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Scylla’s Domain:

Lost Pearls of Poseidon

(Solo Mode)
Game Design
By Sarah and Josh Keele 2020
PnP (Print and Play) Prep time 45-60 minutes
Game Setup 8 minutes
Playtime 15-30 minutes

Quick Overview: Collecting Pearls and the Gold Trident give you points. The game ends once
all of Scylla's "Revenge Deck" is depleted and one more player turn or all the Pearls have been
collected by you or Scylla. Have the most points by the end of the game to win.

Long ago, Scylla was a beautiful maiden. Now she is a ferocious beast who eats sailors for
breakfast. The legendary "Lost Pearls of Poseidon" have been scattered across Scylla’s
Domain. You must enter into the beast’s Domain, battle her, defend against her, and keep her
from stealing Pearls into her lair while surviving long enough to claim the Pearls to become the
victor, without falling victim to Scylla's Wrath.
Table of Contents:
In the Box
Game Setup
Game Play-
-Quick Game Play
--Step 1. Play Action Cards:
● Move
● Battle
● Barrier
● Player Swap
● Take a Look
● Rock Swap
● Portal
● Take Pearl
Collecting Pearls
Gold Trident
-Finding the Gold Trident
-Battling for the Gold Trident
--Step 2. Scylla’s Turn
1. Scylla Battles for the Gold Trident
2. Scylla Battles for a Pearl
3. Draw a Revenge Card
○ The Black Trident
○ Scylla Strikes
○ Portal Lock
○ Rip Tide
--Step 3. Final Round
● To Win
● To Lose
Ghost Player Mode
PnP Files and Components Details
*If you’re planning on printing out this game to play then *please* read the PnP File and Components
Details section below for further instruction.**

101 Cards
(90) Action Deck
(11) Scylla’s Revenge Deck
6 Player Pawns/Tokens
14 Pearls
(4) 1pt, (4) 2pts, (4) 3pts, (2) Trident symbol Worth 1 pt.
18 Rocks
50 Perma Rocks
2 Dice
1 Game Board
1 Gold Trident 4pts

11 Scylla’s Revenge Cards

● (1) The Black Trident
● (2) Rip tide
● (5) Scylla Strike
● (3) Portal Lock

90 Action cards
● (23) Move
● (10) Take a Look under Pearls
● (11) Rock Swap
● (11) Portal
● (10) Player Swap
● (3) Barrier
● (20) Battle
● (2) Take Pearl

Rules Officially Start Here:

Game Set Up
● Place the board in front of you.
● Choose your Pawn (one of 6 colors) and place it right outside the outer edge of the
perimeter of the “Domain” [See figure 2 below]. You will move onto the board from this
● Shuffle the Revenge deck (Square cards) and draw 7 Revenge cards at random (you
can draw 6 cards for a more difficult game or 8 for an easier game) and place them face
down in the designated square labeled “Scylla’s Revenge Deck” in the top left corner of
the board. [See figure 2 below]. Do not look at them.
● Shuffle the Action deck. Shuffle the 14 Pearls (four 1s, four 2s, four 3s and 2 Trident
Pearls) and have them face down to the side of the board. The point value will be hidden
under the Pearl.
● Draw a card. Each card has a small number on it in the top right hand corner which
corresponds with the numbers on the board. Place a Rock or Pearl (point-side down) on
the matching number on the board until all Rocks and Pearls are placed on the board.
[See Figure 1 below] Don't peek at the Pearl’s point value before placing them on
the board. Once all the pieces are placed on the board, shuffle the cards back into the
action deck and place the deck face down the bottom left corner of the board.
(Figure 1):

● Place the Gold Trident in the center of the board known as Scylla’s Lair.
● Draw 5 cards for your hand.

Setup is complete.

Final setup might look like something like this with Rocks and Pearls in varying locations.
(Figure 2):
Game Play
Quick Game Play: The game is played in turns between you and Scylla. You’ll start with 5
Action cards in your hand, which you will use to try getting the mighty Gold Trident as well as
Pearls. You’ll choose 3 Actions cards from your hand. Scylla will also have up to 3 actions on
her turn as well, which she will use to try recovering the Gold Trident and/or pearls. The game is
over once all the pearls have been collected by you and Scylla, or the Revenge cards have
been depleted and the Final Round has been played. If any pearls remain on the board after the
Final Round, you lose. Otherwise, count all your points and whomever has the most points
between you and Scylla wins the game.

