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Grado en Maestro/a de Educación Infantil: Lengua extranjera (inglés) MOCK TEST

I Grammar

1.- Choose the necessary verb tense in the next affirmations and questions: present simple, past
simple/continuous, future simple, past perfect simple:

- I ……………… (study) French, when I ……………… (discover) that English was my favourite.

- Our teacher told us that the Earth …………………(go) around the Sun.

- I think that the weather ………………… …………… (get) worse soon.

- I …………… never ………………… (be) on a diet until I ………… (start) this one. It’s great!

- I …………… already ……………… (begin) writing in my diary, when you ……… (come) in the room.

2.- Form a correct comparative or superlative as required in the following. Introduce as / than; the
when needed. Sometimes changes in the sentence structure may be required:

- Deanne is not………………… (elegant) Paul. He was the most brilliant at the party.

- He saw around and then Joe wanted to seat ………………… (far) from the entrance.

- My essay and yours are different, but the same extension. One is not …………………(big) the other.

- The results he got are ……………… (bad) than Mary. She did it much better.

- ……………… (soon) I arrive at school, ………….. (good), as in that way I can park easily.

3.- How do you pronounce the following –ed endings of the next set of regular verbs: /t/, /d/, /id/?

- Suited:………; created: …………; attended: ……………; lied: ……………; turned: ………

- risked: …………; demanded: …………; missed: ……………; filmed: …………; dropped: …………

4.- Transform into the passive voice the following:

a) Have they offered him a better job? ………………………………………………………………………

b) They told us a secret.…………...…………………………………………………………………………
c) Would they lend me their car? ……………………………………………………………………………
d) People should send their complaints to the head office.
e) They had to postpone the meeting because of illness. ……………………………………………………
f) They are going to hold next year’s congress in San Francisco. ………………………………………….
g) The bill includes service. …………………………………………………………………………………
h) People don’t use this road very often……………………………………………………………………..
i) They cancelled all the flights because of fog. ……………………………………………………………
j) Somebody accused me of stealing the money.……………………………………………………………

5.- Use any of the modal verbs to fill in the gaps below: can / could (not), shall/ should, must (not),
Have/ had (not) (to), may / might.

- Last week, you ...………….. (go) to the hospital for the doctor to see your knee.

- Sir, ....……………. I offer you a beer?

- You ..…………... pay taxes according to your benefits. Otherwise, there might be a penalty for you.

- How many languages …………… you understand?

- You ....………. to be punctual!! Next time, I will report it to the supervisor.

6.- Use future continuous or perfect next:

- I …………………… (go out) with John for two years in May.

- ………………………(you / use) the car at the weekend?

- This time tomorrow, we…………………… (celebrate) because we …………………(finish) our exams.

- Don't phone her now. She……………… (have) dinner.

- We…………………… (not / work) next week. We'll be on holiday.

7.- Using the second (hypothetical) conditional, write down 5 sentences of your own:






8.- Complete the irregular verbs below with the needed forms:

- Fall ………………… ……………… Spanish ………………………

- ……………… began ……………… Spanish ………………………

- ………………… fed ………..……… Spanish ………………………

- Lay ……………… ……………… Spanish………………………

- Sting ……………… ……………… Spanish ………………..……

-………………… dug ……………… Spanish ………………..……

- ………………… ……………… flown Spanish ………………..……

- ………………… swept …………………Spanish ………………..……

-………………… shone …………………Spanish ………………..……

- Strike ……………… …………………Spanish ………………..……

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