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9 9.


noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or

An adjective modifies a
quantfying t

modifies. An adjective can also

noun or the pronoun which it
usually precedes the
An adiective
after the noun or
be placed

Kinds of Adjectives

Demonstrative| Possessive Interrogative

Quantity Number
Quality this, these my, your
whose, which
some,little two, manyy
brave, heavy
to make the story
passage and fill in appropriate adjectives
A. Read the following
interesting. Avoid repeating any
Jaypal had been working
It was a day at the farm. *******

morning. He looked up at the

garden since. - coemoncdaassas*rseoasoenoegno

in the
the. villagepond. All
sun and wished he could go swimming in
idea. He decided that a. .Swim was just
at once, Jaypal had a -

what he needed. So he ran down to the pond and jumped into its .
n # n a # a n f " n o * 5 0 9 a r a * a n s s * * * * * * a n a * * * *

face as he floated on the.

A. amsanaaneno epeaennngs
smile spread across his . -

water. The. swim didn't last very long, however. All of a

sudden, Jaypal let out a cry that could be heard all over the villagge.

He jumped out of the water as though he'd been shot from a .


He wiggled and squirmed, trying to find the source of his discomfort. Finally, after one. a ***

shake, a . *************************************************************************
rog came flopping out of Jaypal's pants!

gathered at tha
Seeing the frog, all the villagers who had
twice sbot
think twice
pool, let out a would now definitely
laugh Jaypal
went for a swim when he had to worki
Some Other
Kinds of Adjectives
Proper Adjectives Adjectives of Numbers
Emphasising Adjectiy
strong feelings
origin or source exact number
Cardinal numbers:
For example: sheer Wae
For example: Italian food, | For example: forty rupees,
Chinese toys eighty dollars
Ordinal numbers: order or rank
For example: first position,
third house
Indefinte adjectives: do not
denote exact number
For example: some children, any
Distributive adjectives: referto
each one of a number
For example: every book, each
member of a number

B. Underline the adjectives in the following sentences and state their kinds.

1. This room has been decorated by my father.

2. He slipped on the wet ground.
3. Those men are not very strong.
4. l'd like some coffee, please.
5. Jai gave his own pen to Vijay for the examinations.
6. Many children like to keep pets.
7. Who is the first person to land on the Moon?
8. King Robert Bruce was a brave soldier.
9. Today is the last day of the festival.
10. Iam very fond of Italian food.

Order of Adjectives

examples of adjective order:


slze age shape colour origin materialpurpose noun


Silly young English
metal bowl
huge round

small red sleeping bag

are In the right order.

Put () against
against the of adjectives that
C. Put a () group
in the correct order.
those that are not and rewrite them
2. a French green book
1. a big red book
4. the three first days
3. a little green

5. a brown leather jacket 6. the three last weeks

8. an Italian handsome man

7. an army Swiss knife
10. the three last people
9. an old lovely house
12. the first three days
11. a red big book
14. a portable expensive computer
13. a funny little man
16. a new terrible movie
15. a green old sweater

17. a tea yellow cup 18. green big eyes

19. a small French skinny poodle 20. a serving bowl small Japanese

Formation of Adjectives
other adjectivesS.
suffixes to form adjectives from nouns, verbs
We use

Some common suffixes used are:

favour - favourable
advise - advisable comfort-comfortable

love - lovable memory- memorable

honour - honourable

value valuable
profit profitable

terror - lert


access accessible biology-DIological

al autumn-autumnal crime-Cnminal

accident- accidental centre-central economy-economi

brute - brutal
geography-geographical habit - habitual

history- historical face-faciel

machine- mechanical

-ar c i r c l e - circular

angle -angular table -tabular

triangle -triangular
-ate passion-passionate

affection - affectionate

wood wOoden

-ful care Careful

cheer- cheeriul
beauty - beautiful harm harmful
hope - hopeful
duty- dutiful respect- respectful
mercy merciful
use useful
thought- thoughtful

hope - hopeless
care careless
cheer cheerless

harm - harmless mercy-merciless thought-thoughtless

use useless

atmosphere - atmospr=
angel-angelic herp-heroic
poet poetic science -Scientific sympathy-sympathe


book - bookish
chld-chlldish boy-boylsh
git-girtish fevor-foverish fool-foolsh

exppress-expressive talk- talkatlve

brother-brotherly sister sisterly father-fatherly
mother- motherly day-dally nlght-nightly
hour-houly week-weekly month- monthly
year-yearly friend-friendly king- kingly
scholar- scholarly COward-cowardly
(But when we add -ly to the adjective brave, the word formed, that is, bravely, is an adverb, not
an adjective)

adventure - adventurous bulb - bulbous

fame-famous glory-glorious industry -industrious
virtue - virtuous

tire - tiresome
quarrel - quarrelsome trouble-troublesome
worry- worrisome

blood - bloody ease easy

haste - hasty
flower -flowery gloom-gloomy
hill-hilly hunger- hungry might-mighty
need - needy stone stony
Sun-sunny rain rainy wind-windy
thirst-thirsty worth-worthy