Turn Structure:
Step 1. Player Turn. Take 3 actions, and replenish your hand up to 5 cards. Turn ends.
Step 2. Scylla’s Turn. Up to 3 actions: 1) Battle for Gold Trident, 2) Battle for Pearl, 3) Draw
Revenge Card
Repeat 1 and 2 until the Pearls are cleared or until the last Revenge Card is played. If Pearls
are still on the board after the last Revenge card is played then move forward to Step 3. If not,
the Game is over. Count up Points.
Step 3. Final Round. Player Turn. Take 3 actions then the game ends.

Step 1. Your Turn. You must do 3 actions, not more or less. Each action involves playing one
Action card from your hand, either as a way to move your pawn or to use the designated action
and its special ability offered by the card. Starting from anywhere around the outside of the
perimeter of Scylla’s Domain (see figure 2 for designated Scylla’s Domain) the first action
played in the game must be used to enter the Domain. Once inside the Domain, designated
action and special abilities can be used freely while maintaining the option of using it as a Move
1 instead. To be clear, you cannot use both the designated ability and the move option from a
single card- you must choose one or the other. You can however, use a designated action and
its special ability as one action. To play your action, place a card face up in front of you then
execute the designated action or move 1 action as you do so. Actions are as follows:

Actions (cards with a + symbol have special abilities)

● Move: Use a Move action card to move 1 or 2 adjacent spaces in any direction within
the Domain according to what is labeled on the card. The board is made up of hexagons
which is the space a player can move. You may NOT move out of the Domain, into a
Portal, into Scylla's Lair, or into a space occupied by a Rock, Perma Rock, or Pawn with
a Move card. You can occupy a space with a Pearl and collect that Pearl. You CAN
move your player by the number of spaces the Move card says. All other Action cards
have the option of using that card as it's designated action OR as a "Move 1" with the
exception of the Take Pearl card.
● Battle: At the start of the game, Scylla has no pearls. However, once she has pearls,
you can use a Battle card to battle Scylla for a Pearl. When initiating the battle, roll for
yourself first, then roll for Scylla. If you roll higher, collect one of her Pearls from her Lair.
If she rolls higher, you are blocked from collecting anything and discard your battle card
after use. If it's a tie, re-roll.
○ +Battle: “Tide Breaker” special ability. In the event of a tie, you win and can
proceed to collect a Pearl.

○ Battle for the Gold Trident: In order to battle Scylla for the Gold Trident as
one of your actions on your turn, you must have the Battle for the Gold Trident
card, which will include the Trident symbol seen above on the card next to the
title and card description. You cannot use the battle card with this symbol to
battle for Pearls, nor can you use the Battle for Pearl cards to battle for the Gold
Battle Back: You will find the words “Battle Back” on both regular Battle cards and Battle
cards with special abilities. You will NOT find it on the Battle for the Gold Trident card.
This means that anytime Scylla attacks you during step 2 for a Pearl or the Gold Trident,
you have the option to use your "Battle" card as a "Battle Back" action outside of your
turn. If you roll higher, then not only do you defend your pearl, you have the added
benefit of being able to take a Pearl from her Lair. You cannot collect the Gold Trident in
a "Battle Back" scenario. It can’t be used if Scylla does not have a pearl.

● Barrier: If Scylla tries to Attack or Battle you, you can outright block her attack with a
Barrier card. Discard the Barrier card after use. You may use the designated Barrier
action during Scylla’s turn in Step 2. In Step 1 it can only be used as a Move 1.

