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Student name : Luu Thi Trang

Student code : A35226
Class : NE32A2
Supervisor : Dao Ta Hoang Duong
Company : Song An Viet Nam Company Limited
Period : August 1st– September 1st, 2023
Position : Interpreter & Customer Relationship

Hanoi - 2023

After studying at school, students will be able to systematize all specialized theories and
participate in practicing some basic professional stages of the theoretical knowledge they have
learned. With the permission of the English Language Department and the reception of Song An
Limited Liability Company; receive the attention and direction of teachers in the English
Language Department and subject teachers in the School; We started our internship process at
Song An Limited Liability Company. Although the internship period was short, I learned and
experienced real work. This time has given me valuable lessons and necessary skills in the
commerce industry that I did not have during my time studying at school, so that I can
confidently enter the working environment in the future.

Because the internship was conducted within a limited time frame and with limited professional
knowledge, my report could not avoid certain errors. At the same time, the report itself is the
result of a process of summarizing, collecting results from actual surveys, and lessons learned
from my internship and working process. I really hope to have your comments and suggestions
to make the report and myself more complete.

Through this report, I would like to thank Mr. Dao Ta Hoang Duong - lecturer in the English
Language Department, Thang Long University. During my internship at the agency, I received
enthusiastic help and guidance from you and other colleagues in the agency, creating conditions
for me to complete my report. Thank you sincerely.
Table of content

 Introduction

 Company Details
1. Background of the Company
2. Company Development Process
3. Vision and Values
4. Products and Services
5. Company Profile

 Internship Activities
1. Role and Responsibilities
2. Experience Achieved

 Weekly Progress
1. Week 1
2. Week 2
3. Week 3
4. Week 4

 Self-Evaluation
1. Strengths
2. Weaknesses
3. Lessons Learned

1. Introduction
Background of the Company

Company Name: Song An Viet Nam Company Limited

Industry: Construction of Other Civil Engineering Works

Year Founded: 2019

President: Luu Thi Ngan


Song An Joint Stock Limited Liability Company, established in 2018. At this time, Song An is still
just a retail store for electrical, water, refrigeration, and household appliances. Director Luu Thi
Ngan born in 1989 - the person who created and developed the growing store, founded Song An
company with a more developed business scale.

The store is doing well under the leadership of Ms. Ngan, keeping up with current market
trends. The store no longer only retails but also delivers goods to customers' request. The store
then sells more items. The retail aspect is not inferior, every day the store has to receive a large
number of customers coming to buy goods.

Revenue is increasing, from a small store with only one member to a business company with up
to 20 employees.

The company later changed and moved from a small store to a large space to meet many
customer needs with a more diverse range of products.

Vision and Core Values

Vision :

- With continuous dedication and sustainable development, Song An Limited Liability

Company always sets goals and strives to become the leading supplier of construction
materials in Vietnam. Song An directs all available resources into developing services and
goods quality. At the same time, investing and developing resources helps realize their
business ideas, promoting the company's expansion.

Core values:

- Goods: Song An always offers a variety of designs and rare items such as electrical,
water, refrigeration, bathroom installation equipment, and restrooms at reasonable
prices, making customers always satisfied.
- Reputation: Song An's products always have complete documents, the company says no
to poor quality fake goods. This helps the company not violate any terms, in addition to
gaining the trust of customers over many years.
- Dedication: The company always pays attention to customers' requirements with a team
of experienced staff and knowledge of construction and design. To help customers find
equipment that suits their requirements. For online customers, customer orders are
always completed and delivered quickly within the time requested by the customer and
there are rarely any omissions.
- Responsibility: Putting customers first, the company is always willing to support when
products or items have any manufacturing errors. Customers always receive a full
commitment and warranty for a long time using the product.
- Special: Song An's working style emphasizes meticulousness, detail and clarity with
customers. Aim for customer trust and return

Products and Services:

Song An provides customers with mainly important products such as: water pumps, water
purifiers, water filter accessories, water heaters, heating lamps, toilet equipment, bathroom
equipment, materials Construction of pipes and drainage lines

3. Company Department

The director is the person responsible for supervising business activities in accordance with the
goals, vision, mission, core values and corporate culture. Ms. Ngan is the person who comes up
with strategies to achieve business results and growth for the company. She is also the one who
has endured and experienced the company's ups and downs, and is the one who stands in to
resolve difficulties between customers and the company. The director also plays the role of the
representative face of the business in foreign affairs and competition with other companies.

Order receiving and customer care department:

This department is responsible for bringing information products to customers and processing
customer orders. In addition, this department is also in charge of taking care of customers who
have purchased the product in order to bring them back to buy more.

Logistic Department:

This department will continue to receive orders from the next department receiving the order,
then operate and deliver it to the customer's requested location and time.

Accounting and auditing department:

This department will check the company's digitalization and revenue from each quarter

Retail parts:

This department is responsible for consulting and selling products to customers who directly
come to the company to buy products
3. Internship Activities

Role and Responsibilities

During my internship at Song An company, I was in charge of retail consulting and receiving
customer orders. This is a job that requires a lot of learning. In order to be able to advise
customers on sales, I had to learn about information about the main products the company


. The internship period at Song An company helped me learn how to cope with pressure from
work, helping me expand my knowledge of commerce and business.
4. Weekly Progress

Week 1

During the first week of my internship at song an company, I was guided by the employees
working at the company. I was assigned the task of reading information and memorizing the
products the company was selling. In addition, I had to observe how the staff here advised and
sold products to customers

Week 2

The second week, after gaining a little experience from the first week, I was allowed by the
director to participate in customer consulting and product retail. At this time, I have more
experience with being a retail employee of the company, experiencing consulting and guiding
customers to find the products they want, especially foreign customers.

Week 3

The third week, I was asked by the director about transferring to the customer order receiving
department because the number of online customers also included foreign customers. With my
English skills, the director believes that I will help this department earn more orders from
foreign customers. I began to learn from the company's current employees on how to receive,
advise and complete orders to send to the delivery department.

Week 4

In the last week, I still persistently worked in the order receiving department and consulted
foreign customers. During this last week, I got used to the work intensity and am confident that
I can do well here for a long time.

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