D. Make adjectlves from these words by adding
1. profit -**** -

3. trouble
5. fame peespdneae Ps adobesebpoaenovos
7. centree 3.
9. adventure
11. talk o*seepea 8Peosor*s *audaeeePeBenepmpeave

13. affection 14. **** ****"*********

15. science Japan

words in the brac
given in acke
E. Fill in the of the adjective forms
blanks with the Correct was quie

would become the king as he ******* *****..

odatn Ram
decided that
city. (dangen
2. It is 1O drive at a high speed withinthe

. Nobody likes to work with that lady becauseshe Is veiy
r Kapoor always donates to poor children and oine people. (neec)
i a fits in very well in her new school because she is very
by nature. (friend
.. (talk)
O. Mohan keeps getting remarks in his diary becausehe is
7. Henu drew the face with a nose. (bulb)
8. We decided to subscribe to the dootadpoees Febbarobd rod
issue ofthe magazine. (month)
.Leela did not like the book because she thought the story to be quite rescsos0ea*pmorn
. Chil

10. I hope you find the bed. ******gasesse tdstna***

I just bought it yesterday. (comfor)
F. Fill in the blanks with the adjective forms of suitable words from help box.

memory rain crime office hero value week nerve

1. Robin recently went through a breakdown because of the stre

his office.
2. Though many poets have written on monsoon, I personally do not like the

3. The organisation is making all efforts to turm the event into a O


4. The **sennsannsn e*********enzenenee act of the constable managed to save the passengers
burning taxi.

5. Mom's tour is in February.
6. Learning Classical music is a part of my plan
7. Marrying off underage children is a . es9es* ** ** sds*****m*ap* ***********"
and need to be nurtured.
8. Relationships are.
Degrees of Comparison

AS we have
seen earlier, adjectives have three degrees of comparison.

Joy is a tall boy. (positive)

Manu is taller than Quinn. (comparative)
Arun is the tallest of the three boys. (superlative)
in brackets.
G. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate degrees of the adjectives given
1. China has the. ********
population in the world. (large)
9ee o*v***

2. Rome looks ****dsoiesesossosucee4sgedssh

. .when you visit it than when you see it in pictures. (beautiful)

3 The horse is a . ***************dte***rs

w.animal. (noble)

4. Priyanka is a ****************ssssoppre* artist. (good)

5. Yasmin is a. .artist than Priyanka. (good)

6. Tasneem is the artist in the class. (good)

Correct use of Adjectives

Some, Any
Similarities between some and any

Both can be used before countable and uncountable nouns.

For example: I would like some water, please. (water uncoutable nour)
would like some mangoes please. (mangoescountable noun)
Are there any tomatoes on the shelf? (tomatoes- countable noun)
Is there any sugar left in the jar? (sugar- uncountable noun)
o Both are used when the exact number of the noun is not ktnown.
o Both can be used in interrogative sentences.

For example: Would you like some sugar in your tea?

Have you got any friends in this town?

Differences in the use of some and any
Some is used in affirmative sentences
For example: have somenmilk in the
Any is used in negative sentences.
tor example: I don't have any milk in the re

H. Fill in the blanks with some or any. y

also carry oesant*******************
better ifyou
1. Though l am camyingmy wallet,
it is always
the delivery yofn theb
reply to my to know the
2. They have not given


gathered in front ofthe

3. people have

board examinations. live?

the place
4. Do you know dentist around
5. You should raise your hand if you have
answered in detail.
need to be
6. There are questions that
the lunch box.
7. Ihave. bread and butterin

8. Do you have butterin the refrigerator?

Much and Many

Many is used for countable nouns.

For example: I have many friends.

Much is used for uncountable nouns.

For example: There wasn't much water inthe pot.

I. Fill in the blanks with much or many.

1. How ****************a****oeaavayaa***aaa**
.does this watch cost?
2. You need to tell me how... packets of flour you require for this recipe.
3. ow**w*sooubuusoov students apply for medical courses in Australia.
4. At the wedding, not.
. food was wasted as the leftovers were dis
among the poor of the area.

5. booked tickets for the match, but

few could make
ay v********************************

it to the a
6. Don't order too Chocolates as they are not
good for yoUr teeth
7. misfortune could have been avoided,
if you were carerul
8. Can you tell me how ceuacce*c****eeoo easecassgaessseeew
days will the food last?

Little, a Little, the Little

ittle: almost none (iitie is atmost a neqativa Bcdjective.)

a little: at least some

the litle: the whole, though very little

For example: We have litlo food to feed everybody
So a litle food would mean a lot.
We have finished the litte food I had.

Few, a Few, the Few

few: not many
a few: at least some
the few: all of them, though very few
For example: Few students were present on Saturday
A few students came after lunch.
The few who came also left home early.