● Player Swap: This designated action is obsolete in Solo Mode. Use only as a Move 1.
**In Solo Mode, Player Swap is not taken out because of its number labeled on the card
that corresponds to the numbers on the board.**

● Take a Look: Choose any 2 or 3 (depending on what the card instructs) Pearls in the
Domain or in Scylla’s Lair and look underneath to see it's value then place it back face
down. After you look, follow the instructions on the card to roll for a chance to take one
of the ones you looked at. Each Take a Look card has a designated die roll or options of
die roll numbers needed to be rolled in order to collect one of the Pearls you looked at.
They are as follows:
○ (3) Take a Look under 2 Pearls or move 1 (Roll a certain # (It will have a 1, a 3 or
a 5 specified on the card) on die to collect 1 of the Pearls looked at.
○ (3) Take a Look under 2 Pearls or move 1 (Roll 1 of 2 # (It will have a “1 or 4”; a
“3 or 5”; or a “2 or 6”) on die to collect 1 of the Pearls looked at.
○ (3) Take a Look under 2 Pearls or move 1 (Choose a number between 1 and 6 in
your head, then roll that number on die to collect 1 of the Pearls looked at)
○ (1) Take a Look under 3 Pearls or move 1 (Using 2 dice, Roll doubles to collect 1
of the Pearls looked at)

● Rock Swap: Choose a Rock to swap places with and swap. You can’t swap with a Rock
if you are on a Portal, in the Lair or outside the Domain. You cannot swap with a Perma
○ +Rock Swap: If the Rock Swap card has the + symbol on it and says the words
“Rock Pusher” on the bottom, this means that you can “push” any Rock to an
adjacent open space as part of your action before you swap. It does not have to
be the same Rock you swap with. For example, you push one Rock to a new
space and then swap with a different Rock. You cannot “push” a Perma Rock.
**Rocks do not have any point value assigned to them, they are simply a means of
moving across the board quickly and also sometimes act as obstacles.

● Portal: Allows you to go to an open Portal. Choose an open Portal to portal to and place
your Pawn there. You cannot portal to a Portal if you are in the Lair. When a Perma Rock
is placed on Portals they become closed and you may no longer use that Portal. You
may use a Move card to exit the Portal as a separate action, otherwise you will stay on
the Portal.
○ +Portal: Three Portal cards have the Special Ability of moving off the Portal
without using up one of your actions on your turn. With this, move to 1 open or
Pearl occupied (see Collecting Pearls) adjacent space out of the Portal you
landed on for free. If Scylla closes a portal while you are on it then you must give
her one Pearl (at random) and go to the Lair.

● Take Pearl: You can take a Pearl from anywhere in the Domain or even Scylla’s Lair.
Take it. Just take it. It's yours.

Collecting Pearls: You collect a Pearl by moving into the space it’s on. The Pearls have hidden
points 1 through 3 on the bottom or a Trident Symbol and that adds to your total point value. If
you grab a Pearl with a Trident Symbol on it, refer to “Gold Trident: Finding the Gold Trident”.
Pearls with the Trident Symbol are worth 1 point. The only time you can’t move onto a space
with a Pearl on it is when you are exiting Scylla’s Lair (See Scylla’s Lair below). Your collected
pearls are placed near your hand, wherever you can keep track of them. Scylla’s collected
pearls are placed in the Lair.

Gold Trident: It is worth 4 points and gives a +1 to the die roll in Battles or Attacks of whoever
possesses it at a given time. Scylla starts out with the Gold Trident. It can be stolen from her
through finding Pearls with the Trident symbol or Battling and it can be stolen by her throughout
the game through Battles.
● Finding the Gold Trident: (Refer also to “Collecting Pearls”) When a Pearl with the
Trident Symbol is collected by you, you automatically take the Gold Trident with the
Trident Pearl then place the Trident Pearl face down. If they find a Trident Pearl while
already in possession of the Gold Trident, then that Pearl remains “Trident symbol” up
until it is taken from them, at which point they can battle to keep it. Once it’s used to
battle for the Trident, it becomes exhausted and placed face down. Trident Pearls can be
stolen from you in situations like when The Black Trident (see Revenge cards) is played,
or Scylla battles you for a Pearl and steals the Trident Pearl. It is reactivated if you were
to later steal it back, for example by winning a Battle for a Pearl or Battle Back for a
Pearl, playing a Take Pearl card or rolling the right number for a Take a Look card
resulting in you collecting a Trident Pearl.
● Battling for the Gold Trident: On the “Battle” action cards, there are a few that include
a Trident symbol and the words “Battle for the Gold Trident”. In order to Battle for the
Trident using a Battle card, it must be one of these battle cards. Otherwise the only other
times you can Battle for the Trident are the situations involving the Trident Pearls.

