to different loading combinations. In addition, a
cohesionless and a cohesive soil were used to establish The analysis consists of modeling of single pile and pile
design curves that show p-multiplier values as a function of cap using linear-elastic model with 15-node wedge
pile spacing. Finally, a design equation was derived to elements. The cross-section of the pile is circle with a
compute the value of p-multiplier as a function of both pile diameter of 1.0 m and length of 15 m. The baseline soil
spacing and pile diameter. parameters used for the analysis of laterally loaded pile
group are illustrated in Table 1. Two types of soil are used
in the analysis.
2 Constitutive relationships Finite element analyses were performed using the
software PLAXIS 3D FOUNDATION [23]. In the finite
In this study, the elastic model used for modeling the pile element method a continuum is divided into a number of
structural material, while the elasto-plastic Mohr-Coulomb (volume) elements. Each element consists of a number of
model used for the soils. In addition, a thin layer interface nodes. Each node has a number of degrees of freedom that
element used to model the interface zone between the soil correspond to discrete values of the unknowns in the
and the pile material. boundary value problem to be solved.
Analyses were performed with several trial meshes with
2.1 Structural members’ model increasing mesh refinement until the displacement changes
very minimal with more refinement. The aspect ratio of
The use of the linear elastic model is quite common to elements used in the mesh is small close to the pile body,
178 Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2015, 9(2): 176–193

Table 1 Soil parameters for analysis of pile group

parameter unit cohesionless soil cohesive soil
unit weight, γ' kN/m3 20.0 18.0
Young’s modulus, E' MPa 1.310 1.0104
Poisson’s ratio, ν' – 0.3 0.35
cohesion intercept, c' – 0 5.0
angle of internal friction, ø' – 30 25

near to the pile cap and piles bases. All the nodes of the The outer dimensions of pile cap depend on the pile group
lateral boundaries (right and bottom of Fig. 1) are arrangement. The pile cap extends of 0.5 m beyond the
restrained from moving in the normal direction to the outside face of exterior piles. The finite element simulation
respective surface. The predicted results from the three- includes the following constitutive relationships for pile,
dimensional finite element simulation are compared with surrounding soil and interface element.
that from analyses involving a single isolated pile in the
same typical condition.
The outer boundaries of soil body of cubic shape are 4 Results and discussion
extended 10D on the sides and 5D to the bottom of pile
group. The 3D view of the finite element mesh of the pile This study deals with the effect of vertical load intensities
groups and the surrounding soil mass are shown in Fig. 1. on the lateral behavior of pile. The vertical load (V) applied

Fig. 1 Three-dimensional view of the finite element mesh of the single pile and (2,4 and 6-piles) pile groups and surrounding soil mass
Jasim M. ABBASA et al. Influence of axial load on the lateral pile groups response in cohesionless and cohesive soil 179

