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Materials Science & Engineering A 640 (2015) 200–209

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Determination of Johnson cook material and failure model constants

and numerical modelling of Charpy impact test of armour steel
A. Banerjee a,c,n, S. Dhar a, S. Acharyya a, D. Datta b, N. Nayak c
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India
PXE, Chandipur, DRDO, India

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The behaviour of typical armour steel material under large strains, high strain rates and elevated tem-
Received 13 December 2014 peratures needs to be investigated to analyse and reliably predict its response to various types of dy-
Received in revised form namic loading like impact. An empirical constitutive relation developed by Johnson and Cook (J–C) is
15 May 2015
widely used to capture strain rate sensitivity of the metals. A failure model proposed by Johnson and
Accepted 23 May 2015
Cook is used to model the damage evolution and predict failure in many engineering materials. In this
Available online 27 May 2015
work, model constants of J–C constitutive relation and damage parameters of J–C failure model for a
Keywords: typical armour steel material have been determined experimentally from four types of uniaxial tensile
Johnson–Cook material and failure models test. Some modifications in the J–C damage model have been suggested and Finite Element simulation of
Charpy test
three different tensile tests on armour steel specimens under dynamic strain rate (10  1 s  1), high
Armour steel
triaxiality and elevated temperature respectively has been done in ABAQUS platform using the modified
Finite Element analysis
Numerical simulation J–C failure model as user material sub-routine. The simulation results are validated by the experimental
data. Thereafter, a moderately high strain rate event viz. Charpy impact test on armour steel specimen
has been simulated using J–C material and failure models with the same material parameters. Reasonable
agreement between the simulation and experimental results has been achieved.
& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction penetration related problems [3–7]. The popularity is more due to

the simple form of the equation and the relative ease of de-
Dynamic loads are encountered in a wide spectrum of phe- termination of the model constants. A few tensile tests under
nomena viz. automotive applications, high speed machinery and various loading conditions are generally sufficient to determine
defence applications like high speed projectile impact on armour. the five constants.
The behaviour of materials under dynamic loading conditions Impact testing techniques were established in order to ascer-
differs significantly from quasi static loading due to the effects of tain the fracture characteristics of materials and thereby prevent
inertia, stress reflection and rate sensitivity of material [1]. Finite sudden or brittle failure of engineering materials when subjected
Element (FE) formulation based on dynamic equilibrium equation to dynamic loads. One of the most prominent impact tests is the
is used in explicit model to take care of inertia. In order to capture Charpy impact test that gives information regarding the behaviour
the effect of rate sensitivity, appropriate modelling of the beha- of material under impact load [8–10]. Charpy test is a low-cost and
reliable technique that measures the energy consumed in breaking
viour of the material under high strain rates is an essential pre-
a notched specimen simply supported at both ends when ham-
requisite. However, due to the complexity of the problem, various
mered by a swinging pendulum. The presence of notch simulates
material models have been proposed by several researchers on a
the pre-existing cracks found in large structures that increase the
case to case basis rather than development of a universal model
probability of brittle fracture [11].
catering for a large variety of materials under different loading
Armour steel is a low-alloy medium carbon steel suitably heat
treated to produce a tempered martensite microstructure that
Johnson–Cook material model [2] is a popular constitutive re-
gives an excellent combination of strength and ductility. Steel ar-
lation for metals, widely used in simulation of impact and mour is used as the protective cover of Battle Tanks and armoured
vehicles that are subjected to ballistic impact by fast moving
Corresponding author. military projectiles. A high degree of hardness and toughness is an
E-mail address: (A. Banerjee). essential requirement for armour material. The response of the
0921-5093/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Banerjee et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 640 (2015) 200–209 201

armour steel material to the high loads occurring over small in- Table 1
tervals of time needs to be understood to analyse the ballistic Chemical composition (weight %) of armour steel.
impact phenomena and make reliable predictions.
C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni V Al Fe
Xu et al. [12] have experimentally investigated the plastic be-
haviour of 603 armour steel at strain rates ranging from 10  3 s  1 0.31 0.14 0.43 0.011 0.005 1.41 0.42 1.57 0.08 0.04 Rest
to 4500 s  1 and temperatures from 288 K to 873 K. Compression
tests were conducted on an MTS hydraulic testing machine for