Scylla’s Lair: Scylla’s Lair is located in the center of the board (see figure 2 above) move your
Pawn into the Lair. If you have 1 or more Pearls, Scylla will take one. You must shuffle your
Pearls and choose one at random, no peeking. Place that Pearl in the Lair with you. To escape,
discard two action cards and move your Pawn one space out of the Lair (the space must be
empty, no Pearl or Rock on it). Leave the Pearl you gave her behind.

To end your turn, take your played actions and discard them if you haven’t already. Then
replenish your hand so you have a total of 5 cards in your hand and that ends your turn.

Step 2. Now it’s Scylla’s turn.

Scylla’s Turn
(She has 2-3 actions)

1. Scylla Battles for the Gold Trident: If you have the Gold Trident she battles you for it.
If you don't, skip this action. Roll for Scylla first, then for yourself. Remember, the Gold
Trident gives you +1 to your roll when it is in your possession. Scylla loses the +1 to her
roll benefit when she does not have the Gold Trident. You may also block Scylla’s Battle
for the Gold Trident with a Barrier Card. You can use a Battle card or a +Battle card to
"Battle Back" for a Pearl and use the +Special Ability Tide Breaker to win in a tie.

2. Scylla Battles for a Pearl:

Roll the die for Scylla first, then for you. (Remember to add +1 to your roll if you have the
Gold Trident or +1 to Scylla’s roll if she has the Gold Trident) If Scylla rolls higher, then
she takes you, as well as one of your pearls, to her lair. You may use a Barrier card to
outright block her attack or "Battle Back" with a Battle card or a +Battle card for a chance
to take one of her Pearls if you win. If you don’t have any Pearls, roll anyway. If you win,
you're safe and she does not take a Pearl, but, if you lose, go to the Lair (see Step 1
"Scylla's Lair”).

3. Draw a Revenge Card: One of 4 types of Revenge cards will be drawn:

● The Black Trident: Draw 1 action card and place one of your Pearls (if any) in the
corresponding locations in the Domain. You must choose this Pearl at random. If you
don’t have a Pearl, go to Scylla’s Lair. If you are located in a space where the Pearl
lands, you take it back. If the Pearl lands on a Rock, remove that Rock from the board
and replace with the Pearl. If the Pearl lands on a Perma Rock, draw a new card for a
new location.
**Perma Rocks, like the swappable Rocks do not have a point value assigned to them. Their
only function is as obstacles.

● Scylla Strikes: Scylla strikes various locations in the Domain. She Strikes 2 spots
automatically + die roll. (Rolling a 3, plus the 2 automatic=5 strike spots). Draw that
amount of cards from the Action deck and refer to the top right number on the card (See
Figure 1). She Strikes those spots on the board.
○ If she Strikes a Rock/empty spot you place a Perma Rock there. Remove the
Rock from the board.
○ If she Strikes the space you are located on, go to Scylla’s Lair and she takes one
of your Pearls at random. Place a Perma Rock in your previous location..
○ If she Strikes a Pearl she takes that Pearl.
**Once placed, Perma Rocks can’t be moved, removed, swapped or destroyed once they are
placed on the board, so if she hits a space where a Perma Rock is located, draw a new card
and place the Perma Rock in the new location.**

● Portal Lock: There are 2 Portals locked with each Portal Lock card. Each Portal is
numbered 1-6. Put a Perma Rock on both Portals listed on the card. If you are located
on one of the Portals when it is locked, then put a Perma Rock there, give Scylla one of
your Pearls at random and go to Scylla’s lair (see Scylla’s Lair).

● Rip Tide: Draw an Action card to determine where on the board your Pawn will be
moved to and move to the new location accordingly.
○ If there is a Rock there swap with it.
○ If you land on a Perma Rock, redraw.
○ If you land on a Pearl you get to keep it.

**Once Revenge cards are done being played, place them face up underneath the Revenge
card deck.**
**Any cards drawn or played from the action card deck or your hand during Scylla’s turn get put
into the discard pile. Your hand does NOT get replenished until the end of your turn. Replenish
from the action card deck up to 5 cards. You can only have 5 cards at most in your hand.**
**If the Action card deck ever runs out, reshuffle the discarded deck.**

Step 3. After Scylla’s turn, that round ends and the new round begins. Steps 1 and 2 are
repeated until the Pearls are cleared from the Domain or the last Scylla’s Revenge card has been
played. If the Domain is cleared completely of Pearls before the last Revenge card is played, the
game is over. Count up the Pearl points you’ve collected and the ones Scylla has collected. Don’t
forget to include the 4 points to whoever holds the Gold Trident. See ”To Win” and “To Lose”
If there are still Pearls left in the Domain after the last Revenge card has been played you have
one last chance to clear the Domain. See “Final Round”.

