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No. 2

Learning Outcome
At the end of this session, students should be able to:
Review Laplace Transform
Find a mathematical model, called a transfer
function for linear, time invariant mechanical and
electrical systems
No. 3

Part 1
Laplace transform – review

Part 2
Transfer function of ELECTRICAL circuit

Part 3
Transfer functions translational MECHANICAL
No. 4

Laplace transform - review
No. 5

• Step in built up a control systems:-
i. Obtaining system’s schematic (block
ii. Develop mathematical models from
schematics of physical system

• The methods that have been used are:-

i. Transfer functions in frequency domain
(chapter 2)
ii. State equations in the time domain (chapter 3)
No. 6

Laplace Transform (LT) Review

• System represented by differential equation IS DIFFICULT
to MODEL as block diagram.
• Thus, LT is used.
• LT is a powerful integral transform used to switch a function
from the time domain to the s-domain.
• By LT, input, output and system can be represented
• The LT is defined as:

L[ f (t )]  F ( s )  0
f (t )e  st dt Eq. 2.1

where s    jw is a complex variable.

No. 7

Laplace Transform (LT) Review (cont.)

Using Eqn 2.1, it is possible to derive a table relating

f(t) to F(s) for specific cases as shown in Table 2.1.

In addition to the Laplace Transform table (Table 2.1),

we can use Laplace Transform theorems, listed in
Table 2.2, to assist in transforming between f(t) to F(s)
and F(s) to f(t) or we called as Inverse Laplace
No. 8

Table 2.1 Laplace transform table

Table 2.2 Laplace transform theorems No. 9
No. 10

Example 1
Find the Laplace transform of f(t) = Ae-atu(t).

Solution :
Refer to Table 2.1 A 1

F (s )  A 
1 A

sa sa
No. 11

Example 2
d3y d2y dy
Find the Laplace transform of y (t )  3  3 2  5  4 y
dt dt dt
Solution :
Refer to Table 2.2

d3y d2y dy
y (t )  3  3 2  5  4 y
dt dt dt

Y(s)  s 3 Y(s)  3s 2 Y(s)  5sY(s)  4 Y(s)

No. 12
Example 3

Find the Laplace transform of f (t )  Atu (t )

Solution :
f (t )  tu (t )  2
F (s)  2
No. 13

Example 4
Find the inverse Laplace transform of F ( s ) 
s  3 2
Solution :
Refer to Table 2.1
f (t )  tu (t )  2
 3t 1
f (t )  e u (t ) 
F (s)  f (t )  e 3t tu (t )
s  3 2
No. 14

Example 5
Find the Laplace transform of

d3y dy
y (t )  5 3  3  2 y
dt dt

Answer :
Y(s)  5s 3Y(s)  3sY(s)  2 Y(s)
No. 15

Example 6

Find the inverse Laplace transform of

F ( s)  2
s  22

Answer :
f (t )  sin 2tu (t )
No. 16

The Transfer Function

• The transfer function is the ratio of the Laplace
transform of the output of a system to the Laplace
transform of the input.
• As a example, the transfer function, G(s) for a
system representation in Figure 2.1 is

Input Output
c( s) System
r(s) c(s)
r (s)
Figure 2.1
No. 17

The transfer function (cont.)

A general nth order, linear, time-invariant differential equation
d n c (t ) d n1c (t )
an n
 an1 n 1
 ...  a0 c (t ) 
dt dt
d m r (t ) d m1r (t )
bm m
 bm1 m1
 ...b0 r (t )
dt dt

where, c(t) : output

r(t) : input
a and b : constants
No. 18

The transfer function (cont.)

Taking Laplace transform of both side,

ansnC(s) + an-1sn-1C(s) +… + a0C(s) + initial condition =
bmsmR(s) + bm-1sm-1R(s) +… + b0R(s) + initial condition
No. 19

The transfer function (cont.)

Assume all initial conditions are zero,

(ansn + an-1sn-1 +… + a0) C(s) = (bmsm + bm-1sm-1 +… + b0) R(s)

Therefore, the transfer function is…………

C (s)
 G(s)
R( s)
(bm s m  bm-1 s m-1    b0 )
G (s) 
(an s n  an-1 s n-1    a0 )
No. 20

The transfer function (cont.)