10  3 s  1 r ε r 1 s  1 and on SHPB for the higher strain rates. The unit normal, nij is given below as
Elevated temperatures were attained with electro – thermal cells. ∂ϕ
Thermal softening was found to play a leading role in its compe- nij =
tition with the effects of strain rate and work hardening. The five ∂ϕ

material constants of Johnson–Cook and six of KHL material

∂σij (3)
models determined from the experimental results have been used and h stands for plastic modulus.
to model a dynamic phenomenon viz. strain rate jump test. The The constitutive relation or the hardening rule is taken as John-
predicted data were found to be satisfactorily close to the ex- son–Cook type that expresses the equivalent stress, seq as a function
perimental results, with the KHL model exhibiting superior ap- of plastic strain, strain rate and temperature given by the relation,
plicability for the material.

Whittington et al. [13] investigated the mechanical response σeq = [A + Bεp n][1 + cln (ε *)][1 − T *m ] (4)
and damage evolution of Rolled Homogenous Armour (RHA) steel,
processed to Mil-A-12560H specification, through low and high where A, B, n, c and m are the model constants, εp is the accu-
• • • •
strain rate tension, compression and torsion tests at 20 °C and mulated plastic strain, ε * ¼(ε p / ε 0) is a dimensionless strain rate, ε
300 °C. Fractography was performed to quantify the number 0 is the reference strain rate and T* ¼ (T  T0)/(Tm  T0); T, T0 and Tm

density of nucleated voids and size distribution of voids. An In- being the working temperature, room temperature and melting
ternal State Variable (ISV) plasticity/damage model was used to temperature respectively.
capture the varying effects of temperature, strain rate and stress From the consistency relation,
state for the RHA steel. Reasonable accuracy of the model has been ∂ϕ ∂ϕ
dФ = dσij + dσc = 0
demonstrated. ∂σij ∂σc (5)
However, a detailed experimental work for the determination
of J–C material and J–C failure model constants for armour steel Using Eqs. (1)–(5), the plastic modulus, h¼ dσc is obtained.
material, in general, is not readily available in the open literature.
In this work, the behaviour of a low alloy, medium carbon steel 2.2. Johnson–Cook failure model
material typically used in fabrication of armoured vehicles has
been studied through extensive experimentation under various The fracture criterion proposed by Hancock and Mackenzie [14] has
loading conditions. Material constants for J–C material and failure been extended by Johnson and Cook [3] to make the failure strain
models have been determined from an analysis of the experi- sensitive to stress triaxiality, temperature, strain rate and the strain
mental data. A modified damage growth law has also been path. The model assumes that damage accumulates in the material
proposed. The model constants have been validated through nu- element during plastic straining which accelerates immediately when
merical modelling of tensile tests on armour steel specimens the damage reaches a critical value. D is defined as a damage variable
conducted under a relatively high strain rate (10  1 s  1), high which varies between 0 (material not damaged) and 1 (fully failed
triaxiality level and elevated temperature (500 °C) followed by material). The failure criterion is based on the value of equivalent
comparison of the simulation results with experimental data. plastic strain at element integration points. Failure is assumed to occur
Thereafter, an attempt has been made to simulate a moderately when D reaches or exceeds the value of unity [15]. D is defined as
high strain rate phenomenon like Charpy impact test on the same Δε pl
material using J–C material and failure models and the experi- D=Σ
εp,f (6)
mentally determined material constants in a commercial FE code,
ABAQUS-Explicit. The predicted behaviour has then been com- where, Δεpl is an increment of the equivalent plastic strain, εp,f is
pared with experimental data. the equivalent plastic strain at failure and the summation is per-
formed over all increments of deformation [16].
However, the critical value of damage variable, i.e. the value at
2. Material and failure models which a macro-crack occurs is less than one. Hence, the failure
criterion becomes
2.1. Johnson–Cook constitutive relation
D = Dc ≤ 1 (7)
In the framework of von Mises incompressible plasticity, the Furthermore, experiments indicate that damage remains equal
yield function is given as to zero during the buildup of dislocations generating microcracks.
⎛ 3⎞ There may exist a threshold of the accumulated plastic strain at
Φ= ⎜ ⎟Sij Sij − σc = 0 which damage starts to evolve. Based on these observations, a
⎝2⎠ (1)
damage rule can be proposed as
Here, Sij stands for deviatoric stress tensor and sc is the current ⎧ 0, when, εpl < εp, d
yield stress. • ⎪
The flow rule is the normality rule suitable for von Mises yield D = ⎨ Dc •
⎪ εpl , when, εpl ≥ εp, d
function. Therefore, ⎩ ε f − εp , d (8)

