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Name: ______________________________

Vocabulary Tree: Lesson 9.2

Root Word: -dict1. a- or ab- ________________________

2. circ- and circum-____________________________

3. inter- ___________________________ 4. mal-_______________________________________

5. uni- ____________________________

6. agr-_______________________________________

7. aud- ____________________________ 8. bene- _____________________________________

9. corp-____________________________ 10. dict- _____________________________________
Match each vocabulary word with its opposite.
1. dictate


a. silence

2. dictation


b. slander, libel, lying

3. diction


c. agree

4. verdict


d. request

5. predict


e. to talk about the past

6. contradict


f. oops! no opposite for diction

Answer the following questions.

1. Hitler was one of the worlds best known dictators. What did he do that caused him to become
known as one of the cruelest dictators? ____________________________________________
2. Who is someone you know who speaks with good diction?__________________________ ____
3. You are going to court to be judged on your life. Whats the official verdict? ________________
4. Predict what the future holds for you. _______________________________________________
5. We often contradict an opinion when it is actually only the tone that bothers us. --Friedrich
Nietzsche What does this statement mean?__________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ __________________

Name: _______________________________
-dictVocabulary Tree: Lesson 9.3
Root Word: -dictDraw pictures that help you remember what each word means.













Name: _______________________________
Vocabulary Tree: Lesson 9.4
Root Word: -dictWrite sentences using each vocabulary word that show you know what each word means.
1. dictate:_________________________________________________________________________
2. dictator:________________________________________________________________________
3. diction:_________________________________________________________________________
4. verdict:_________________________________________________________________________
5. predict:____ ____________________________________________________________________
6. contradict:______________________________________________________________________

Name: _______________________________
Vocabulary Tree: Lesson 9.5
Root Word: -dictFill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word. Read carefully to choose the correct word.






Many years ago, after World War I ended, Germany was forced to pay heavy fines for their role in
starting the war. This destroyed Germanys economy, and many people were depressed because of the
lack of money. No one could have _____________________ what this unhappiness would mean in the
near future.
Adolf Hitler was born into the period of history, and he realized that his country was hungry for a leader.
Unfortunately for the German people, he would be a _________________________ rather than kind
and democratic leader. He would _________________ laws and rules, and the people would follow. At
first, Germans followed because they wanted to and they saw hope for their future. But over time, as
they began to see what kind of leader Hitler was, they had to be forced through fear and coercion to
follow Hitlers commands.
He rose to power through his masterful __________________. He could talk anyone into doing
anything, even if it meant killing millions of people.
As Hitler grew in power and gained more followers, no one dared to _______________________ him.
Those who did faced execution or imprisonment in the work camps, which were also known as
concentration camps. Many years later, the final _______________________ on Hitlers legacy is an
awful one of injustice, death and loss.

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