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Translations 2024

‫ كيف نترجم ( لـ‬-1

to +
I eat to live.
for +
Reading for all
have / has
Mohammad has 20 friends.

It is + + to +

It is easy to learn English

one of )
One of the + + est One of the tallest
One of the most + One of the most beautiful

-Cairo is one of the biggest cities in Africa.

be + considered / be + regarded
-Egypt is considered / regarded one of the most important countries in the world.

It+be + sais / thought + that

-It is thought that mobile phones will be smaller in the future.


-Love is the best feeling in the world.


Translate into Arabic

1. I think my country would be a fantastic place twenty years from now. Everything will be
perfect at home and solar energy will provide all the energy we need.
2. The satellite is a body that moves in an orbit around earth. Satellites can do jobs that
scientists on earth cannot do. Satellites are important and valuable in astronomy.
3. Modern inventions have changed our life. Our life has become easier and more
comfortable than the life of our grandfathers.
4. I am sorry to interrupt you but I want to ask you some questions about the advertisement
in today’s newspaper for a software programmer.
5. From the health point of view, we are living in a marvellous age. Modern drugs and
surgery can now cure a large number of fatal diseases.
6. Reading is a good way of spending our spare time. We should encourage children to go
to libraries. Reading helps building one’s character.
7. Thanks to computers and the Internet. The whole world has become one unit. Computers
can easily do most of the things we do but fester and better. Meanwhile, the Internet is an
exciting and attractive means of entertainment and getting valuable information as well.
8. Tourism is one of the main sources of supplying Egypt with hard currency. The
terrorist who attacked tourist and killed them are working against the country and are
considered our real enemies.
9. Traffic has become one of the problems of the age. It goes on increasing all the time
and the roads of big cities are almost blocked by the slow procession of metal cages.
Driving in crowded towns is far from being a pleasure.
10. Parents should do with their best to encourage their children to read. Reading
increases and widens their knowledge. The Reading for All Project provides us with
various books at very low prices.

11. Sports and games play an important role in building up one’s body and character.
They are also effective means of acquiring many virtues. Sports help in spreading
cooperation, discipline, self-confidence, honesty and courage.
12. The pharaohs pulled the stones of the pyramids up ramps which they had built up the
sides of the pyramid .
13. The government makes a great effort to reclaim part of the desert and change it into green fields
to provide food security for every citizen.
14. If we don't look after our heritage, it could easily disappear like most of the wonders of the
ancient world.
15. Technology plays a vital role in the twenty-first century as it continues to improve everyday life.
Technological benefits have expanded into the healthcare setting and have greatly impacted the
medical field.
16. Cold viruses are carried by small droplets of water in the air. When you breathe in, these
viruses are drawn in and infect the cells of the throat-consequently you catch cold. Some viruses
reach further down towards the lungs and then the infection is likely to be more serious.
17. Co-operation among nations of the world will result in spreading peace and security.
They should help each other to improve the living conditions of their people
18. Charities provide essential services that positively affect the lives of citizens, such as
building hospitals, schools, orphanages and religious centers.
19. Nothing has served the cause of peace more than direct contact between the leaders of
nations. Such contacts enable leaders to exchange views with frankness that helps to
clear away misunderstanding. At the time of strained world relations, these contacts help
greatly to ease tension.
20. Needless to say, young people are liable to err, do wrong and be misled through
inexperience. Therefore, they should have their faculties trained by practice to
distinguish good from evil. If wrong beliefs and evil tendencies are not uprooted (rooted
out), they will have a destructive effect on their lives.

Translate into English:





















Choose the best Arabic translation
1. Health is a splendid blessing that completes our happiness. It's worthy saying that we can't really enjoy our life if
we are unhealthy. Healthy people are always proud of what they can achieve in the fields of sports and hard
work. For an unhealthy person life is no more pain and suffering.
2. Education for all. All means men and women, the old and the young, the rich and the poor and the educated and
the uneducated in both rural and urban communities. Everyone needs education suitable for the age, its changes
and its requirements so that they may contribute to education and benefit from it throughout their lives.


