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Reading Comprehension (Tan)

Set A-311214

The Hungry Squirrel

Once upon a time, in a quiet forest, there lived a little squirrel named Sammy.
Sammy was always hungry and loved to eat nuts. One day, he found a big pile of
acorns under a tall oak tree. Sammy was so excited that he started eating them
one by one until he felt sick.

1. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. The importance of eating healthy foods
B. The benefits of sharing with others
C. The dangers of overeating
D. The importance of being grateful for what you have

2. What is the main character's name?

A. Sammy the Squirrel
B. Sunny the Squirrel
C. Sammy the Monkey
D. Sunny the Monkey

3. What did Sammy find under the oak tree?

A. A big pile of acorns
B. A big pile of nuts
C. A big pile of food
D. All of the above

4. How did Sammy feel when he found the acorns?

A. Happy
B. Excited
C. Hungry
D. All of the above

5. What did Sammy do with the acorns?

A. He ate them all by himself.
B. He shared them with his friends.
C. He stored them for later.
D. He did all of the above.

(Bonus question)
6. What is the moral of the story?
A. It is important to share with others.
B. It is important to be grateful for what you have.
C. It is important to not overeat.
D. All of the above

KFM Reading Comprehension –440-490L

Reading Comprehension (Tan)
Set B-421444

The Friendly Dolphin

Every summer, Sarah and her family visited the beach. Sarah loved
swimming in the ocean and often saw a friendly dolphin named Dolly. Dolly
would swim alongside her and do tricks in the water. The dolphin would make
sounds as if talking, making Sarah smile.

1. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. The importance of taking care of the ocean
B. The benefits of spending time in nature
C. The dangers of swimming with dolphins
D. The friendship between Sarah and Dolly the dolphin

2. Where did Sarah and her family go every summer?

A. The forest
B. The beach
C. The mountains
D. The city

3. What was the name of the friendly dolphin?

A. Dolly
B. Sarah
C. Ocean
D. Beach

4. What did Dolly do to make Sarah smile?

A. She swam alongside Sarah.
B. She did tricks in the water.
C. She spoke to Sarah in dolphin language.
D. All of the above

5. What can we learn from the story of Sarah and Dolly?

A. Dolphins are friendly and intelligent creatures.
B. It is important to respect all animals and their habitats.
C. We can form strong friendships with animals.
D. All of the above

(Bonus question)
6. What is the moral of the story?
A. Be kind to animals.
B. Take care of the environment.
C. Make new friends.
D. All of the above

KFM Reading Comprehension –440-490L

Reading Comprehension (Tan)
Set C-411143

The Rainbow

After the rain stopped, Emily saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky. It had
seven different colors, and it stretched from one end to the other. Emily
wondered how rainbows were made.

1. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. How rainbows are made
B. The different colors of the rainbow
C. Emily's curiosity about rainbows
D. All of the above

2. What did Emily see in the sky after the rain stopped?
A. A rainbow
B. A cloud
C. A bird
D. A tree

3. How many colors did the rainbow have?

A. Seven
B. Eight
C. Nine
D. Ten

4. What did Emily wonder about the rainbow?

A. How rainbows are made
B. Why rainbows are so colorful
C. Where rainbows go after they disappear
D. All of the above

5. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Rainbows are beautiful natural phenomena.
B. It is important to be curious about the world around us.
C. There are many things that we still don't know about the world.
D. All of the above

(Bonus question)
6. What is the moral of the story?
A. Be curious.
B. Appreciate the beauty of nature.
C. There is always something new to learn.
D. All of the above

KFM Reading Comprehension –440-490L

Reading Comprehension (Tan)
Set D-144142

The Lost Bicycle

Tommy was sad because he had lost his bicycle. He searched the park,
his street, and even the neighbor's yard, but he couldn't find it. Tommy's mom
told him not to worry and that they would look again tomorrow.

1. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. Tommy's lost bicycle
B. Tommy's sadness
C. Tommy's mom's kindness
D. All of the above

2. What did Tommy lose?

A. His dog
B. His ball
C. His kite
D. His bicycle

3. Where did Tommy look for his bicycle?

A. The park
B. His street
C. The neighbor's yard
D. All of the above

4. What did Tommy's mom tell him to do?

A. Not to worry
B. To buy new one tomorrow
C. To ask the neighbors for help
D. All of the above

5. What can we learn from the passage?

A. It is important to stay calm when you lose something.
B. It is important to ask for help when you need it.
C. It is important to be patient.
D. All of the above

(Bonus question)
6. What is the moral of the story?
A. Don't give up.
B. Be careful with your belongings.
C. Everyone loses things sometimes.
D. All of the above

KFM Reading Comprehension –440-490L

Reading Comprehension (Tan)
Set E-141121

The Lost Key

Sarah had lost her house key. She retraced her steps, checking the
playground, the store, and her friend's house. Finally, she found it under her
bed, right where she had left it.

1. What did Sarah lose?

A. Her house key
B. Her car keys
C. Her wallet
D. Her phone

2. Where did Sarah look for her key?

A. The playground
B. The store
C. Her friend's house
D. All of the above

3. Where did Sarah finally find her key?

A. Under her bed
B. In her purse
C. In her backpack
D. On the kitchen counter

4. Why did Sarah lose her key?

A. She forgot where she put it.
B. She dropped it somewhere.
C. Someone stole it from her.
D. All of the above

5. What can we learn from Sarah's story?

A. It is important to retrace your steps when you lose something.
B. It is important to be careful with your belongings.
C. It is okay to ask for help when you need it.
D. All of the above

Bonus question:
6. What is the moral of the story?
A. Look before you leave.
B. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
C. Everyone loses things sometimes.
D. All of the above

KFM Reading Comprehension –440-490L

Reading Comprehension (Tan)
Set F-41121

The Enchanted Forest

In the heart of the magical kingdom, there lies an enchanted forest. The
trees in this forest are tall and ancient, their leaves shimmering in various
shades of green and gold. Hidden among the branches are fairies, elves, and
talking animals. The forest is said to grant wishes to those who are pure of
heart. Many adventurers seek the forest, hoping their dreams will come true.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What can be found hidden among the branches of the enchanted forest?
A. Only tall trees
B. Cars and machines
C. Only ancient artifacts
D. Fairies, elves, and talking animals

2. What is the special quality of the leaves in the enchanted forest?

A. They shimmer in shades of green and gold
B. They are constantly changing colors
C. They are made of gold
D. They are transparent

3. What do many adventurers hope to achieve in the enchanted forest?

A. To have their dreams come true
B. Only to meet talking animals
C. To capture fairies and elves
D. Only to find treasure

4. Why do people believe the forest grants wishes?

A. Because it is full of ancient artifacts
B. Because it is said to be enchanted and pure of heart
C. Only because of its tall trees
D. Because it is full of treasure

5. What kind of kingdom is the enchanted forest located in?

A. A magical kingdom
B. A scientific kingdom
C. Only a historical kingdom
D. A kingdom ruled by animals

KFM Reading Comprehension –440-490L

Reading Comprehension (Tan)
Set G-24143

The Mystery of the Lost Key

One sunny afternoon, Sarah discovered an old key in her backyard. It

was rusty and covered in dirt, but she felt an inexplicable connection to it.
Determined to solve the mystery, she embarked on a quest to find the door
it opened. As she explored her town, she encountered peculiar symbols and
hidden clues that eventually led her to a long-forgotten treasure chest,
revealing secrets from the past.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What did Sarah find in her backyard?