dε p pq
= (dSijnij )npq where Dc is the critical damage, εp,d the damage threshold and εf
h (2) the fracture strain [17].
202 A. Banerjee et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 640 (2015) 200–209

Fig. 1. Geometry of specimens for tensile tests at (a) quasi static and low strain rates upto 10  1 s  1, (b) various levels of triaxialities generated by different thickness and
notch radii, (c) dynamic strain rates, and (d) elevated temperatures. All dimensions are in mm.

In this work, the damage growth law as mentioned above is plastic strain, given as
modified. The damage is considered to occur in two stages. In the
• Dc1 •
first stage, the damage growth rate is very slow. This is due to the D= εp
fact that at the initial stage, the damage is due to void nucleation εp0 (9)
only. The damage growth law is a linear function of equivalent
A. Banerjee et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 640 (2015) 200–209 203

Fig. 2. Stress vs. strain curves at (a) varying strain rates, and (b) elevated temperatures.

Fig. 3. Variation of stress with (a) strain rate and (b) temperature.

Here, εp0 is the plastic strain and Dc1 is the damage at the ul- σD = (1 − D)σeq (12)
timate point (initiation of necking). Dc1 is assumed to take a low
value of 2%. where, sD is the stress at damaged state and seq is obtained from
After the ultimate point, during necking process, the damage Johnson–Cook constitutive relation for the original (undamaged)
material as given in (4).
growth is accelerated due to void growth and coalescence. The
The constitutive model and failure model defined in Eqs. (1)–
damage growth at this stage is increasing non-linearly and given
(12) are implemented in the ABAQUS Explicit code through VUMAT
sub-routine. When the failure criterion is met, the stress compo-
Dc 2 − Dc1 nents are set to zero and they remain zero during the remaining
• •
Dc 2 − D part of the analysis. An element-kill algorithm implemented in the
D= εp
εp, f − εp0 (10) FE code removes the failed elements from the mesh.

Here, Dc2 is the critical damage at fracture and taken as 0.8, εp,f
is the strain at failure expressed as Eq. (11) by Johnson and Cook
3. Uniaxial tensile testing and numerical modelling
The model by Johnson and Cook [3] proposes that εf depends 3.1. Armour steel material
on stress triaxiality, strain rate and temperature and can be ex-
pressed as The armour material studied in this work is a medium carbon,
low alloy steel with chemical composition as given in Table 1. The
⎡ ⎤
εf = ⎡⎣D1 + D2exp(D3σ *)⎤⎦ ⎣1 + D4 1n εp* ⎦ [1 + D5T *]

