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Pre-season previews

For each side in your league (in alphabetical order) highlight the bullet point which is most
applicable in each section and provide a small comment

How motivated were they in the league towards the end of last season (last 6 games)?

 High motivation (fighting for title, relegation, European position, play-off

 Standard motivation
 Low motivation (completely didn’t care, gave up in matches)

Comment (2-3 sentences max)

If ‘low motivation’, did they play their usual 11 (give or take a couple of players) or did the head
coach make many changes or did a key player not start those games?

Comment (2-3 sentences max)/ If not applicable, leave blank

If there has been a change in head coach, how different is the strategy going to be compared to
the previous head coach?

 Much more attacking

 Somewhat more attacking
 Similar
 Somewhat more defensive
 Much more defensive

Comment (2-3 sentences max)

How did the side perform in friendlies?

 Very well
 Quite well
 OK
 Quite poor
 Very poor

Were there any unexpected results (good and bad)?

What was their starting 11 in their last 2-3 games? Did they play their best available side (or close
to it) in the last 2-3 friendly games?
How prepared do you feel they are going into the new season- new players coming into the side to
make immediate impact/new head coach implementing new style?

 Well prepared
 OK
 Not prepared

Comment (2-3 sentences max)

In your opinion, how different is their best starting 11(give or take a couple of players) going to be
from last season?

 Pretty much the same

 A couple of changes
 A few changes
 Several changes
 Completely different

Comment (2-3 sentences max)

In your opinion, how do you rate the strength now of their best starting 11 (give or take a couple
of players) compared to last season?

 Much weaker
 Somewhat weaker
 Similar
 Somewhat stronger
 Much stronger

Comment (2-3 sentences max)

Motivation at the start of new season score: (Give the score which best fits from examples below)

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