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Switch Beralih Rifle on Merefleksikan

Lounge Ruang tunggu Offspring Keturunan

Distinguish Membedakan Hard Harsh
evoke Membangkitkan Marine Sea
utilize Memampaatkan Self-sustaining Mandiri
Voyage Pelayaran Convenience Kemudahan
Wellbeing Kesejahteraan convert Change
Extension Memperpanjang Luxury Mewah
Relief Assistance Slender Ramping
Referral Rujukan circumstance Keadaan
Tackle Mengatasi Modest Sederhana
Retain Menahan Shelter Lokasi
Insect Seranga Venue Lokasi
Extend Memperpanjang Revenue Income
Accomplish Menyelesaikan Diminish Mengurangi
Propound Mengajukan Approximately Kurang lebih
Favour Support Gradual Bertahap
Distract Mengalihkan Engage Mengikutsertakan
Fame Ketenaran Fashionable Modish/modern
Fortune Keberuntungan loose Lepas/longar
Resemble Menyerupai
Curious Ingin tahu Deliriously happy: very happy
Enlighten Mencerahkan Extraordinarily excited: very
Pasture Padang rumput enthusiastic
Hostility Permusuhan Draw the attention: attract attention
Tenable Dpt diprtahankan Brainstorm: produce the ide to solve
Accelerate Mempercepat any problems
Sufficient Enough I am not that keen on yellow: ____
Abuse Misuse take for granted: ___
Willingness Kerelaan Work flat out: work very hard
Equip (v) Complete Get out of the comfort zone: ___
Timetable Schedule At the end of the day: in the end
Breakages Kerusakan Maintain your health: keep health
Pleasant outing: happy vocation
Devote Menyerahkan
A large circle of friends: __
Reveal Mengungkapkan
Extremely convenient: ____
Fit Sesui/cocok
Address the poverty ___
Extraordinary Luar biasa
Catch up with: get along with
sustain Menopang
Deliver idea: _____
Discourage Enggan

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