started from zero (no vertical load) to 10 times the lateral piles and pile group. This method can used to evaluate the
load (H) and was increased in five stages (i.e., V = 2H, 4H, lateral pile response within the group when only the details
6H, 8H and 10H). Lateral load magnitudes are 50, 250 and of single isolated pile response are available. The
450 kN. The slenderness ratio L/D = 15 is used throughout traditional p-y methods to predict pile group response
this study. The influence of these mentioned factors are was improved by Brown et al. [10] from a single isolated
summarized in the following sections. pile p-y curve. The influence of axial load intensities on the
group interaction and the predicted p-y curve for four pile
4.1 Analysis of pile group 21 spacing on both cohesionless and cohesive soils is
illustrated in Fig. 4. The predicted p-y curves are evaluated
In general, in case of low axial loads (V = 2H and 4H) the at depth of 3 m because the maximum ultimate lateral soil
single isolated pile under the action of simultaneous axial pressure occurs at this depth. It can be observed that
and lateral loads in both cohesionless and cohesive soils significant high variance of the observed p-y curve for the
suffered less deflection (indicate high resistance) than the case of closed pile group (i.e., s = 2D). This is possibly due
pile within group due to group action. While in case of to influence of pile group interaction and axial load level
high axial loads (more than 6H) the lateral pile displace- which increases lateral pile displacement and at the same
ment of the single isolated pile is greater than those time reducing the lateral soil pressure. Therefore, it can be
obtained from the pile within group. This is possibly due to concluded that the level of axial load changes in the
influence level of axial load intensities. This increase can predicted p-y relation. This change directly affects the
be directly attributed to the increase in confining stress design curve of laterally loaded single piles and pile
with increasing axial loads at different depths caused by groups. In addition, it can also be seen that the pile within
the action of vertical load on the pile [1,2]. In addition, it leading row has values of the lateral pile displacement and
seems that the front pile (leading piles) within the group for lateral soil pressure very close with the results obtained
a given row resist more load than the middle (2nd trailing from single isolated pile. This is possibly due to reduction
piles) and back piles (trailing piles) in the row as shown in in the group action on the leading row unlike the piles
Fig. 2. This is possibly due to group action effect in which within other rows (i.e., trailing row). This observation was
the group action is less influence on the leader row also reported by Brown et al. [10] and Rollins et al.
compared with other rows, this was also observed by [4,8,11].
Brown et al. [10], and Rollins et al. [8]. It can be observed
that for the same magnitude of axial load, group interaction 4.2 Analysis of pile group 22
was made a regular change in lateral pile displacement and
irregular in lateral soil pressure. The behavior of the 22 pile group is close to the behavior
In the case of pile spacing effects, for all axial load of previous group analyzed (i.e., 21). This was also
intensities, the pile spacing below 6D give highest lateral supported by Patra & Pise [6]. This is due to the same
pile displacement than the pile with wide pile spacing (i.e., number of pile in the direction parallel with load direction.
s = 8D), This is because of the pile-to-pile action led to The lateral pile displacement changed and redistribution on
reduced lateral resistance for the piles in the group when the lateral soil resistance was observed when increasing the
reduce pile spacing [8]. From the results, the values of the axial load level and effected by the group interaction
lateral pile displacement and lateral soil pressure observed condition. In general, the lateral pile displacement within
are closed with those obtained from the analysis of single group (for all pile spacing) due to the influence of axial
isolated pile when the pile spacing is large (i.e., s = 8D) and load level was less than the results observed from the
vise versa which was also observed by Brown et al. [10], single pile when the axial load less than 4H. These results
and Rollins et al. [4,8]. were greater than the results obtained from assessment of
The influence of axial load intensities on the ultimate single isolated pile for the axial load more than 6H. This is
lateral soil resistance along the depth for both cohesionless possibly due to increase in soil strength when high
and cohesive soils with four different pile spacing is shown magnitude of axial load is applied as shown in Fig. 5.
in Fig. 3. It can be seen that the magnitudes of axial load The difference in ultimate soil resistance for different
largely effect the lateral soil resistance. This effect can be combinations of axial and lateral load and with varied pile
directly attributed to the change in confining stresses with spacing is illustrated in Fig. 6. This can be compared with
increasing vertical load at different depth caused by the the results obtained by Brown et al. [10] and Rollins et al.
action of axial load on the pile [1,2]. Also it can be noticed [4,8,11] for pure laterally loaded pile group. It can be
that the ultimate soil resistance of laterally loaded piles observed that the low intensity of axial load (less than 4H)
decreases significantly with increase in pile spacing give similar results between those predicted by this study
[4,8,10,11]. and those obtained from published cases. On the other
Unequivocally, the p-y method remains an important hand for high magnitude of axial load (greater than 6H) it
technique for analysis and design of the laterally loaded can be observed different results and the behavior become
180 Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2015, 9(2): 176–193

Fig. 2 Influence of pile spacing and axial load intensities on the lateral pile displacement with depth for 21 pile groups. (a)
Cohesionless soil; (b) cohesive soil
Jasim M. ABBASA et al. Influence of axial load on the lateral pile groups response in cohesionless and cohesive soil 181

Fig. 3 Influence of pile spacing and axial load intensities on the lateral soil pressure with depth for 21 pile groups. (a) Cohesionless
soil; (b) cohesive soil
182 Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2015, 9(2): 176–193