3. Thirty years ago, most university students believed that when they graduated, their education had finished. They
expected to get a job and work for one employer. They would work in one place until they retired

4. Some people think that genetically modified food may bring new diseases in the future.Others are in favour of this
type of food. They think GM crops can improve agriculture and protect people from starvation in poor countries.

A The desert reclamation will help to increase our international income and to create job
opportunities for young people.
B The desert reclamation will help to decrease our national income and to create job
opportunities for young people.
C The desert reclamation will help to increase our national income and to create job
opportunities for young people.
D The desert reclamation will not help to increase our national income and to create job
opportunities for young people.
A The police must fight crimes of assault, rape, kidnapping, forgery and fraud.
B The police must not fight crimes of assault, rape, kidnapping, forgery and fraud.
C The police must fight crime of assault, rape, kidnapping, forgery and fraud.
D The police must keep crimes of assault, rape, kidnapping, forgery and fraud.
A Egypt have shown throughout its history that it is a country of religious tolerance and the
cradle of civilizations.
B Egypt has shown throughout its history that it is a country of religion tolerance and the
cradle of civilizations.
C Egypt has shown throughout its history that it is a country of religious tolerance and the
cradle of civilizations.
D Egypt has show throughout its history that it is a country of religious tolerance and the
cradle of civilizations.
A No one can deny the role of sport in the lives of nations and individuals.
B No one can deny the rule of sport in the lives of nations and individuals.
C No one can deny the role of sport in the live of nations and individuals.
D No one can deny the role of sport in the lives of intentions and individuals.
A One of the most important goal of the government is to provide job opportunities for young
graduates and achieve prosperity and welfare.
B One of the most important goals of the government is to provide job opportunities for young
graduates and achieve prosperity and welfare.
C One of the most important goals of the government are to provide job opportunities for
young graduates and achieve prosperity and welfare.
D One of the most important goals of the government is to provide job opportunities for young
graduates and achieve prosperity and freedom.
A Drinking water has become a global problem that could not lead to wars between many
B Drinking water has become a global problem that could lead to wars between many
C Drinking water has become a global problem that could lead to wars between much
D Drinking water have become a global problem that could lead to wars between many

A The population problem are the most serious problem facing our country at this time.
B The pulsations problem is the most serious problem facing our country at this time.
C The population problem is the most serious problem facing our country at this time.
D The pollution problem is the most serious problem facing our country at this time.

A Improving our economy reflects positive results on the lives of the Egyptian citizen.
B Improving our economic reflects positive results on the lives of the Egyptian citizen.
C Improving our economy reflects negative results on the lives of the Egyptian citizen.
D Improving our economy reflects positive results on the life’s of the Egyptian citizen.
A The government should have a major role in the fight of all the obstacles that hinder
B The government should have a major rule in the fight against all the obstacles that hinder
C The government should have not a major role in the fight against all the obstacles that hinder
D The government should have a major role in the fight against all the obstacles that hinder
A The good use of our water resources is a international goal which everyone must cooperate
to apply.
B The good use of our water resources are a national goal which everyone must cooperate to
C The good use of our water sources is a national goal which everyone must cooperate to
D The good use of our water resources is a national goal which everyone must cooperate to
A The Egyptian people as a whole reject terrorism, violence and the killing of innocent people.
B The Egyptian people as a whole rejects terrorism, violence and the killing of innocent people.
C The Egyptian people as a whole rejects tourism, violence and the killing of innocent people.
D The Egypt people as a whole rejects terrorism, violence and the killing of innocent people.
A Egypt are the cradle of civilization and religions and will never be a source of violence,
terrorism or extremism.
B Egypt is the cradle of civilization and religions and will never be a source of violence,
terrorism or extremism.
C Egypt is the cradle of civilization and religious and will never be a source of violence,
terrorism or extremism.
D Egypt is the cradle of civilization and religions and will be a source of violence, terrorism or


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