• It separate output, input and system.
• The transfer function can be represented as a
block diagram as shown in Figure 2.2.
C (s)
 G( s)

C(s) (bm s m  bm-1 s m-1    b0 )

G (s)  
Figure 2.2 R(s) (an s n  an-1 s n-1    a0 )
No. 21

Example 7

Find the transfer function represented by

dc(t )
 2c(t )  r (t )
No. 22

Solution : Example 7
Taking LT both side (refer Table 2.1 and 2.2), and
assume zero initial condition

dc(t )
 2c(t )  r (t )

sC ( s )  2C ( s )  R( s )

C(s) 1
G(s)  
R(s) s2
No. 23

Example 8
Use the results of Example 7 to find the response, c(t)
to an input r(t)=u(t), a unit step. Assume zero initial

dc(t )
 2c(t )  r (t )
where r(t) = u(t),
No. 24

Solution: Example 8

dc(t )
 2c(t )  r (t )
dc(t )
 2c(t )  u (t )
sC ( s )  2C ( s ) 
( s  2)C ( s ) 
s Check
C (s)  table 2.1
s ( s  2)
No. 25

Solution: Example 8 (continue)

C (s)  No data in the table?
s ( s  2)

Use partial fraction.

1 A B
C(s)   
s(s  2) s s  2
1 1 1
C(s)   
s(s  2) 2s 2( s  2)

1 1  2t
c(t )   e
2 2
No. 26

Example 9
Find the transfer function, G(s) corresponding to differential

d 3c d 2c dc d 2r dr
3 2 7  5c  2
4  3r
dt dt dt dt dt

Answer :
s 2  4s  3
G(s)  3
s  3s 2  7s  5
No. 27

Example 10
Find the differential equation corresponding to the transfer

2s  1
G( s)  2
s  6s  2

Answer :

d 2c(t ) dc(t ) dr (t )
6  2c(t )  2  r (t )
dt dt dt
No. 28

Exercise 1
Find the transfer function, G(s) corresponding to differential

d 3c d 2c d 2r dc d 2r dr
2 2 3 2 7  5c  r  5 2  4  3c
dt dt dt dt dt dt

Answer :
2s 2  4s  1
G(s)  3
s  2s 2  7s  2
No. 29

No. 30

1. Apply transfer function to mathematical modeling of
ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT of three passive linear components:
resistors, capacitors and inductors.

i. Table 2.3 summarizes the components and the relationships

between voltage and current and between voltage and charge
under zero initial conditions.
ii. From these relationships, we can write the differential
equations for the circuit using Kirchhoff’s laws.
iii. Then we can take the Laplace transforms of the differential
equations and finally SOLVE for the TRANSFER
No. 31

Introduction (continue)

2. Or we can use TRANSFORM METHODS:

• loop or mesh analysis – Kirchhoff’s voltage law
• nodal analysis – Kirchhoff’s current law
No. 32

Table 2.3 Voltage-current, voltage-charge, and impedance

relationships for capacitors, resistors, and inductors
Component voltage- current- voltage- impedance admittance
current voltage charge
No. 33

Introduction (continue)
TO analyze:

1. Simple, Single-loop Electrical Network

mesh analysis
• via the differential equation (Example 11)
• via transform method (Example 11)
nodal analysis
• via transform method (Example 11)
No. 34
Example 11- Single Loop via the
differential equation
Find the transfer function relating the capacitor
voltage, VC(s) to the input voltage, V(s).

Figure 2.3
No. 35

Solution : Example 11
1. Write the differential equations for
the circuit:
di (t ) 1
L  Ri (t )   i (t )dt  v(t )
dt C 0
2. Changing variables from current to
charge using i(t) = dq(t)/dt

d 2 q (t ) dq(t ) 1
L 2
R  q (t )  v(t )
dt dt C
No. 36

Solution : Example 11 (continue)

3.From the voltage-charge relation in Table 2.3
vc (t )  q(t ) q(t )  Cvc (t )

d 2 q (t ) dq (t ) 1
L 2
 R  q (t )  v(t )
dt dt C

d 2 vc (t ) dvc (t )
LC 2
 RC  vc (t )  v (t )
dt dt

4. Taking the Laplace transform

LCs 2Vc ( s )  RCsVc ( s )  Vc ( s )  V ( s )
No. 37

Solution : Example 11 (cont.)

LCs 2Vc ( s )  RCsVc ( s )  Vc ( s )  V ( s )

5. Rearrange terms and simplifying yields

( LCs 2  RCs  1)Vc ( s )  V ( s )

6. Solving for the transfer function, Vc(s)/V(s)

VC ( s) 1 / LC

V ( s) R 1
s  s

No. 38

Solution : Example 11 (cont.)