Fig. 4 Influence of pile spacing and axial load intensities on the predicted of p-y curve for 21 pile groups. (a) Cohesionless soil;
(b) cohesive soil

non-uniform. This is possibly due to redistribution of the pure lateral load analysis. While when axial load are
front soil resistance when the levels of axial loads are increased (more than 4H), larger differences in the
increased. behavior are noted and the predicted p-y curve was greater
The influence of axial load intensities on the predicted p- than those obtained from pure lateral load analysis.
y curve for four pile spacing on both cohesionless and
cohesive soils is illustrated in Fig. 7. It can be concluded 4.3 Analysis of pile group 32
that similar values are obtained for p-y curve predicted for
22 pile group and results obtained from group 21. In The distribution of load between rows of the pile group is
addition it can be observed that low axial load intensity one of the issues for analysis and design the pile groups
(less than 4H) give close results with that obtained from with such configuration. The location of the pile within
Jasim M. ABBASA et al. Influence of axial load on the lateral pile groups response in cohesionless and cohesive soil 183

Fig. 5 Influence of pile spacing and axial load intensities on the lateral pile displacement with depth for 22 pile groups.
(a) Cohesionless soil; (b) cohesive soil
184 Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2015, 9(2): 176–193

Fig. 6 Influence of pile spacing and axial load intensities on the lateral soil pressure with depth for 22 pile groups. (a) Cohesionless
soil; (b) cohesive soil
Jasim M. ABBASA et al. Influence of axial load on the lateral pile groups response in cohesionless and cohesive soil 185

Fig. 7 Influence of pile spacing and axial load intensities on the predicted of p-y curve for 22 pile groups. (a) Cohesionless soil;
(b) cohesive soil

group is very important when assessing the behavior of which has more effect on the intermediate rows as shown in
piles within group. In general, leading pile is most efficient Fig. 8. For the different axial and lateral load combinations,
because it resisted most loads in comparison with the higher changes in the lateral pile displacement with depth
single pile and the trailing piles. The 2nd trailing piles are observed due to increased in the axial load level. This
resist the least due to group interaction [4,8,10,11]. change is always less for the pile in first and second row
The lateral pile displacement and lateral soil resistance compared with those obtained from trial row.
have close values for both first and second trailing row On the other hand, the axial load intensities made a
which also observed by Zhang et al. [5] and Rollins et al. redistributed in lateral soil pressure with depth for pile with
[4,8]. It can be seen that the values observed for the first group compared with that of single isolated pile as
trailing row is significantly greater than the values observed illustrated in Fig. 9. This is possibly due to the influence
for the second trailing row and similarly obtained by Brown of load combinations influenced on the front soil pressure
et al. [10]. This is possibly due to the group interaction distribution. No conclusion available regarding this issue
186 Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2015, 9(2): 176–193

Fig. 8 Influence of pile spacing and axial load intensities on the lateral pile displacement with depth for 32 pile groups.
(a) Cohesionless soil; (b) cohesive soil
Jasim M. ABBASA et al. Influence of axial load on the lateral pile groups response in cohesionless and cohesive soil 187

Fig. 9 Influence of pile spacing and axial load intensities on the lateral soil pressure with depth for 32 pile groups. (a) Cohesionless
soil; (b) cohesive soil
188 Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2015, 9(2): 176–193

and only available investigation was done by [1,2] for the 5 Prediction of the pile-to-pile modulus
single isolated pile which not closed with present study. multiplier and proposed equation for analysis
Finally, the predicted p-y relationship for pile group of pile groups
under the influence of axial load intensities and with four
different pile spacing is shown in Fig. 10. It can be As reported by Rollins et al. [8,11], one method of
observed that low axial load intensity (less than 4H) accounting for the shadowing or group action effects is to
produce close results with that obtained from pure lateral reduce the modulus or the soil resistance, p for the pure
load analysis for first, second trailing and leading row. laterally loaded pile group. This module is named p-
When axial load (greater than 4H) increases, the behavior multiplier (fm) which usually derived from a single isolated
changes significantly and the predicted p-y curved is pile and pile within group p-y curve which earlier proposed
greater than those obtained from pure lateral load analysis. by Brown et al. [10]. Although this simple approach has