A. A treasure chest
B. A rusty and dirty key
C. Only peculiar symbols
D. Only hidden clues

2. What made Sarah want to find out more about the key?
A. Its shiny appearance
B. Only its old and rusty look
C. Her friends' encouragement
D. Her inexplicable connection to it

3. What did Sarah encounter as she explored her town?

A. Peculiar symbols and hidden clues
B. Only her friends and neighbors
C. Only well-known landmarks
D. Only ordinary houses

4. Where did the hidden clues eventually lead Sarah?

A. Only to more symbols
B. To a dead-end street
C. To a mysterious stranger
D. To a long-forgotten treasure chest

5. What did the treasure chest reveal?

A. Only a map
B. Only more clues
C. Secrets from the past
D. Only a message saying "good luck"

KFM Reading Comprehension –440-490L

Reading Comprehension (Tan)
Set H-42113

The Amazing World of Bees

Bees are incredible creatures that play a vital role in our ecosystem.
They collect nectar from flowers to make honey, and in the process, they
pollinate plants, ensuring the production of fruits and vegetables. Bees live in
large colonies and communicate with each other through intricate dances.
They are essential for agriculture and the survival of many plant species.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What role do bees play in the ecosystem?

A. Only building hives
B. Scaring away other insects
C. Only collecting nectar for themselves
D. Pollinating plants and ensuring production of fruits and vegetables

2. How do bees communicate with each other?

A. Only through sounds
B. Through intricate dances
C. Only by touching antennas
D. By flying in specific patterns

3. What is the main purpose of bees collecting nectar from flowers?

A. To make honey
B. To build their hives
C. Only to feed themselves
D. To create colorful patterns on their bodies

4. Why is pollination important for agriculture?

A. It ensures the production of fruits and vegetables
B. Only for increasing the number of bees
C. It prevents bees from getting bored
D. Only for aesthetic purposes

5. Where do bees live?

A. Only in small groups
B. Only in trees
C. In large colonies
D. Only underground

KFM Reading Comprehension –440-490L

Reading Comprehension (Tan)
Set I-21134

The Space Adventure

In the year 3025, space travel became a common occurrence. People

from Earth started exploring distant planets and galaxies. On one thrilling
space adventure, a group of astronauts discovered a planet covered in
colorful, glowing plants. These plants had healing properties, curing various
diseases on Earth. Scientists were amazed and worked together to study
these unique plants, bringing back invaluable knowledge to help humanity.

Comprehension Questions:

1. When did space travel become common in this passage?

A. In the year 2025
B. In the year 3025
C. Only in the distant future
D. Only in the past

2. What did the astronauts discover on the distant planet?

A. Colorful, glowing plants with healing properties
B. Only strange creatures
C. Abandoned buildings
D. Glowing rocks

3. What did these plants cure on Earth?

A. Various diseases
B. Only headaches
C. Mental health disorders
D. Only common colds

4. How did scientists react to the discovery?

A. They ignored it
B. They didn't believe the astronauts
C. They were amazed and studied the plants
D. They were scared and avoided further exploration

5. What did scientists do with the knowledge gained from the plants?
A. They destroyed it
B. They kept it a secret
C. They used it to create powerful weapons
D. They brought back invaluable knowledge to help humanity

KFM Reading Comprehension –440-490L

Reading Comprehension (Tan)
Set J-23232

The Magical Carousel

In the heart of the city stood an old, magical carousel. Its painted horses
came to life every night, galloping around in the moonlight. Children
whispered stories of its enchantments, saying that it could transport them to
far-off lands. Legend had it that those who rode it under the full moon could
make a wish, and it would come true. Every child in the city dreamed of riding
the magical carousel at least once in their lifetime.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What made the carousel magical?

A. Its colorful lights
B. Its painted horses coming to life every night
C. Only its enchanting music
D. Only its intricate designs

2 When do the painted horses on the carousel come to life?

A. Every morning
B. Every afternoon
C. Every night, especially in the moonlight
D. Only during special occasions

3. What do children believe about the magical carousel?

A. It can fly in the sky
B. It can transport them to far-off lands
C. It can turn invisible
D. It can only spin in circles

4. According to legend, what happens if someone rides the carousel under

the full moon?
A. They will fall asleep
B. They will lose their way home
C. They can make a wish, and it will come true
D. They will turn into a magical creature

5. What do every child in the city dream of?

A. Owning a real horse
B. Riding the magical carousel at least once in their lifetime
C. Becoming a famous magician
D. Discovering hidden treasures in the city

KFM Reading Comprehension –440-490L


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