So, the block diagram of series RLC electrical

VC ( s ) 1 / LC

V ( s) R 1
s  s

No. 39


For the capacitor, Vc ( s )  I (s)

For the resistor, VR ( s )  RI ( s )

For the inductor, VL ( s )  LsI ( s )

V (s)
Now define the following transfer function:  Z (s)
I (s)
No. 40

ii. Single Loop Transform Method

Steps of single loop transform method:
1. REDRAW the original network and SHOW all
variables in s domain eg: V(s), I(s) and Vc(s),
2. REPLACE the component
values with their impedance
Solution : Example 11 – using single No. 41


Repeat Example 11 using mesh analysis and transform
methods (without writing a differential equation).


(1) 1
( Ls  R  ) I ( s)  V ( s)
Example 11 – using single loop via No. 42

transform method (cont.)

( Ls  R  ) I ( s)  V ( s)
Solving for I(s)/V(s)
I ( s) 1

V ( s ) ( Ls  R  1 )
But the voltage across the capacitor
Vc ( s)  I ( s ) Vc(s)Cs  I (s)
Example 11 – using single loop via No. 43

transform method
I ( s) 1

V ( s ) ( Ls  R  1 )

Vc ( s )Cs 1

V ( s) 1
( Ls  R  )

Vc ( s ) 1 VC ( s) 1 / LC
 
V ( s ) ( Ls  R  1 )Cs V ( s) R 1
Cs s  s

No. 44

Example 11 – using nodal analysis

Repeat example 11 using NODAL ANALYSIS and
TRANSFORM METHODS (without writing a
differential equation).

From I(s)=V(s)/Z(s),
VC ( s ) Vc ( s )  V ( s )
 0
1 R  Ls
Solution : Example 11 – using nodal No. 45


VC ( s ) Vc ( s )  V ( s )
 0
1 R  Ls

Vc ( s)  V ( s)
VC ( s)Cs  0
R  Ls
Solution : Example 11 – using nodal No. 46

analysis (cont.)
Vc ( s)  V ( s)
VC ( s)Cs  0
R  Ls

Vc ( s) V ( s)
VC ( s)Cs  
R  Ls R  Ls

VC ( s)Cs ( R  Ls )  Vc ( s)  V ( s)

(Cs(R  Ls) 1)Vc(s)  V (s)

No. 47

There are two ways to find transfer function in complex
1. mesh analysis
• via transform method
2. nodal analysis
• via transform method
No. 48
Example 12 – mesh analysis

Given the network of Figure 2.4, find the transfer

function, I2(s) / V(s).

Figure 2.4
No. 49

Solution : Example 12

Step 1 : Transform to Laplace terms

No. 50

Solution : Example 12
Step 2 : Develop mesh equations

Loop 1 : R1I1 (s)  LsI1 (s)  LsI 2 (s)  V (s)

Loop 2 : LsI (s)  R I (s)  1 I (s)  LsI (s)  0

2 2 2 2 1
No. 51

Solution : Example 12 (continue)

Step 3 : Simplify the equations
Loop 1:
R1I1 (s)  LsI1 (s)  LsI 2 (s)  V (s)

( R1  Ls) I1 (s)  LsI 2 (s)  V (s) 1

Loop 2:
LsI 2 ( s)  R2 I 2 ( s)  I 2 ( s)  LsI 1 ( s)  0
( Ls  R2  ) I 2 ( s)  LsI 1 ( s)  0 2
No. 52
Solution : Example 12 (continue)

Step 4 : Combine both equations and find the transfer function

( Ls  R2  ) I 2 ( s)  LsI 1 ( s)  0 2
1 1
( Ls  R2  ) I 2 ( s)  I1 ( s)
Ls Cs
R2 1
(1   2
) I 2 ( s)  I1 ( s) 3
Ls LCs
No. 53

Solution : Example 12 (continue)

Substitute eqn. 3 into eqn. 1 and find the answer:
R2 1
(1   2
) I 2 ( s)  I1 ( s) 3
Ls LCs

( R1  Ls) I1 (s)  LsI 2 (s)  V (s) 1

R2 1
( R1  Ls )(1   2
) I 2 ( s)  LsI 2 ( s)  V ( s)
Ls LCs
RR R LsR 2 Ls
( R1  1 2  1 2  Ls   2
) I 2 ( s)  LsI 2 ( s)  V ( s)
Ls LCs Ls LCs
No. 54

