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Expectations on Signal and System Major

As someone attending at electronic engineering course, I have always wondered about what kind of new
subjects might be added to our academic course. Subjects we learned last year were indeed the
foundations for the electronic major. We only had one subject directly connected to our major in our
first year of university. But in second year, we got 5 more subjects which indeed gave us the necessary
foundation knowledge for electronics. And now in third year, we get to study more specialized subjects.
There are many subjects which got my attention when I saw the curriculum for third year, especially
Electromagnetics, Integrated Electronics and last but not least Signal and System.

To be honest, my expectations on this Signal and System subject is quite high when I first saw this. After
all, this is the foundation knowledge of all the electronic devices we use daily. It’s not overexaggerating
to say that all our daily items are made based on this knowledge. From wake up alarm to turning on the
TV, all are based on the electronic signals. Which is why I am feeling quite thrilled to learn about those
nature of signals. And for another part of this subject, which is “system”, I didn’t quite understand at
first, but after a lecture session, I somehow grasped its meaning and nature for a little. System, which is
a control part, adjust, filter and manage the signals to desired condition. This actively demonstrates that
it’s important to have deep understanding of both Signal and System.

I am thinking that we get to learn the nature of signals and how system handle them including filtering,
adjusting, and correcting errors for various conditions and situations. And in what way the system
decides which signal need modifications, corrections and performs those requirements for the desirable

To sum up everything that has been stated so far, I strongly believe that this Signal and System subject is
one of the most important curriculum for us. Even without this reason, I personally think this major is
interesting and is really fun to study.

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