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Sonnet : A lyric poem consisting of a single stanza of fourteen iambic pen-tameter lines linked
by an intricate rhyme scheme.
 Soliloquy is the act of talking to oneself, whether silently or aloud. In drama it denotes the
convention by which a character, alone on the stage, ut-ters his or her thoughts aloud.
 Soliloquy In drama, a soliloquy is a speech in which a character speaks his or her thoughts
aloud. Generally, the character is on the stage alone, not speaking to other characters and
perhaps not even consciously addressing an audience.


 Aside In drama, an aside is a short speech directed to the audience, or another character,
that is not heard by the other characters on stage.
1. Setting is the time and place of the action of a story. settings are described in detail and
become major contributors to the stories’ overall effect

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