Fig. 10 Influence of pile spacing and axial load intensities on the predicted of p-y curve for 32 pile groups. (a) Cohesionless soil;
(b) cohesive soil
Jasim M. ABBASA et al. Influence of axial load on the lateral pile groups response in cohesionless and cohesive soil 189

provided relatively good estimates of measured pile group other piles. The piles in first and second trailing row also
behavior [10,11], p-multipliers are extremely restricted in carry similar magnitudes of loads. It can be seen that for
their application. The pile-soil-pile interaction is illustrated pile spacings between 2D to 5D the values of fm are small.
in Fig. 11. The previous researches obtained the pile-to- This means the large group action effect occur in this case
pile modulus multiplier only for pure lateral load. No of small pile spacing compared with the pile group of wide
reports are available for the influence of axial load pile spacing (i.e., s is more than 5D). This indicate that the
intensities to the p-multiplier. Therefore, this section pile within the group for the case of wide spacing pile
provides the development of the fm with respect to pile group can be designed according to the results obtained
spacing for both pure lateral loaded pile groups as well as from single isolated pile.
pile groups subjected to combination of axial and lateral The main finding from this comparison is the values of
loads. The development is predicted in two types of soil fm obtained from the pile groups in cohesionless soil are
(cohesionless and cohesive soil). The improvement larger than the fm magnitudes obtained from pile groups in
includes: cohesive soil. This is possibly due to the increase in lateral
1) Proposed design curve show p-multiplier values as a pile group capacity resulted from the action of axial load.
function of pile spacing. Other studies on this are unavailable for comparison.
2) Proposed design equation to compute the amount of Similar reports are available only for the case of single
p-multiplier (fm) as a function of both pile spacing (c-c) and isolated pile [1,2]. Therefore, when compared to the
pile diameter (D). phenomenon of the increasing in lateral pile capacities
when applied axial load, it can be found that Karthigeyan
et al. [1,2] also observed that for piles in cohesionless soil,
the vertical loads (when simultaneously applied with
lateral loads) decreases the lateral deflection thus increas-
ing the lateral load capacity of the piles. In addition, in
cohesive soils, this study found that the axial loads
decrease the lateral pile capacity.
Other important issue observed from this assessment is
the improvement in the lateral capacity of pile within group
compared with similar single isolated pile capacity.
Available reports for pure laterally loaded pile group
predicted the pile within group carry lower loads than the
single isolated pile. Therefore, the values of fm always is
less than one [8,10]. However, in this study it can be
Fig. 11 Illustration of reduction in lateral pile resistance due to observed that the values of fm are greater than one
pile-pile interface [7,11] especially in the case of high axial load intensities (i.e.,
more than 8H). This is possibly due to decrease in lateral
5.1 Proposed design curve group action when applying high axial load. The lateral
group action is small decrease in case of 21 and 22 pile
The pile-to-pile modulus multiplier (fm or p-multipliers) groups and largely decreased in case of 32 pile groups.
was evaluated by dividing the ultimate soil pressure of pile Therefore, it can concluded that the large size pile groups
within group by the values obtained from single isolated will be more resistive to the lateral load when taken into
pile at the given depth [8,10]. Predicted p-y curve for pile account the effect of simultaneous axial loads.
within group can be obtained by multiplying the values of
lateral soil pressure p by the value of fm while keeping 5.2 Proposed design equation
lateral pile displacement constant. The result of the
predicted p-multipliers represent both cases of purely An equation have also been developed according to the
lateral loaded pile groups as well as pile groups carrying design p-multiplier curves to compute the amount of p-
combination of axial and lateral loads are illustrated in multiplier (fm) as a function of both pile spacing (c-c) and
Fig. 12. pile diameter (D) under the effect of the simultaneous
In general, it can be observed that the values of fm of combination of axial and lateral loads. The equation may
leading pile is always greater that those measured for first applied for both cohesionless and cohesive soils, given in
and second trailing pile which was also observed the form of:
previously by Brown et al. [10] and Rollins et al. [4].
fm ¼ A lnðs=DÞ þ B, (1)
Therefore the piles in the leading row carry load similar to
that carried by single isolated pile. This is due to the less where A and B are constant which can directly obtained
effect of group action on the leading pile compared with from Table 2.
190 Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2015, 9(2): 176–193

Fig. 12 Predicted p-multiplier for pile group subjected to simultaneous axial and lateral loads (groups 21, 22 and 32).
(a) Cohesionless soil; (b) cohesive soil