Solution : Example 12 (continue)

R1 R2 R1 LsR 2 Ls
( R1   2
 Ls  Ls   2
) I 2 ( s)  V ( s)
Ls LCs Ls LCs
R1 R2 R1 LsR 2 Ls
( R1   2
  2
) I 2 ( s)  V ( s)
Ls LCs Ls LCs
I 2 ( s) 1

V ( s) R1 R2 R1 LsR2 Ls
( R1   2
  2
Ls LCs Ls LCs
I 2 (s) LCs 2
G ( s)  
V ( s ) ( R1  R2 ) LCs 2  ( R1 R2 C  L) s  R1
No. 55

Mesh Analysis
We notice that we can use these equations to develop
mesh equations:

Sum of Sum of Sum of applied

Impedances I1(s) _ Impedances I2(s) = voltages around
around Mesh 1 common to the Mesh 1
two meshes

Sum of Sum of Sum of applied

_ Impedances I1(s) + Impedances I2(s) = voltages around
common to the around Mesh 2 Mesh 2
two meshes
No. 56

Example 12 – nodal analysis

Find the transfer function, VC(s)/V(s), for the circuit in
Figure 2.4 (multiple nodes) by using nodal analysis.

Figure 2.4
No. 57

Solution : Example 12 – nodal analysis

Step 1 : Develop node equation

VL ( s)  V ( s) VL ( s) VL ( s)  VC ( s)
Node : VL   0 1
R1 Ls R2

VC ( s)  VL ( s)
Node : VC CsVC ( s)  0 2
Solution : Example 12 – nodal analysis No. 58

Step 2: Rearranging and expressing the resistances as
G1=1/R1 and G2=1/R2

From eqn. 1: VL ( s)
G1 (VL ( s)  V ( s))   G2 (VL ( s)  VC ( s))  0
(G1   G2 )VL ( s )  G2VC ( s )  G1V ( s ) 3
From eqn. 2:
CsVC ( s )  G2 (VC ( s )  VL ( s ))  0
 G2VL ( s )  (G2  Cs )VC  0
Solution : Example 12 – nodal analysis No. 59

Step 3: Find the transfer function, VC(s)/V(s)

VC ( s ) C

V ( s) G1G2 L  C G2
(G1  G2 ) s 

where G1 = 1/R1 and G2 = 1/R2

No. 61

Exercise 2
Write the mesh equations for the network
shown below.

Figure 2.5
No. 62
Answer for Exercise 2

By mesh analysis (KVL eq):

Loop 1:
+(2s+2)I1(s) – (2s+1)I2(s) – I3 (s) = V(s)

Loop 2:
–(2s+1) I1(s) + (9s+1) I2(s) – 4s I3 (s) = 0

Loop 3:
– I1(s) – 4s I2(s) + (4s+1+1/s) I3 (s) = 0
No. 63

Solution 2:
Mesh 1 :
Sum of Sum of
Sum of _
impedances _ impedances Sum of applied
impedances I1(s) I2(s) I (s) =
common to common to 3 voltages around
around Mesh 1
Mesh 1 and Mesh 1 and Mesh 1
Mesh 2 Mesh 3
Mesh 2 :
Sum of
Sum of Sum of Sum of applied
_ + impedances
common to I1(s) impedances I2(s) _ I (s) = voltages around
common to 3
Mesh 1 and around Mesh 2 Mesh 2
Mesh 2 and
Mesh 2 Mesh 3
Mesh 3 :
Sum of
Sum of impedances Sum of
_ common to I1(s) - Sum of applied
common to I2(s) + impedances
Mesh 1 and I3(s) = voltages around
Mesh 2 and around Mesh Mesh 3
Mesh 3
Mesh 3 3
No. 64

SYSTEM Transfer Functions
No. 65
Translational Mechanical System
Transfer Functions
• We have shown that electrical networks can be modeled
by transfer function.
• Now we will do the SAME for mechanical system.
• Mechanical system, like electrical network, can be have 3
passive, linear components.
• two of them, the spring and the mass, are energy-
storage elements;
• and one of them, the viscous damper, dissipates
Translational Mechanical System No. 66

Transfer Functions
Figure 2.10(a) shows a similar to the simple RLC network.
This simple mechanical system requires just one differentiate
equation, called the equation of motion.
Figure 2.10(b) shows the block diagram.