J. Choose the correct option from the brackets.

1. 2 oapouropnen*o*s2ss*o3aanbaBsaBhapaasesad*
(A little, The little, Little) food that was left had gone
(a few, the few, few)
2. The venue of the party was almost empty as. ********99*****a**strone75estes* **0pEbes******

people attended the event.

children would go a
3. With ************* s * * v e r e a * s * * v w * * * * * * v e v s a y-
(a little, the little, litte) encouragement, the
long way.
.(A few, The few, Few) books that he gets
4 He is not fond of reading.
as gifts are later distributed among his friends.

5. After what he did to his friend, I have. ww

(a little, the little, little) faith in him.
6. Though I don't like movies, there are. (a few, the few, few) that I can watch.
7. As the banks are on strike, we have to work with **ummAppaaansam anaaseausaant8**adaaad***anene
(a little, the little, little)

money that we have.

8. The singer was so late for the show that .

s*******seo********>*****o*0bbbo0ose*oao*obssyp*(a few, the few, few) people
who turned up also left.

Elder, Eldest, Older, Oldest

persons, whereas older and oldest are used to refer
Elder and eldest are only used to refer to
both persons and things

For example:
She is the elder of the two
buildings. for
s e n i o r i t y

This is the older of the the

be p a r tof
should not a
Sometimes it is said that r


b r o t h e r .
older and olcdest uld be used only for eldest

the (X
by brother.
Foreexample:1. The money was

inherited by
The money was class.
of the
2. Minisha is oldest
class.( (
or an objec
ofthe person


Minisha is the eldest about

the a g e
talk group.
We use the words older and oldest when member
For example: The flag was hoisted by the
her sister
older than
Kalpana is two years
K. Fill in the blanks with the correct option5. sister


1. Iam visiting my . epp******4*e44 .

* * ***** (elder/older) than Shyam.

2. Surili is five years Y****** 4*0°***

brother is a doctor.
3. My.. eeee********

(elder/older) sisters.
4. I have two,
son works in
5. His. my family
(eldest/oldest) member of
6. My grandmother is the . .
student in her
7. She is the.
8. His. (eldest/oldest) son is a

9. He is the. * * * * * * * * i * * ° * * * * * * * * * * * *
. .
(eldest/oldest) in the family.
(older/elder) than him.
10. She is two years
Later, Latter, Latest, Last

Last is fairly easy to understand. Put simply, itisthe opposite of first.

For example: He came last at the badminton tournament.
She was the last to arrive for dinner.

It can also be used to discuss time in the past.

For example:I went to Shanghai lastweek.
Last month she went to summer school.

t's ta take a loOK at latter. It can be used to describe something occurring near the end,
belonging thefinal stages.

Foreexample: Fashion became more colourful in the latter half of the decade.
t an also be used to refer to the last item in a series.
c a nalso

1here are so many different opinions on the book. Some people say that the
example: Anu
For Tilm was good, some say it was great, and some say it was horrible.

Vijay: 1agree with the latter.

was horrible.
means that Vijay agrees with people who think that the book
t nmeans
Latest most recent. It is often used to discuss news.

example: Here is the latest news from China.


some more examples:

Here are
The chairman was the latest to announce his resignation.

She's interested in the latest music from Korea.

L Fillin the blanks with later, latter, latest or last.

1. James did his best to win. Unfortunately, he finished.

2. He reached school ... than usual.

3. The .. news from the Arctic is very alarming.

4. Myneighbours have a son and a daughter: the former is a teacher, the.. **o*******

is a nurse.

5. You can solve the mystery .

***s0*****0'******° Now, have your food.
6. Have you read J K Rowling's . book?

7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is her.. 4*#*****999* featuring
#no# * ¢*****0** ***a

Harry Potter.
8. This is the very last sentence of this exercise. Thank you for doing it! See you

* **'*****°*****

* *** **********

Nearest, Next
Nearest is used for place. It is used to refer to people or things which are most near in space.

Forexample: Excuse me, where is the nearest hospital?

The nearest railway station is two kilometers away.

after s/lhat one.


is used to talk about serles. It

For about me or position
example: We will get off at the next station
in a
0xt visilt.
We are looking forward to your started
As soon as he finished one project,
the next.
expresslons meaning
Next can be
used for place in a few
nearest in space. fixed of this kind are

next door and

O S t common

next to. studies.

example: The boyenext little careless
about hls
x t door Is a

Who is sitting next to Peter?

M. Fill in
the blanks with nearest
or ne dentist.
1. The isa
man who lives. door

2. She is looking forward to her

friends Week.
want to go to the swimming pool . segodb as posgess
60edadh a

4. l'd like to Week,

invite you to my party.

5. Proxima Sun.
Centauri is the. star to the
6. P'l visit you when I am here the. . time.

7. She wants her. Concert to be in Goa.


8. I will be
busy this week and the . .
9. Jupiter will officially be. 1e00h4pad
t o our planet next month.

10. Could you m. restaurant is?

please tell me where the.


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