Vizzhy Futuristic Nutrition - The Go To Market Strategy

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Vizzhy: Futuristic Nutrition - The Go to Market Strategy

Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management (SJMSOM), IIT Bombay

Team Name : shailendra_ba25

Team Members : Shailendra Singh, Prince Sharma, PONUKU VIJAY

Problem Identification:

Dietary choices wield remarkable influence, impacting over 70% of chronic diseases, signifying their potent role in
our health and well-being. There is an urgent need for a paradigm shift in both our food production and
consumption habits.

The industrialized processed and preservative added foods had led to decreased-nutritious balanced diet and lead
to many diseases ranging from diabetes and infertility to cancer.

Analysis :

Increased cancer risk: A five-year study found that every 10 %

increase in consumption of ultra processed food was
associated with a 12 % higher risk for cancer.

Calorie dense and addicting: Processed food have high

calories leading to obesity and heart diseases

Challenges :
The current challenges in this segment of processed and preservative added agricultural goods

Nutrition and Health Disparity: Traditional food systems have failed to provide nutrient-rich, accessible options.
The over compustion of the same type of food regularly has affected our immune system. The inability of us to
change from food habits leading to further degradation of minerals and proteins.
Consumer Awareness: The market is saturated with conflicting information, leading to general confusion about
what constitutes 'healthy' food. People are not getting to know which agricultural product provides unprocessed
and fresh products.

Market Complexity: The food and healthcare industries are vast and segmented, making it difficult to introduce a
unified solution. There is scope for unprocessed goods by people as health maintenance is increasing after COVID-
Vizzhy’s Innovative solution:
Supplying unprocessed products based on customer specific nutrition diet. Vizzhy's nutrition labs and food
ensures the procurement of ingredients from reliable, ethical sources and their transformation into nutrient-rich,
whole foods.

Characteristics: No-preservatives, No-processed-food approach, prioritizing natural taste and nutritional

integrity over artificial enhancement
Finding Solution: The gut microbiome plays a critical role in various human diseases like diabetes, obesity,
inflammatory bowel disease, liver diseases, neurological disorders such as autism spectrum disorder,
Several factors including genetics, age, diet, drugs, probiotics and exercise could influence the gut microbiome. The
microbial metabolites in microbiome could interact with different human organs, including brain, heart, liver,
intestine and adipose tissue, which will hence affect human metabolism. Due to over intake of traditional foods, it
is observed that the microbiome is being affected which further hinders our health.

Machine learning (ML) holds great promise to explore and integrate multi-omics data for discovering hidden
patterns and for generating models that can accurately predict phenotypes. By this Vizzhy are giving accurate
results which are used to prepare diet plan for the specific person so that he/she is practicing it will be healthier
and mitigate all diseases.

Vizzhy’s product-service offering: By above breakthrough Vizzhy’s are entering new vertical I.e., offering service
of customer specific diet plan and offering the agricultural unprocessed foods based on it. Vizzhy’s use of
blockchain technology for traceability which guarantees transparency and trust in the product's origins and
Customer Journey:
1. Customer Approaches Vizzhy Health Care Centre
2. Customer will be tested on various factors
3. Customer will be given a nutritious diet containing of fresh food
4. Customer will buy the food items through our app
5. Our app tracks the customer health history

Vizzhy’s Go to Market Strategy:

GTM involves the complete journey of taking the product to market. The decisions can be studied in detail
under four headers. These are:
What does the market look like? Whom and how? What, Where and How we will sell? Gain and retain?

Step 1: Marketing Analysis-

i) Vizzhy’s service and product will cater to the population who have chronic diseases including the people
who want to shift to diet based solution or those who are health conscious.
ii) Vizzhy's target market is the global personalized nutrition market, which is expected to grow from
$10.39 billion in 2023 to $41.89 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 25.9%.
iii) Vizzhy's main competitors in the personalized nutrition market globally include Nourished, Habit,
Persona, DNA Fit and Geno Palate
Step 2: Market Selection or STP analysis-

i. Demographics: Vizzhy's target market consists primarily of affluent, health-conscious consumers in the
metropolitan region
ii. Psychographics: Vizzhy's target market is interested in improving their health and longevity through
personalized nutrition. They are willing to make time and financial investments in their health.
iii. Behavioral: Vizzhy's target market is actively looking for personalized nutrition solutions. They are likely
to conduct product and service research on the internet, as well as read health and fitness magazines and


i. Social Media Marketing: We can partner with fitness-based YouTube channels who will recommend our
organic products to their subscribers, in addition to that we can advertise our product on platforms like
google, Facebook and Instagram.
ii. Doctors- We can identify doctors who are interested in giving personalized nutritional solutions and make
them refer our products to patients and in turn we can provide them with free access to Vizzhy’s
subscription and product.

i) A complete solution that includes personalized nutritional analysis, access to fresh, whole foods, and
nutritional expert support. Vizzhy can position itself as the leader in the personalized nutrition market.

ii) The use of blockchain technology to ensure the traceability and transparency of its products.

Step 3: Marketing Mix

Product & Service -

Personalized nutritional analysis based on genetic testing and other factors.

Access to fresh, whole foods through Vizzhy's nutrition labs and food stores.

Support from nutrition experts

A personalized app which tracks the lifestyle of that person and does real time tracking. It also
provides them with subscription through which they can buy products at discounted price
• Eg- Products: Millets, ghee, honey, Seeds, Powdered Beverages, Dry Fruits etc.
Place -
• It will be available on its app, websites, Vizzhy labs as well as on pharma store in the metropolitan
• Promotion through fitness influencers, doctors, social media marketing and magazines.
• The cost of genome test would cost around Rs 20,000
• Product prices would vary depending upon the category and the product line. It would normally cost above
the processed product of the similar category
Step 4: Marketing Channels
• Services would be provided to customers directly
• Product will be provided through app and website directly and it will be provided through retail
stores like pharma etc.
Step 5: Customer Acquisition
• Create educational content about personalized nutrition. Vizzhy should create and distribute high-
quality content, such as blog posts, infographics, and videos, to educate potential customers about
personalized nutrition and the Vizzhy program. Vizzhy can also host webinars and seminars to
educate potential customers about personalized nutrition.
• Offer a free trial or consultation. Vizzhy can offer a free trial or consultation to potential customers
so that they can try the program before they commit to paying for it.
• Use artificial intelligence (AI) to personalize its marketing messages: Vizzhy can use AI to
personalize its marketing messages to each individual customer. This can help Vizzhy to create
more relevant and engaging marketing messages that are more likely to lead to conversions.
• Partner with doctors and other health professionals. Vizzhy can partner with doctors and other
health professionals to reach potential customers who are already interested in improving their
health. Vizzhy could offer doctors and other health professionals a commission for each referral
that they generate.

Conclusion :
By the above analysis the Vizzhy’s can successfully launch their new product + service offering. The growth of this
market is at its initial stage. Exploiting this market makes a good customer base and increasing brand name gives
good profits in future. Though the margin is less operating with less employees and optimizing supply chain can
maintain the consistent revenue.

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