Figure 2.10
No. 67
Translational Mechanical System
Transfer Functions
• These mechanical elements are shown in Table 2.4.
• In the table, K, fv and M are called spring constant, coefficient of viscous
friction and mass, respectively.
• We now create analogies between electrical and mechanical systems by
comparing Table 2.3 and 2.4.

TABLE 2.4: Force-

velocity, force-
displacement, and
impedance translational
relationships for springs,
viscous dampers, and
No. 68
Translational Mechanical System
Transfer Functions
The others way to find the transfer function is using Laplace
transform method.
• First, we take the Laplace transform
of force displacement column in Table
2.4, we obtain:
• for the spring, F(s) = KX(s)
• for the viscous damper, F(s) =
• for the mass, F(s) = Ms2X(s)
• This approach is more simple rather
than to write the differentiate
No. 69

EXAMPLE 15 - one equation of motion

1) Find the transfer function X(s)/F(s), for the system of below
figure using the differentiate equation.
2) Repeat the question without writing the differentiate
equation first (LT).
No. 70
equation of motion
1) The transfer function X(s)/F(s) for the system of below figure using the DE:
No. 71
equation of motion
2) Repeat the question with Laplace Transformation:

No. 72
equation of motion (continue)

d 2 x(t ) dx(t )
M 2
 f v  Kx (t )  f (t ) Ms 2 X ( s )  f v sX ( s)  KX ( s )  F ( s )
dt dt

X ( s) 1

F (s) Ms 2  f v s  K
No. 73
Translational Mechanical System Transfer
Functions (ii)
By taking the Laplace transform of the force-displacement column
in Table 2.4, we obtain:

No. 74
Translational Mechanical System
Transfer Functions
• Many mechanical systems are similar to multiple-loop and multiple-node
electrical networks, where more than one simultaneous differential equation
is required to describe the system.

• In mechanical systems, the number of equations of motion required is

equal to the number of linearly independent motions (number of degrees
of freedom).

• Using Newton’s law, we sum the forces on each body and set the sum to

• This result is a system of simultaneous equations of motion. As Laplace

transforms, these equations are then solved for the output variable of
interest in terms of the input variable from which the transfer function is
No. 75

EXAMPLE 16 - 2 degrees of freedom

Find the transfer function, X2(s)/F(s), for the system of Figure
2.11 as shown below.

Figure 2.11
No. 76

Solution EXAMPLE 16

• The system has two degrees of freedom, since each mass can be
moved in the horizontal direction while the other is held still.
• Thus, two simultaneous eqn of motion will be required to describe
the system.

• The two equations come from free-body diagrams of each mass.

• Superposition is used to draw the free body diagrams.

• For example, the forces on M1 are due to (1) its own motion and
(2) the motion of M2 transmitted to M1 through the system. We will
consider these two sources separately.
No. 77
Solution EXAMPLE 16

If we hold M2 still and move M1 to

the right, the forces shown in (a).

If we hold M1 still and move M2 to

the right, the forces in (b).

The total force on M1 is the

superposition, or sum, of the forces
in (c).
No. 78
Solution EXAMPLE 16
For M2, we proceed in a similar fashion:
• First we move M2 to the right while holding
M1 still;
• Then we move M1 to the right and hold M2
still. For each case we evaluate the forces
on M2.
No. 79

Solution EXAMPLE 16 (II)

Notice again, the equations are similar to electrical mesh equation.
Sum of Sum of
Impedances Impedances Sum of applied
_ X2(s) =
connected to the X1(s) between X1 forces at X1
motion at X1 and X2

Sum of Sum of Sum of applied

_ Impedances X1(s) + Impedances X2(s) = forces at X2
between X1 and connected to
X2 the motion at
No. 80
A mechanical system that undergoes rotation and no translation.
Handled the same way as translational mechanical system with
replacements below:
Rotational mechanical systems Translation mechanical systems
Torque, T(s) Force, F(s)
Angular displacement, (s) Translational displacement, X(s)
Inertia, J Mass, M

Table 2.5 shows the components along with the relationships between torque
and angular velocity, as well as angular displacement.
The parameters K, D and J are called spring constant, coefficient of viscous
friction and moment of inertia, respectively.
No. 81