( ) (11) material is obtained from a 50 mm thick armour plate. The plate is
hot rolled and made to undergo heat treatment schedule as given
where D1 to D5 are material constants, s* ¼sm/seq is the stress below to attain a tempered martensite structure to ensure ex-
triaxiality ratio and sm is the mean stress or hydrostatic stress. cellent combination of high strength as well as ductility.
Also, since damage degrades the material strength during de- i) Soft annealing by heating to 700 °C @ 20–25 °C per hour,
formation, the constitutive equation for the damaged material can soaking for 12–14 h followed by furnace cooling down to 100 °C
be written as and thereafter air cooling.
204 A. Banerjee et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 640 (2015) 200–209

Fig. 4. Variation of fracture strain with (a) stress triaxiality, (b) strain rate, and (c) temperature.

Table 2 Specimens for all the tensile tests and Charpy Impact test are
Experimentally determined Johnson–Cook material and failure model constants for fabricated from the same heat treated plate only in the rolling
armour steel.
direction to ensure consistent microstructure and properties in all
Yield stress, A (MPa) 980 D1 0.05 the specimens.
Strain hardening parameter, B (MPa) 2000 D2 0.8
Strain hardening exponent, n 0.83 D3  0.44
3.2. Tensile tests for determination of Johnson–Cook material and
Strain rate sensitivity parameter, c 0.0026 D4  0.046
Temperature exponent, m 1.4 D5 0 failure model constants

Four types of tensile tests have been done to determine the

Table 3 Johnson–Cook material and failure model constants for the ar-
Details of specimens and tensile tests.
mour steel material. Tensile tests of specimens as shown in Fig. 1a
Specimen Thickness or dia- Specimen Strain rate Temp (°C) were conducted at low strain rates, between 10  4 s  1 (quasi-sta-
nomenclature meter of speci- type during ten- tic) and 10  1 s  1 and room temperature in an INSTRON make
men (mm) sile test Universal Testing Machine (Model 8801) to determine the elastic
(s  1)
constants, the initial yield stress, A and the hardening parameters,
S-1 3 Smooth, flat 10  1 27 B and n of the Johnson–Cook constitutive relation. In the same
N-4-1 4 Notched, 10  1 machine, tensile tests on notched specimens having different
4 mm radius thickness and notch radii (Fig. 1b) were done to determine the
C-S-500 Ф¼ 3.52 mm Smooth, 10  3 500
fracture strain at different triaxiality ratios and evaluate therefrom
the damage model parameters, D1, D2 and D3.
Tensile tests at strain rates between 10° and 1.5  102 s  1 were
conducted on typically long, flat and thin specimens (Fig. 1c) in a
ii) Hardening by heating and soaking at 910 °C for 100 min servo hydraulic High Strain Rate Testing Machine, (Make: IN-
followed by oil quenching. STRON, model no. VHS 65/80-20). From the data obtained through
iii) Tempering at a temperature of 600 °C for 200 min followed tensile tests conducted at strain rates between 10  4 s  1 and
by air cooling. 1.5  102 s  1, the strain-rate dependent material model constant, c
A. Banerjee et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 640 (2015) 200–209 205

Fig. 5. (a) FE mesh for a notched tensile specimen, (b) deformed mesh for notched specimen, and (c) deformed mesh for cylindrical specimen tested at 500 °C.

and failure model constant, D4 were calculated. With all the model constants known except m, the J–C con-
Finally, tensile tests of cylindrical specimens (Fig. 1d) at a stitutive relation (4) can be written as,
constant strain rate (10  3 s  1) and elevated temperatures be-
σeq = K [1 − T *m ] (13)
tween 200 °C and 500 °C were performed on INSTRON make
universal testing machine (Model 5582) for determination of the •
thermal softening constant, m and the temperature dependent where K = [A + Bε pn ][1 + c ln ε *] (14)
failure model constant, D5.
The right hand side of Eq. (14) is calculated with the constants
determined previously. Rearranging the Eq. (13) and taking loga-
3.3. Results of tensile tests and extraction of J–C material and failure
rithm of both sides, we get,
model constants
log (K –σeq ) = m log (T *) + + log K (15)
The true stress vs. true strain data generated from tensile test at
quasi-static strain rate (10  4 s  1) shows a distinct and high yield which represents a linear equation between the variables, log
point and moderate strain hardening for the armour steel material. (T*) and log(K–seq). The data obtained from the tensile tests con-
The test results are used to determine the elastic constants as well ducted at different temperatures between 27 °C and 500 °C and for
εp ¼ 1.25% and ε ¼10  3 s  1, have been fitted to Eq. (15) as shown

