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Kanwaljeet Singh Mehta Dr. Amit Kumar
B.B.A 5th Semester

Table of Content


Chapter I
With the growing number of smartphone users in India, it is
essential to have a mobile-first approach to digital marketing.
Home loan providers should create mobile-friendly websites
and mobile apps to make it easy for customers to apply for a
loan. Personalized experiences: Personalized experiences can
play a significant role in attracting and retaining customers.

Home loan providers can use data analytics to understand

their customers' needs and preferences and tailor their
marketing messages accordingly. Social media marketing:
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
are excellent channels to reach out to potential customers.
Home loan providers can use social media to share
informative content, offer promotions and discounts, and
engage with customers. Influencer marketing: Influencer
marketing is an effective way to reach out to a broader
audience. Home loan providers can collaborate with
influencers in the real estate and finance sectors to promote

their products and services. Video content is a powerful tool to
convey information and emotions. Home loan providers can
create short videos explaining the loan process, highlighting
the benefits of their products, and showcasing customer
success stories. Creating informative content that addresses
customers' pain points and provides valuable insights can help
build trust and credibility. Home loan providers can create
blogs, infographics, and e-books to share their expertise and
engage with customers. Chatbots and AI-powered tools can
help home loan providers automate customer interactions,
answer queries, and offer personalized recommendations.

Email marketing is an effective way to nurture leads and

keep customers informed about new products and promotions.
Home loan providers can use email marketing to send
personalized messages, newsletters, and promotional offers.
Local SEO can help home loan providers rank higher in
search engine results for local searches. They can optimize
their website and online listings for local keywords and
reviews to attract customers in their area.

An omnichannel approach can help home loan providers

create a seamless and consistent experience across all
channels. They can integrate their online and offline channels
to provide a holistic and personalized experience to

1.1 Challenges in the digital marketing for home loans in


Building trust and ensuring the security of sensitive

financial information is a major challenge in digital marketing
of home loans. The regulation of digital marketing in the
financial sector is constantly evolving, and it can be difficult
for companies to stay up-to-date and compliant. The digital
marketing space for home loans is highly competitive, making
it difficult for companies to differentiate themselves and reach
their target audience. As technology continues to evolve,
companies must keep up with new trends and platforms to
remain relevant and effective in their marketing efforts. Many
customers may not be familiar with the digital process of
applying for a home loan, so it is important for companies to
educate them on the process and the benefits of doing it
online. Acquiring new customers in a crowded digital market
can be a challenge, especially as many customers may already
have a relationship with a traditional lender.

1.2 Which Indian banks provide the highest home loans

Some of the Indian banks that are known to provide high

home loans are:

1. State Bank of India (SBI)

2. HDFC Bank

3. ICICI Bank

4. Axis Bank

5. Kotak Mahindra Bank

These banks are among the largest and most reputable banks
in India and have a strong presence in the home loan market.
However, it's important to note that the interest rates and loan
terms may vary depending on individual circumstances and
eligibility. It's recommended to compare the offers from
multiple banks and carefully consider the terms and
conditions before making a decision.

1.3 Demerit of digital marketing in home loan?

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is

crucial for any business. Home loan companies should create
a user-friendly website that provides all the necessary
information about their services and products. The website
should be optimized for search engines, making it easier for
potential customers to find the company online. In Social
media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can be
powerful tools for connecting with potential customers. Home
loan companies can use social media to share information
about their products and services, answer customer questions,
and provide tips on home buying and financing.

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach out to

potential customers and keep them informed about the
company's products and services. Home loan companies can
use email newsletters to send out updates, promotions, and
other relevant information to their subscribers. In Online
advertising, such as Google Ads and social media ads, can be
a highly targeted and cost-effective way to reach potential
customers. Home loan companies can use online ads to
promote their products and services to a specific audience
based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. It is
Providing valuable content, such as blog posts, videos, and
infographics, can help home loan companies establish
themselves as experts in the industry. By providing helpful
information and insights, home loan companies can attract
potential customers and build trust with them.

The Customer testimonials can be a powerful tool for building
trust and credibility with potential customers. Home loan
companies can use testimonials on their website, social media
profiles, and in their email newsletters to showcase the
positive experiences of their customers. It is important to track
and analyze the results of digital marketing efforts to
determine what's working and what's not. Home loan
companies can use analytics tools to monitor website traffic,
social media engagement, and email open rates, and adjust
their marketing strategy accordingly.

Review of Literature

Shrestha and Bora (2015) aimed to understand different

characteristics of financial services and examines diverse
challenges encountered in marketing them. An attempt was
also made to indicate pragmatic techniques in order to
overcome the visible challenges. There finding revealed
housing shortages that eventually indicates problems faced by
the home loan borrowers. The study concludes with an insight
on conceptualizing actual need of a potential customer who is
deprived of a shelter. i.e. a sweet home.