This table is limited for three pile group configuration geyan et al. [2] for both cohesionless and cohesive soils.
(i.e., 21, 22 and 32) and four pile spacing (i.e., s = This group has spacing of 3.53D center to center in the
2D, 4D, 6D and 8D). The values of the constants are direction of lateral load. This value of pile spacing also
calculated for five axial load magnitudes (i.e., V = 2H, 4H, used by Rollins et al. [4]. For this example, the piles are
6H, 8H and 10H). The values of these constants for both 1.2 m and 10.0 m diameter and length, respectively. The
soil types can extrapolate to other pile group configura- predicted fm magnitudes for this specific example calcu-
tions. The design method used only in one layered soil and lated using Eq. (1) and the results are shown below.
no cap influenced 1) Cohesionless soil:
Trailing row, spacing,
5.3 Example calculation of the pile group
fmðv¼0Þ ¼ 0:2075 lnð3:53Þ þ 0:2575 ¼ 0:52
The total lateral load resistance of one pile group’s
configuration (i.e., 22) is to be determining according fmðv¼0:2VÞ ¼ 0:1618 lnð3:53Þ þ 0:2084 ¼ 0:41
to the assumed single pile response reported by Karthi-
Jasim M. ABBASA et al. Influence of axial load on the lateral pile groups response in cohesionless and cohesive soil 191

Table 2 Values of A and B constants for both cohesionless and cohesive soil (simultaneous combination of axially and Laterally loaded pile groups)
axial load intensities group configuration
21 22 32
trialing row leading trialing leading trialing 2nd trialing row leading
row row row row row
cohesionless soil
V = 2H A 0.2248 0.1145 0.1618 0.1346 0.1200 0.0983 0.0641
B 0.1969 0.5872 0.2084 0.4948 0.1746 0.3386 0.5171
V = 4H A 0.1369 0.1136 0.1726 0.1903 0.1379 0.1096 0.1100
B 0.4041 0.6811 0.2608 0.4729 0.1877 0.3627 0.4890
V = 6H A 0.1190 0.1318 0.2032 0.2580 0.2430 0.1209 0.1153
B 0.7955 0.9564 0.6679 1.0639 0.4003 0.6977 0.9210
V = 8H A 0.2583 0.3488 0.1485 0.1501 0.1794 0.1408 0.2271
B 0.9408 1.1482 1.1242 1.4318 0.7182 1.1706 1.5022
V = 10H A 0.3851 0.3421 0.2793 0.2864 0.3332 0.3812 0.3244
B 0.8622 1.2591 1.2722 1.4516 1.0653 1.5030 1.7725
cohesive soil
V = 2H A 0.2420 0.2073 0.2639 0.2189 0.1858 0.1206 0.0994
B 0.1072 0.2746 0.0375 0.2955 0.0644 0.2333 0.4704
V = 4H A 0.3576 0.2060 0.2786 0.2482 0.1991 0.0706 0.1087
B 0.0246 0.4191 0.0764 0.3279 0.0759 0.3679 0.4863
V = 6H A 0.5598 0.4859 0.3169 0.4207 0.2952 0.3577 0.2953
B 0.2499 0.2631 0.3155 0.3331 0.2454 0.3580 0.7058
V = 8H A 0.5767 0.6371 0.3869 0.4325 0.3786 0.2348 0.2807
B 0.2802 0.2682 0.4551 0.4872 0.1933 0.7032 0.7739
V = 10H A 0.5565 0.6240 0.3987 0.4926 0.3567 0.2633 0.2779
B 0.4015 0.4055 0.4951 0.4916 0.4002 0.7223 0.8153

fmðv¼0:4VÞ ¼ 0:1726 lnð3:53Þ þ 0:2608 ¼ 0:48 2) Cohesive soil:

Trailing row, spacing,
fmðv¼0:6VÞ ¼ 0:2032lnð3:53Þ þ 0:6679 ¼ 0:92 fmðv¼0Þ ¼ 0:1973 lnð3:53Þ þ 0:1852 ¼ 0:42

fmðv¼0:8V Þ ¼ 0:1485lnð3:53Þ þ 1:1242 ¼ 1:30 fmðv¼0:2VÞ ¼ 0:2639lnð3:53Þ þ 0:0375 ¼ 0:37

