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Workshop on “International trade payment and Finance- Practice,

compliance, operations & Legal analysis”

Registration 08.00am to 08.30am
Session 1: 08.30 am to 09.30am
Legal Analysis of Independent Principle of UCP 600:
 Separation of documentary credit from the sales or other
 Protective status of nominated bank and the confirming bank
from the issuing bank undertaking
Network break 09.30 am to 09.45 am
Session 2:
What Changes in the Incoterms® 2020 from its predecessor with 09.45am to 10.45pm
business impact analysis and how bankers’ should approach these
Session 3: 10.45am to 11.45 pm
Covid-19 and its effect in documentary credit business in
Bangladesh operational perspective
Session 4: 11.45 pm to 12.45pm
Case studies on prevention of trade based financial crime
including court case: Bank Melli Iran Vs Telekom Deutschland
GmbH [including recent updates]
Lunch and Prayer Break 12.45pm to 2.00pm
Session 5: 02.00pm to 3.00pm
Role of the confirming bank under discrepant documents
presented to it
Session 6: 03.00pm to 04.30pm
Discussion on ICC official Opinion analysis:
Approved in Miami , Tbilisi & Beijing and UAE (virtually)
Coffee Break 4.30pm to 4.45pm
Session 7: 04.45pm to 6.15pm
Recent updates in open account export trade in Bangladesh and
way forward
Concluding Remarks and Certificate Awarding Ceremony
ATM Nesarul Hoque
A.T.M. Nesarul Hoque is a seasoned banker with over sixteen years’ experience dealing with almost
every facets of international trade. He is currently heading the division of trade services operations
along with the responsibilities of looking after the Financial Institutions Services and Offshore Banking
operations of a reputed private commercial bank in Bangladesh.

In his endeavor in international trade arena, Mr. Hoque has achieved quite a few prestigious
professional certifications, including Certified Documentary Credit Specialist (CDCS) credential in
2009, Certificate in International Trade Finance (CITF) in 2011, Certificate for Specialists in Demand
Guarantee (CSDG) in 2015 and Certificate in Trade Finance Compliance (CTFC) in 2020 - all from the
London Institute of Banking & Finance (LIBF), UK. He has also been awarded as the Certified Trade
Finance Professional (CTFP) & The Incoterms® 2020 Certificate (INCO), by ICC Academy and the
Certified Standby and Guarantee Professional (CSGP) by International Institute of Banking Law and
Practice (IIBLP), USA, in the year 2017. In addition to that he is also completed online training course
of “Sustainability in Trade and Trade Finance” from Coastline Solutions. As a recognition of his
contribution to the international trade community in general, documentary credits, standby letters of
credit and demand guarantees in particular, Mr. Hoque has been accredited as a Member of the Panel of
Experts of ICC Documentary Instruments Dispute Resolution Expertise (DOCDEX) Services of ICC,
Paris, France.

Mr. Hoque is the Contributing Editor of Trade Service Updates (formally known as LC monitor) - a
quarterly LC Magazine, and Editorial Advisory Member of Documentary Credit World (DCW) - the
most authenticated monthly documentary credit magazine in the world, published by IIBLP, USA. He
is also a regular research member on various trade service related issues organized by Bangladesh
Institute of Bank Management (BIBM). He is also focus group member of “Guidelines for Prevention
of Trade Based Money Laundering” of Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU). He has been
regularly writing articles pertinent to Documentary Credit and International Trade Finance for the last
ten years, with over 30 published articles on various international trade magazine, including but not
limited to, Trade Services Updates (TSU), Documentary Credit World (DCW), DCInsight and LC
Views, etc. Hoque frequently appears as a regular speaker and panel member at home and abroad in
various international trade seminars, workshops and conferences

Prior to starting his professional banking career as Management Trainee (MT) of one of the largest
private commercial bank in Bangladesh, Mr. Hoque pursuit his MBA with specialization in
Management from the University of Chittagong - a leading public university, Mr. Hoque also graduated
from the same institution in Business Administration.

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