Final Round: If, when the last Revenge card has been played, there are still Pearls in the Domain,
you have one last turn/chance to collect them. Follow Step 1 instructions. Once you run out of
actions on this turn the game is officially over.

To WIN: Clear ALL the Pearls from the Domain before or by the time the Final Round is over AND
have the most points.
To LOSE: Have Pearls remaining in the Domain after the Final Round even if you have more
points OR Scylla has more points than you!

**If the point count is a tie then whoever has the Gold Trident wins.**

Rules officially End here.

FAQ, Ghost Mode and Components Details below

Q- What if the Perma Rocks encircle a Pearl and no one can reach it?
A- You’ll have to use a “Take Pearl” or “Take a Look” card to get it otherwise you might lose.

Q-Does Scylla get one more attack and Battle at the end?

Q-What happens if the Black Trident is the first Revenge card drawn and you don’t have a Pearl yet?
A- Go to Scylla’s Lair

Q- So, when I play an action card outside my turn, does that count toward my limit of 3 actions per
A- No. You can play a card from your hand outside your turn and still have your 3 actions during your
turn, but you will not replenish your hand until the end of your turn.

Q- With the Scylla Strikes Revenge card, when she has the Gold Trident would this be an extra +1 to
the roll?
A- No, Scylla having the Trident does NOT give the Strike card roll an extra +1.

Q- If Scylla takes a Trident Pearl when she does not have the Trident, does she take the Trident?
A- No, she does not take the Trident if she takes a Trident Pearl. In fact, you should not be looking at
the Pearl point values before putting them in her Lair, even if she takes it from you. The only time you
can see what she has is by using a Take a Look card to reveal 2 Pearls bottoms.

Q- Can I portal to another Portal from inside a Portal? For example, say I use a Portal card to move
my pawn to Portal number 3. Can I then move my pawn to Portal number 4?
A- No, not without another Portal card to do so. If you’re out of actions you have to wait until your
next turn. There’s not many reasons to do this though.

Q- If I’m initiating a battle for the Gold Trident with a Battle for Gold Trident card, can I also play a
+Battle card at the same to utilize the “Tide Breaker” Special ability?
A- No. However, if Scylla is initiating the battle for the Gold Trident, you may at that point play a
+Battle card to utilize its “Tide Breaker” special ability and win the dice roll in the event of a tie.

Q- If Rip Tide is played while in the Lair, do you still need to discard 2 action cards to exit?
A- Nope. If the Rip Tide is played while you are in the Lair, you move to the new place on the board
without discarding anything.

Ghost Player Mode

For some added variety for solo mode, I’ve included Ghost Player mode modified rules.
The following modifications apply:
In the Game Setup: Pick your Pawn and place it on the outside of the perimeter of the Domain as
normal. This will be the Pawn that represents you and will remain “you” throughout the game. Then
take the remaining 5 Pawns, draw Action cards for each, and place them on the corresponding
spaces in the Domain. These 5 will remain stationed in their positions unless moved by the game
itself (by being Player Swapped with or the Rip Tide moving them to a new spot in the Domain). The
rest of the game these Pawns act as an extension of your placement on the board. Follow the
directions of Step 1 as normal and enter the Domain. Once in the Domain all the rules remain the
same with a few changes in some of the cards as explained below:
-Player Swap- You can use the Player Swap card to swap places on the board with a Ghost Pawn.
You cannot Player Swap from inside a Portal, the Lair or outside the Domain.
-Move 1/Move2- Use your player Pawn only. Ghost Pawns cannot be moved to collect Pearls.
-Battle- Ghost Pawns cannot battle or be battled against.