as initial yield stress, A. Strain hardening coefficient and exponent,
B and n respectively are determined using a power law fit for the in Fig. 3b. The slope of the linear curve gives the value of the
true stress and plastic strain data taken after yield point. temperature dependent material model parameter, m.
The stress vs. strain curves obtained at various strain rates Thus, all the five model constants of Johnson–Cook constitutive
between 10  3 s  1 and 1.5  102 s  1 shown in Fig. 2a, indicate a relation were determined.
moderate strain rate sensitivity of the material. Both the initial It may be noted that the strain values in Fig. 2a and b are
yield stress and flow stress in the post-yield region are seen to longitudinal strain values. At failure, they have a relatively low
increase with increasing strain rate. Beyond a strain rate of magnitude. However, for calculations, the actual failure strain has
102 s  1, excessive stress fluctuations are found to occur. been measured from an area reduction in the “neck” region of the
The stress vs. strain curves for specimens tested in tension at a specimen whose value is considerably higher as seen in Fig. 4a–c.
constant strain rate of 10  3 s  1 and at four different temperatures In order to determine the Johnson–Cook failure model con-
between 200 °C and 500 °C are shown in Fig. 2b. A distinct de- stants, D2 and D3, the failure strain, εf is calculated as the area
crease in both the initial yield and flow stresses in the post-yield strain at fracture i.e., εf ¼ ln(A0/Af), where A0 is the initial area and
region is observed. Af, the final area at fracture. To evaluate the triaxiality ratio, s* at
The values of true stress at 5% plastic strain for different strain failure, an elasto-plastic FE analysis has been carried out for the

rates (ε ) varying from 10  3 s  1 to 1.5  102 s  1 have been plotted tensile test (at quasi-static strain rate and room temperature) of

against log (ε *) in Fig. 3a. The slope of the fitted line gives the specimens having different thickness and notch radii. From the FE
strain rate parameter, c of the Johnson Cook material model. analysis, the mean stress and von Mises stress at the notch region
206 A. Banerjee et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 640 (2015) 200–209

Fig. 6. Comparison of experimental and simulated load (N) vs. displacement (mm) curves for tensile test of (a) flat, smooth specimen (S-1) at 10  1 s  1, (b) notched specimen
(N-4-1) at 10  1 s  1 and (c) cylindrical specimen (C-S-500) at 10  3 s  1 and 500 °C.

Fig. 8. FE model of charpy impact specimen.

Fig. 7. Damage vs. equivalent plastic strain as per damage growth rule im-
plemented in the UMAT programme. point) in cylindrical specimens tested in tensile mode at quasi
static strain rate and room temperature.
during failure were evaluated and hence, the stress triaxiality ratio The strain rate dependent failure model parameter, D4 is ob-
was determined. This exercise was done for the different types of tained by analysing the variation of the strain at failure with the
notched specimens tested and thus, a set of failure strain versus
strain rate. The effect of temperature on failure strain was found
triaxiality ratio data have been obtained. Using the failure model
insignificant within the range of temperatures examined and
of Johnson–Cook (11) and analysing the variation of failure strain
hence D5 was taken as 0. The effects of triaxiality ratio, strain rate
with triaxiality, D2 and D3 have been determined. D1 has been
assigned a value 0.05, the strain at initiation of necking (ultimate and temperature on the fracture strain are shown in Fig. 4.
A. Banerjee et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 640 (2015) 200–209 207

