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FCF = net income + depreciation/amortisation - capital expenditure - change in working capital +
interest expense * (1-tax rate)

FCF = 2 + 0,5 - 1 - 0,2 + 0,5(1-0,5) = $1,55 M

Value of the company = 1,55/1,1 + 1,55/1,1^2 + 5 = $7,69 M

Dividends paid = 600 x 0,30 = 180 CHF
Tax (corporate payout) = 30%
Tax (shareholder) = 40%

E ective tax on dividends = (180*0,30 + (180-54)*0,40) / 180 = 58%

It is a split-rate system.

Midterm test

Beta for equity for the comparable project = 0,8
1) unleveling of beta :
Beta asset = beta equity (1/(1+(1-t)*D/E) = 0,8 * (1/1+(1-0,3)*1) = 0,47
2) levering beta:
Beta equity (for the project) = beta asset * (1+((1-t)*D/E)) = 0,47 * (1+((1-0,4)*1,5)) = 0,893

WACC = wd * rd * (1-tax rate) + we * re
Wd = 1/4 = 0,25
We = 3/4 = 0,75
Tax rate = 40%
Re = 5% + 1,3 * 5% = 11,5% (using CAPM)
Rd = 12%

WACC = 0,25 * 0,12 * (1-0,40) + 0,75 * 0,115 = 10,425%


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