-Scylla Strike- If Scylla strikes a space containing any Ghost Pawn, she is essentially landing on you,
so the same rules under Scylla Strikes apply here too. If she lands on a Ghost Pawn and you have no
Pearl, you go to the Lair, not the Ghost Pawn. If she strikes more than one Ghost Pawn or she strikes
you and a Ghost Pawn, only you go to the lair. Keep the Ghost Pawn in place, do not place a Perma
Rock on this space.
-Rip Tide- First draw an Action card for YOUR Pawn. Referring to the number in the top right hand
corner of the card, place your Pawn in the corresponding location in the Domain.
➔ If there is a Pearl in the location, collect it.
➔ If there is a Rock there, replace it with your Pawn then move the Rock to your
previous location.
➔ If there is a Ghost Pawn there, replace it with your Pawn then temporarily remove the
Ghost Pawn from the board until an action card is drawn to determine where that
Ghost Pawns new position will be.
➔ If there is a Perma rock, draw a new card.
Once your player Pawn has been relocated, draw 5 more Action cards and place each of the 5 Ghost
Pawns (in no particular order) in the new corresponding locations on the board, following the above
Rip Tide procedure.

-The Black Trident- If a Pearl lands on a Ghost Pawn, YOU collect the Pearl.

** Again, Ghost Pawns do not move spaces, battle (nor can you battle them), take Pearls, defend, or
do any other actions and are only acted upon by Scylla’s Revenge cards or by the player Swap card.

Ghost Mode Set up:

PnP Files and Components Details:
-Components can be built entirely with paper only, or you can use your own physical
game pieces for the Pawns, rock, perma rocks and trident.
-The board is divided into four sections. Print them out, line the pieces up
accordingly and tape them together.
-Print out the 90 Action cards (Bridge Size) and 11 Revenge cards (Square) and cut
accordingly. The action cards have an optional reverse on the last page of the PDF.
The Revenge cards' reverse will be blank.
-Cubes or garden rocks work great for the Rocks and Perma Rocks, just make sure
they are different from each other. If you use a cube or something like it for the
pearls, just tape the point values provided on the "Game Piece" sheet in the pdf to
the bottom of the cubes. Make sure whatever you use for Pearls is distinguishable
enough from the two types of rocks.
-You can use anything for the Gold Trident. A stick. A pen. A trophy. A fork. Whatever
is fine.
-Hopefully you have 2 D6s around.

We have these little gems you can get from your local craft store. It doesn't have to be these type of
things exactly, it can be anything Pearl-like. The key is that you need to be able to put its point
value on the bottom where it's not visible through the top. And it needs to not roll away. We put duct
tape on the bottom of ours and sharpied the point value on the bottom. You can take the Pearl
game pieces from the pdf and tape them to the bottom of whatever you use as the Pearls. Numbers
up is face up, numbers down is face down.

We literally used Rocks from our garden. They just need to be small and fit on the hex spaces and
not roll easily.

Perma Rocks:
We used a different color gem for our Perma Rocks, but you could also use garden Rocks for these,
they just need to be clearly distinguishable from the regular Rocks as they serve a different

These are the ones we've been using for our playtesting. I don't recommend white pawns or pieces
on this board as it's hard to see against the current white colored board version and gets lost easily.
We "stole" these from a different game. The colors don't matter much so long as they're each
different and there are 6 of them. You'll need all 6 only for the Ghost Player Mode. Otherwise the
color varieties are just there so you have the color options. I know some people out there are very
particular about what colors they play as.

The Gold Trident:

We're using a Golden screw for now haha! You can use anything Trident like :) You could even use a
small pencil.

We've been using these dice. I'm assuming since we're all gamers here that the lot of you have an
extra pair lying around somewhere! We only have this one color... well, we have more, but I've been
too lazy to dig out the others. Anywayzz…. I recommend playing with 2 different colored dice and
designating one for Scylla and one for you. It'll save you from confusion and on dice rolling time :)

I recommend cardstock if you can. It's hard to shuffle printer paper. If you have a laminator and a
corner cutter, it's more work, but will probably yield a better result. Sleeves will work great too. Just
make sure things are shuffled well before you set up the game and play.
Action cards (left) are bigger than Scylla's Revenge deck (right). The Revenge Deck has been
updated in the pdf to be square shaped rather than rectangular here.

Game Board:
For the Game Board we just taped printer paper to a foldable card board and laminated it with clear
packaging tape and sealed the edges with black electrical tape. It makes the pieces slide across
the board a lot easier. In a final version we will have a quad fold board. But for now, it's a bi-fold.

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