the tests, the inertia effects have been neglected. ABAQUS Stan-
dard was used and the J–C constitutive relation and modified J–C
failure models were implemented as user defined material model
(UMAT sub-routine). The values of the parameters of J–C material
and failure models as determined through tensile tests described
in Section 3.3 and presented in Table 2 were used. As already
explained, a two-stage damage evolution rule has also been im-
plemented via UMAT subroutine. The tensile tests that have been
simulated are presented in Table 3.
The representative FE mesh for a notched specimen and the
deformed meshes of the notched and cylindrical specimens are
shown in Fig. 5. Considering symmetry of the specimens and loads
and to reduce computational time, one – fourth model has been
prepared for the flat specimens, S-1 & N-4-1 and a half-model for
the cylindrical specimen, C-S-500. The specimens were modelled
using 8-node hexahedral element (C3D8) with one integration
Fig. 9. Crack initiation at notch tip. point. The element size at the critical gauge region in the smooth
specimen was optimally chosen as 0.25  0.25 mm after mesh
The Johnson–Cook material and failure model constants de- convergence study. A total number of 2160 elements were used for
termined from the various uniaxial tensile tests described in this modelling the 3 mm thick smooth flat specimens with 6 elements
section are presented in Table 2. across the specimen thickness. Similarly, 3316 elements were used
to model the 4 mm thick flat specimens having notch radius 4 mm
3.4. FE modelling of tensile tests with 8 elements along the thickness direction. Displacement at the
free end was given as input and reactions were measured from the
To verify the constitutive model calibration and its im- support end to determine the load.
plementation, three different tensile tests on the armour material The FE simulated force–elongation curves for the three tensile
specimens were simulated using the commercial FE code ABAQUS test cases are compared with the experimental observations in
and the simulated force–elongation curves were compared with Fig. 6. Reasonably good agreement is observed with respect to the
the experimental data. Considering the low strain rates involved in maximum load as well as the elongation to fracture.

Fig. 10. Comparison of simulated and experimental plots of (a) force vs. time, (b) force vs. displacement and (c) internal energy of Charpy specimen vs. time.
208 A. Banerjee et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 640 (2015) 200–209

Also, the damage law implemented in the programme is shown symmetric plane are constrained in z direction. The nodes on the
in Fig. 7 as a plot of damage versus equivalent plastic strain in the impactor were constrained to move only in the vertical direction
specimens tested. (y) with impactor velocity given as input. The Johnson–Cook ma-
terial model was assigned to the Charpy impact test specimen
whereas Johnson–Cook failure model was assigned to a narrow
4. Charpy impact test region over the notch along the height of the specimen (y – di-
rection) throughout the thickness in order to simulate the crack
Once the experimentally determined Johnson–Cook material propagation after impact. The Johnson–Cook failure model was
and failure model constants were found to appreciably represent used as the criterion for deletion of the elements when the da-
the armour steel material behaviour at strain rates upto 10  1 s  1, mage parameter, D reached the pre-assigned critical value. The
high levels of stress triaxiality and elevated temperatures upto model constants of constitutive relation and failure model as de-
500 °C, their capability to model a moderately high strain rate termined from the tensile tests described in Section 3 and pre-
phenomenon like Charpy impact test was investigated. An in- sented in Table 2 were used. This simulation utilised explicit time
strumented Charpy test was conducted on specimen made from
integration and was run for a total time of 2 ms. The crack initia-
the same material and the results were compared with the FE si-
tion and propagation in the specimen are shown in Fig. 9.
mulated results of the same test.

