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Sie sind hier: Startseite / Themen A - Z / Ausstellungen / Dokumentationen / A 10. al-Muqaddimah / - The Zâ

The Zâ 'irajah

Chapter VI

[28] The Science of the Secrets of Letters

The Zâ'irajah (obverse), from MS. E (Ahmet III, 3042, Vol.I, pl. following fol. 237) © Bollingen Foundation Inc.,
New York, N. Y.

The Zâ 'irajah
"A branch of the science of letter magic, (practiced) among the (authorities on letter magic), is (the technique of)
finding out answers from questions by means of connections existing between the letters of the expressions
(used in the question). They imagine that these (connections) can form the basis for knowing the future
happenings they want to know. Here we have something like puzzles and trick problems. There are many
discussions of the subject by them. The most comprehensive and most remarkable discussion of it is as-Sabtî's
Zâ'irajah of the World. It has been mentioned before. Here, we shall explain what has been said about how to
operate it. We shall quote the poem that, it is thought, as-Sabtî wrote on the subject. Then, we shall give a
description of the Zâ'irajah with its circle and the table written on the verso. Finally, we shall reveal the truth about
it. It is nothing supernatural; (the indications derived from it) result from an agreement in the wording of question
and answer. It is (just) one interesting way among others, and a curious one, for finding out the answer from the
question with the help of the technique called the technique of "breaking down". We have reffered to all this
before ..." (op. cit., ibid., Vol III, pp. 182-183)
The Zâ'irajah (reverse) , from MS. E (Ahmet III, 3042, Vol. I, pl. following fol. 237) © Bollingen Foundation Inc.,
New York, N. Y.

Translation of the Zâ'irajah (obverse)

n.b.: The translation of the Zâ'irajah is to be found in the pocket at the end of the volume III.

© Bollingen Foundation Inc., New York, N. Y.

Abstract: Zâ'irajah of the World

"We have no authoritative tradition on which we might rely for the correctness of the poem and its attribution to
as-Sabtî. However, we have chosen (for our quotation) what gave the impression of being the best manuscript.
This is the poem:
There speaks a little Ceutian, praising his Lord,

Praying for a guide who was God's messenger to mankind, (namely,)

Muhammad who was sent as a prophet, the Seal of the Prophets,

And expressing his satisfaction with the men around him and those who followed them:

Behold, this is the Zâ'irajah of the World which

You (sing.) see revealed through your (pl.) senses, and through the intellect.

Whoever knows how to compose (the zâ'irajah) will know his body,

And will obtain laws given from on high.

Whoever knows how to tie (it down) will obtain power

And be noted for having obtained the fear of God and everything ..." (op. cit., ibid. Vol. III, p. 183-184)

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