Aldeola-de-Siolim (2023) examined this research

work on luxury branding of new real state brand also

selected target segment, he also the sales pitch of

luxury, pre-sales journey path. The context of a new

residential real estate brand; select target segment/s

and outline the sales pitch for a luxury residential real

estate brand; plot the pre-sales stage of the customer

journey path (CJP) for a luxury residential real estate

brand; and plan a pre-sales customer engagement

strategy for a luxury residential real estate brand.

Vallurupalli, V., & Bose, I. (2018) examined it has to

be a direct resources towards an analytics and digital

advertising channels or to continue to improve its

current advertising techniques that revolve around

mass marketing initiatives and its large network of

branches. The case expects participants to evaluate

the costs and benefits of alternatives available to the

bank and propose a comprehensive customer-

acquisition strategy to address the crisis.

Nedumaran and Baladevi (2018) examine the

Financial Marketing Services of the financial

Sectors in India. In this study used to collected

data from primary and secondary sources

which are collected from Financial Customers,

Website and other sources. The Financial

Services such as Wholesale Financial Services

and Retail Financial Services. The researcher

concludes that through effective regulation,

creating awareness of the Financial Marketing


Mahalakshmi and Varadaraj (2018) aimed to

understand the demand of home loans is ever increasing

and with several private and public sector banks into the
field, the competition to grab customers is on the cards and
thus promises of better and faster services for customers
becomes need of the hour. Since the competition is intense

among banks for home loans, it is important for them to
understand the customer’s expectation to serve them better

and gain the market share.

Kannoujiya suman (2017) aimed that it is a new

concept in India comparing to other financial services

that are widely available in the country since a long

year back. However, the speedy development in

housing and various housing activities have

understandably led to the growth of Indian housing

finance market. As a result, a number of players have

barged into the market.

Sharma and Shrivastava (2021) aimed to

understand the different stages of marketing was at

hibernation mode, as the relationship between

banking and marketing was not considered

important. However, the recent developments in the

Indian financial sector as well as changes in customer

preferences towards financial services have

aggravated a need for a stronger relationship

between marketing and financial service institutions.

Anand and Murugaiah (2004) aimed of the public

sector institutions have been showing dominance in

all the areas of financial services like banking,

insurance, term lending, housing finance etc., in

Indian Financial System. But after the initiative of

economic liberalization by the Government. The

private and foreign players are also putting rapid

strides in this sector. Consequently, the financial

service in India started growing rapidly in the

economy to intermediate between savers and

seekers of money.

Krishna Chaitanya (2005) examined that the

different types of new services and products like credit

cards, ATMs, consumer finance, mutual funds,
dematerialization, factoring, securitization, credit rating,
leasing, investment banking, forfeiting, have become a norm
since then. The driving forces behind this development are
liberalization, economic reforms and deregulations, economic
changes and rapid developments in capital markets. All these
factors provided a greater freedom to private sector to

become more competitive, productive, effective and efficient.

Gupta and Sinha (2015) aimed that the various factors

that influence the decision of the consumer for taking Home
Loan. The paper focuses on the Home loan offered by LIC and
SBI and makes a comparative analysis of the factors that
affect the consumers. The paper has a practical implication
both for the academicians and for the readers in terms of
their concern with the aspect issues regarding factors
influencing the buyer behaviour towards Home loans. The
paper is original in nature and the highlights of the paper can
be used for further research purpose and provides
knowledge base to the readers.

Shrestha, J. J., & Bora, B. (2015). Marketing of Financial Services: A Case Study of Indian Home
Loan Market. International Journal of Management and Development Studies, 4(1), 103-110.

Kar, Pravat Surya. "Luxury home market and pre-sales challenges: Aldeola-de-Siolim, Goa." Emerald
Emerging Markets Case Studies 13.1 (2023): 1-25.

Vallurupalli, Vamsi, and Indranil Bose. "Rabbit or tortoise? Rethinking customer acquisition at dravya
bank." Communications of the Association for Information Systems 43.1 (2018): 22.


Mahalakshmi, S., and S. Varadaraj. "A Study on Home Loan Services Offered By Commercial Banks
with Special Reference to Coimbatore District."

Kannoujia, Suman. "Problems and prospects of housing finance in Varanasi Division-A compaprative
study of Lichfl & HDFC Ltd." International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social
Sciences 5.9 (2016): 88-100.

Sharma, Preeti, and Avinash K. Shrivastava. "Marketing strategy for financial services in Indian
financial service institutions." FIIB Business Review 10.4 (2021): 404-412.

Anand, S., and V. Murugaiah. "Marketing of financial services: strategic issues." SCMS Journal of
Indian Management 2.3 (2004): 41-48.

Krishna, Chaitanya V. "Metamorphosis of marketing financial services in India." Journal of Services

Research 5.1 (2005): 155.

Gupta, Utkarsh, and Richa Sinha. "A Comparative Study on Factors Affecting Consumer’s Buying
Behavior towards Home Loans (With Special Reference To State Bank Of India and Life Insurance
Corporation, Allahabad)." IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), e-ISSN (2015):


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