Table 2.5
No. 82

Example 3.14
Find the transfer function, for the rotational system
shown below. The rod is supported by bearings at either
end and is undergoing torsion. A torque is applied at the
left, and the displacement is measured at the right.
No. 83

Example 3.14
No. 84

Next draw a free body diagram of J1,

Torque on J1 when:
a. J2 still, J1 rotated
b. J1 still, J2 rotated
c. Final FBD for J1

( J1s 2  D1s  k )1 ( s)  k 2 ( s)  T ( s)

No. 85

Then draw a free body diagram of J2,

Torque on J2 when:
a. J1 still, J2 rotated
b. J2 still, J1 rotated
c. Final FBD for J2

 k1 ( s )  ( J 2 s  D2 s  k ) 2 ( s )  0
No. 86

From these figures, we obtain the equations of motion,

( J1s  D1s  K )1 ( s)  K 2 ( s)  T ( s)


 K1 ( s)  ( J 2 s  D2 s  K ) 2  0


 2 ( s) K ( J 1 s 2  D1 s  K ) K
 Where
T ( s)  K ( J 2 s 2  D2 s  K )
No. 87

Notice that, the obtained equations can be written in the form:-

Sum of 
impedances  Sum of 
  impedances  Sum of 
connected  1 ( s )    ( s )  applied torques 
  between  2  
 to the motion
   at  1 

 1 and  
at  1  2

Sum of 
Sum of  impedances 
impedances    Sum of 
  ( s )  connected  2 ( s )  applied torques 
between  1
   
   to the motion  at  2 
 1 and  2  at  2 
No. 88

Example 18

Write but do not solve the Laplace transform of the equations of

motion for the system shown in below figure.
No. 89

Solution : Example 18
The Laplace transform of the equations of motion for the system:

( J 1 s 2  D1 s  K ) 1 ( s)  K 2 ( s)  0 3 ( s)  T ( s)
 K 1 ( s)  ( J 2 s 2  D2 s  K ) 2 ( s)  D2 s 3 ( s)  0
 0 1 ( s)  D2 s 2 ( s)  ( J 3 s 2  D3 s  D2 s) 3 ( s)  0

• In this section we show the commonality of systems from the
various disciplines by demonstrating that the mechanical
systems can be represented by equivalent electric circuits.
• An electric circuit that is analogous to a system from
another discipline is called an electric circuit analog.
• When compared with mesh equations, the resulting electric
circuit is called a series analog.
• When compared with nodal equations, the resulting electric
circuit is called a parallel analog.
No. 91

Series Analog

Figure 2.25
No. 92

Series Analog (continue)

Consider the translational mechanical system shown in Figure 2.25(a). The

equation of motion is

( Ms 2  f v s  K ) X ( s)  F ( s)
While, Kirchhoff’s mesh equation for the simple series RLC network shown in
Figure 2.25(b) is:
( Ls  R  ) I ( s)  E ( s)
No. 93

Series Analog (continue)

We can create a direct analogy by operating on Eqn.

( Ms 2  f v s  K ) X ( s)  F ( s) s
to convert displacement to velocity by multiplying the left-hand side by

( Ms 2  f v s  K ) K
sX ( s)  ( Ms  f v  )V ( s)  F ( s)
s s
No. 94

Series Analog (continue)

Comparing both eqn of motion and eqn of simple series RLC network, we
recognize the sum of impedances and draw the circuit shown in Fig 2.25(c).
The conversions are summarized in Figure 2.25(d).
No. 95

Example 19

Draw a series analog for the mechanical system of below figure.

No. 96
Solution : Example 19

[M1s2 + (fv1 + fv2)s + (K1 + K2)] X1(s) – (fv3s + K2)X2(s) = F(s)

– (fv3s + K2)X1(s) + [(M2s2 + (fv2 + fv3)s + (K2 + K3)]X2(s) = 0

No. 97

Parallel Analog

Figure 2.27
No. 98

Parallel Analog (continue)

A system can also be converted to an equivalent parallel analog.
Consider the translational mechanical system shown in Figure 2.27(a), whose equation of
motion is given by
( Ms  f v  )V ( s)  F ( s)

Kirchhoff’s nodal equation for the simple parallel RLC network shown in Figure 2.27(b) is
1 1
(Cs   ) E ( s)  I ( s)
R Ls

Comparing both eq of motion and eq of simple series RLC network, we recognize the sum
of admittances and draw the circuit shown in Fig 2.27(c). The conversions are summarized
in Figure 2.27(d).

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