Leading row, spacing, fmðv¼0:4VÞ ¼ 0:2786lnð3:53Þ þ 0:0764 ¼ 0:43

fmðv¼0Þ ¼ 0:1867lnð3:53Þ þ 0:4018 ¼ 0:64
fmðv¼0:6VÞ ¼ 0:3169lnð3:53Þ þ 0:3155 ¼ 0:72
fmðv¼0:2VÞ ¼ 0:1346lnð3:53Þ þ 0:4948 ¼ 0:67
fmðv¼0:8VÞ ¼ 0:3869lnð3:53Þ þ 0:4551 ¼ 0:94
fmðv¼0:4VÞ ¼ 0:1903lnð3:53Þ þ 0:4729 ¼ 0:71
Leading row, spacing,

fmðv¼0:6VÞ ¼ 0:2580lnð3:53Þ þ 1:0639 ¼ 1:39 fmðv¼0Þ ¼ 0:2292lnð3:53Þ þ 0:2890 ¼ 0:58

fmðv¼0:8VÞ ¼ 0:1501lnð3:53Þ þ 1:4318 ¼ 1:62 fmðv¼0:2VÞ ¼ 0:2189lnð3:53Þ þ 0:2955 ¼ 0:57

192 Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2015, 9(2): 176–193

fmðv¼0:4VÞ ¼ 0:2482lnð3:53Þ þ 0:3279 ¼ 0:64 linear elastic, Mohr-Coulomb and 16-nodes interface
elements constitutive models. Three pile group was used
fmðv¼0:6VÞ ¼ 0:4207lnð3:53Þ þ 0:3331 ¼ 1:86 (i.e., 21, 22 and 32) with four varying pile spacings
(i.e., 2 = 2D, 4D, 6D and 8D). Cohesionless and cohesive
soils were used in this study for comparison. Laterally
fmðv¼0:8VÞ ¼ 0:4325lnð3:53Þ þ 0:4872 ¼ 1:03 applied loads were 50, 250 and 450 kN. In addition forces
The computed load vs. deflection for single isolated pile of 2H, 4H, 6H, 8H and 10H represent the axial loads
with fm values in case of cohesionless and cohesive soil The analysis of the pile groups included lateral pile
and both load conditions (i.e., pile group subjected to pure displacement and lateral soil resistance with pile depth as
lateral loads and combination of axial and lateral loads) are well as the corresponding p-y curves. On the first and
shown in Fig. 13. second trailing rows as well as the leading row. The lateral
pile displacement changes and the lateral soil pressure
redistributed when the level of axial load was increases.
This was also observed by Karthigeyan et al. [1,2] for
6 Summary and evaluation of the results single isolated pile. The p-y curves obtained from this
study take into account the influence of axial and lateral
From related literatures of studies related to pile groups loads combination. Previous studies only depended on the
embedded in cohesionless and cohesive soil, the analysis pure lateral loads. The resultant p-y design curves can be
of pile groups are either subject to pure axial load or pure used to produce the design parameters for laterally loaded
lateral load. These previous studies did not include any pile design. In addition these curves can be used to create
findings regarding simultaneous combination of loading p-multiplier design curves. These curves can be used to
influence on the pile group action. In fact, the axial load predict the lateral behavior of pile within group when only
intensity largely changes the lateral pile and pile group the results of single isolated piles are available. The
response as reported by Karthigeyan et al. [1,2] for single predicted p-multiplier design curves was used to developed
isolated pile. This change is neglected when analysis and design equation to compute the amount of p-multiplier (fm)
design the piles and pile groups and also underestimates as a function of both pile spacing (c-c) and pile diameter
the foundation stiffness. Therefore, this study includes this (D) under the effect of combined axial and lateral load.
effect of simultaneous load combinations on the lateral pile This paper also provides a table containing the values of
response within group. This research has made it possible the design equation constants (i.e., A and B). This design
to quantify many important aspects of pile and pile group equation was applied on the similar example that the
behavior under combination of axial and lateral loads. problem parameters were assumed according to Rollins et.
To satisfy the objective of this study, three-dimensional al. [4] and Karthigeyan et al. [2] reports. This calculation
finite element approach was used to analyze this example show step by step application of this equation.
geotechnical problem. The geotechnical system included This equation can used in order to produce design

Fig. 13 Load-deflection curves obtained from the example of pile with predicted computed from improved p-multiplier equation. (a)
Cohesionless soil; (b) cohesive soil
Jasim M. ABBASA et al. Influence of axial load on the lateral pile groups response in cohesionless and cohesive soil 193

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