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Addis Ababa University Department of Mathematics PhD Qualifying Examination in Real Analysis April 26, 2016 Instructions: State precisely any standard theorems you may use in your work, However, any theorem used must be properly quoted. All steps in your work must: be justified. Each question carries 20 marks. PART I: Answer ahy: two of the following four questions. 1,) Let f and g be continuous real valued functions on the closed bounded interval [a,8]. If g(z) > 0 for all x [a,b], show that there exists c € [a, }] such that. ay f ade 4 i ff teateyte = 2. Let a, = sin %¥ for n > 1. Find ie liminf a, and im sup ap. 3. Let {fa} be a sequence of continuous real valued functions that converges uniformly on the interval (0,1). For each positive integer n let. nae [ fa(t)at for « € (0,1). Show that {ff,}$21 converges uniformly on (0, 1). ofa z Show that for any open set U C R? the image f(U) is an open set. eb £:R? > R? be a C? function and suppose that the Jacobian fa, fa) 2 Waa) (x,y) # 0 for all (x,y) € R®. , PART II: Answer any three of the following five questions. BY v eo - oe Let N denote the set of natural numbers and A = {A CN: Ais finite or At is finite}. Prove that A is an algebra but NOT a c—algebra, »/ . Let (X,3, 12) be a measure space. Suppose that f is a nonnegative extended real valued measurable function on X such that [tan

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