4.1. Experimental Charpy impact test 4.3. Comparison of the experimental and numerical results

The Charpy impact test was performed in a Zwick–Roell make The experimental and numerical results of the Charpy impact
test set-up. The experimental set-up consists of the anvils where test are compared in Fig. 10 in the form of variation of the force
the standard (ASTM designation, E23) notched specimen is freely exerted on the specimen by the striker with respect to (a) time and
supported and a pendulum with a mass, 30 kg attached to a ro- (b) displacement of the striker. The variation of internal energy of
tating arm pinned at the machine body. The characteristic speci- the specimen with time has also been compared (Fig. 10c).
men length, height and thickness were 55 mm, 10 mm and 10 mm It is evident that the pattern of the experimental and simulated
respectively. The depth of the notch was 2 mm. The span length curves is similar and the time to reach the peak force value also
between the anvils was kept 40 mm. matches. The drop in the force in both simulated and experimental
The released pendulum follows a circular trajectory and hits plots occurs at the same time and displacement. The nature of the
the test specimen at the middle span transferring kinetic energy to drop also has been accurately modelled. The successful prediction
it. In this experiment, the pendulum hammer had a speed of of the maximum load and the nature of its drop with time vali-
5.23 m/s while striking. Energy losses due to bearing friction and dates the damage distribution as well as the damage growth
air resistance have been ignored to calculate the energy absorbed model used in the FE simulation. The simulated value of the en-
by the specimen. ergy absorbed by the specimen is also found to appreciably match
The output of the test was obtained in the form of load versus the experimental value. Thus, the J–C material and modified J–C
time and displacement as well as the maximum energy absorbed failure models as well as the model constants determined are
by the specimen. After the impact, the load quickly rose to a peak found to satisfactorily represent the behaviour of the armour steel
value of around 30 kN within a time interval of around 0.355 ms material in a moderately high strain rate event like the Charpy
and thereafter died down to zero value in about 2 ms. The energy impact test.
absorbed by the specimen rose to a maximum value of around 95 J
at a time of 1.5 ms after the impact and remained constant after
that. Thus, the armour steel material can be said to have a Charpy
impact value of 95 J at room temperature. From a simple energy 5. Conclusions
balance, the post-impact velocity of the striker can be calculated as
4.62 m/s. Therefore, the average strain rate during deformation is
 The Johnson–Cook material and failure model constants for
observed to be in the order of 500 s  1. armour steel material have been determined through uniaxial
tensile tests conducted over a range of strain rates
4.2. Finite element modelling of the Charpy impact test (10  4–1.5  102s  1) and temperatures (room temperature to
500 °C).
FE models of the Charpy impact test specimens were developed
 Johnson–Cook failure model has been implemented with
in the ABAQUS Explicit software with the damage model specified modification in damage growth law suitable for armour steel
through a VUMAT. material.
A half model of the Charpy test specimen and the impactor
 FE simulation of tensile tests at different strain rates and
(hammer) with the z-plane as the plane of symmetry and the z- temperatures has produced results closely matching the ex-
axis defining the thickness direction was prepared as shown in perimental data, thus validating the model constants and the
Fig. 8 for reducing the computational time. The span length (dis- damage growth law.
tance between the anvils) is maintained 40 mm as per standard of
 Finally, the model constants and the damage growth law have
Charpy test. The impactor was modelled as elastic body and the been used successfully to simulate Charpy impact test for the
specimen as elasto-plastic material. Variable meshing was em- armour steel material.
ployed with fine mesh quality around the notch region of the
Charpy test specimen. The mesh size was optimally determined
after a number of runs. The final FE model of the specimen con-
sisted of 40,520 nos. 8-noded linear brick, reduced integration, Acknowledgements
hourglass controlled (C3D8R) elements.
The contact between the anvils and the specimen is assumed as The authors are thankful to Shri R Appavuraj, Director, Proof &
line contact. The nodes on these lines are constrained in vertical Experimental Establishment, Chandipur, DRDO for support, en-
(y) direction throughout the thickness. All the nodes in the z couragement and permission for publishing the work.
A. Banerjee et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 640 (2015) 200–209 209

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