N1-TACB 1.2 - CLC - 2023 - NH câu hỏi ôn thi

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- Present simple, present continuous, present perfect simple, present perfect
- Past simple, past continuous, past perfect, used to
- Predictions and future forms
- Modal verbs
- First, second conditional and third conditional
- Passive
- Articles and quantifiers
- Comparison
- Purpose: to …, for …, so that …
- Certainty and possibility
- Gerunds and infinitive
- Defining relative clauses
- Reported speech
- Stative verbs
- Question forms: direct and indirect questions

+ Culture and identity
+ Performing
+ Water
+ Career & jobs
+ Education
+ Healthy lifestyles
+ Mysteries
+ Living space
+ Holiday and travel
+ Shopping

+ Extreme sports
+ Health and Medicine
+ Communication
+ Technology


PART 1: LISTENING (25 points)
Questions 1-5
Listen to a girl speaking to a man at a job information centre.
For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
You will hear the conversation TWICE.
0. The man has a job for a
A. cleaner B. receptionist C. waitress
1. The job is in
A. a hotel. B. a sports centre. C. an office.
2. You cannot do the job if you are younger than
A. 18. B. 19. C. 20.
3. The job will begin on the
A. 23rd. B. 24th. C. 26th.
4. Most working days will begin at
A. 8.15 a.m. B. 8.30 a.m. C. 9.00 a.m.
5. For work, the girl must wear
A. a white shirt. B. a blue skirt. C. black trousers.

Questions 6-10
You will hear a boy leaving a message for a friend about a football match.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
You will hear the recording TWICE.

Football match
Day: Saturday
Name of stadium: (6) ………………….
Bus number: (7) ………………… p.m.
Cost of ticket: (8) ………………….
Wear: (9) …………………. 2
Bring: (10) ……………………
Questions 11-15
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
A university teacher in the Southwest tells of a student who went on a one-day trip to the
Grand Canyon. She didn't return until a week later. When asked what happened, she
answered that the Grand Canyon was so amazing that she had needed three days just get
used to it.
The Grand Canyon was built in Arizona. The canyon is 277 miles long and about 1 mile
deep. Because it is so deep, the top and the bottom have very different weather and plants.
Going from the top to the bottom is somewhat like going from Canada to Mexico.
Know as one of the seven tourist travel wonders, which include the Great Wall of China,
the Taj Mahal, and Machu Picchu, it is visited by millions of people each year
11. What does “it” in the line 4 refer to?
A. The university B. The trip C. The Grand Canyon D. The student
12. What is the depth of the Grand Canyon?
A. 277 miles B. 278 mils C. 1 mile D. No information
13. How many days did the student spend in the Grand Canyon?
A. 1 day B. 3 days C. 7 days D. 10 days
14. What is NOT one of seven tourist travel wonders?
A. The Great Wall of China B. The Grand Canyon
C. The Taj Mahal D. The Big Ben Tower
15. Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?
A. The Seven Tourist Travel Wonders B. The Grand Canyon
C. The Story of a Student D. A Trip to Grand Canyon

Questions 16-20
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
Many students believe that math is an inherited ability - either they have the math gene or
they don't. However, a recent research shows that inborn talent might not be as important
as we think. In the long run, the most successful students are often those who work the

hardest, not those with the highest IQs. These students believe that perseverance, not an
innate gift, is the key to achievement.
In her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck argues that a positive
mindset is what makes some students push themselves when others give up. Students with
a "fixed mindset" believe that they were born with a certain set of talents. They see
challenges as a sign that they've reached the limit of their natural ability, and they stop
trying. On the contrary, students with a "growth mindset" believe that there are no limits on
their potential, and view challenges as a chance to learn and improve. They know that their
intelligence can be built through experience and effort, and are not held back by the idea of
inborn restrictions.
Geoff Colvin delivers a similar message in his book, Talent Is Overrated. He demonstrates
that success is almost always the result of what he calls "deliberate practice", concentrated
effort to improve one's skills through focused effort. Inborn talent might make a difference
when a subject is first tackled, but years later, it's the hard-working children who are the
most successful. Kim Callan - a math teacher - agrees: "It is rare for a hard-working
student to fail in my class."
Having the right mindset is critical to success. Children need to believe in their ability to
overcome challenges through concentrated effort. If you place your child in the right math
class and encourage him/her to work hard, there's no limit to what he/she will be able to
16. Which of the following best describes the main idea of this article?
A. How to help children control their states of mind
B. How to know whether a child's talent is inborn or acquired
C. Parents play a very important role in their children's learning
D. What kind of students can be successful in math
17. In the first paragraph, the words “these students” refer to
A. the most successful students B. the students with the highest IQs
C. the students with an inherited ability D. the students who love to learn math
18. In the first paragraph, the word “innate” is closest in meaning to
A. unusual B. inborn C. acquired D. special
19. What is probably true about this article?
A. Perseverance is the main reason for students' success in math.
B. Inherited ability is the most important reason for students' success in math.

C. Students with the highest IQs are more successful in math.
D. Success is almost always the result of students' talent.
20. When might inborn talent work?
A. When students have finished learning a subject
B. When students start to learn a subject
C. When it takes a long time to learn a subject
D. When a subject is hard to learn

Questions 21-30
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
People have many ways (21) ________ themselves—to show how they feel or what they
think. One way that feels (22) ________ is laughter. Laughter has an important place in
human communication. A team of psychologists studied the laughter of 120 students at an
American university. They had the students (23) ________ funny movies. The students
laughed differently depending on who they were watching the movies (24) ________ -
whether their partner was male or female, a friend or a stranger. Here are (25) ________ of
the researchers' findings:
+ Men laughed much (26) ________ during the movies when they were with a friend.
The friend could be male or female.
+ Women laughed most with men friends.
The team also discovered that there were three basic types of laughs: high song-like laughs,
laughs with the sounds coming mostly through the nose, and low grunting laughs (27)
________ the sounds a pig makes. In a later study, they asked people to listen to these three
types of laughter to find out which kind they liked (28) ________ Most people preferred
the high song-like sounds.
The researchers believe that laughter is a tool we use, usually without thinking about it.
They say we use it to influence the emotions and behavior of other people. In fact, when
we laugh (29) ________ conversations, it is usually not because we are listening to
something funny. It is because we want to be friends with the people we are talking to.
Laughter helps make people feel (30) ________ with each other.
21. A. to express B. expressing C. expressed D. express
22. A. well B. bad C. good D. badly

23. A. watching B. watch C. to watch D. watched
24. A. to B. for C. about D. with
25. A. any B. some C. few D. number
26. A. more B. less C. most D. least
27. A. liked B. to like C. like D. unlike
28. A. better B. best C. worst D. worse
29. A. while B. since C. as D. during
30. A. comfortably B. comfortable C. uncomfortable D. uncomfortably

PART 3: WRITING (25 points)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You received an email from your English friend, Lily. She told you about her favorite
singer. Read part of her email below.
Hi. My favorite singer is Lady Gaga. I really love her voice and her songs.
Is there anyone you admire? Why do you admire him/ her? Could you tell me
something about his/ her life and career?
What types of people are famous in your country? Do you think being famous is great?
Love to hear from you!

Write an email to Lily.

You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses.
Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary
and Grammar.

PART 4: SPEAKING (25 points)

Let’s talk about Games
1. Do you often play any online games?
2. What games are popular in your country?
3. Do you think it’s important for people to play games?
Let’s talk about Hobbies
4. What are your hobbies?
5. Is there any new hobby you would like to take up?
6. Can hobbies say something about your personality?

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