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AIM: To determine resistivity of two/three wires by plotting a graph for potential differen, versus current. APPARATUS A resistance wire (of different material such as copper, iron, constantan, etc.), a voltmete| (0-3) Vand an ammeter (0-3) A of appropriate range, a battery (battery eliminator), a rheostat, a metr} scale, one-way key, connecting wires and a piece of sand paper. THEORY According to the Ohm's law, the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportion to the potential difference across its ends, provided the physical conditions (temperature, dimension pressure, etc.) of the conductor remain the same. If Ibe the current flowing through a conductor a Vbe the potential difference across its ends, then according to Ohm’s Law, TeV or Vel or V=RI where, Ris the constant of proportionality. It is known as resistance of the conductor. or Yur r* L . We know, R = p<, where p is resistivity or sp. resistance. =p. Apel nD? nD? 4 nD?R p= R depends upon the nature of material, temperature and dimensions of the conductor. ¥ In SI units, the potential difference V is measured in volt and the current I in amper® resistance R is measured in ohm. Y Measurement of Resistance cIRCUIT DIAGRAM io V/I remains 7 1e shown that the rati ie toner difference (V) (2) Toestablish the carrent-vetage relationship ist be shown Sh a) constant for a given resistance. Therefore, a grap! and the current (1) must be a straight line. €) Theconstn ato geriatric ( Rheostat Unknown resistance wire Fig. Circuit diagram. PROCEDURE 1. Arrange the apparatus in the same manner as given in the arrangement diagram. 2. Clean the ends of the connecting wire with sand paper to remove the insulations, if any. 3. Make neat, clean and tight connections according to the circuit diagram. While making connections ensure that +ve marked terminals of voltmeter and ammeter are joined towards the +ve terminal of the battery. 4, Determine the least count of voltmeter and ammeter, and also note the zero error, if any. 5. Insert the key K, slide the rheostat contact and see that ammeter and voltmeter are working Properly. : 6. Adjust the sliding contact of the rheostat such that a measurable current passes through the resistance coil or the resistance wire. 7. Note down the value of potential difference V from voltmeter and current I from ammeter. 8. Shift the rheostat contact slightly so that both ammeter and voltmeter show full divisions readings and not in fraction. 9. Record the readings of the voltmeter and ammeter. Note. In case of attery eliminator, follow these steps Turn the knobAt 2 Vin battery eliminator and put Now record yhe reading in voltmeter and ammeter, Without djfurbing the rheosta, turn the knob At battery to diferent voltage, say 4,6, 8, 10 and 12 volts arid record corresponding readings in Voltmeter and ammeter. Ke, ‘constant point in rheostat at fixed position. 10, Take atleast three sets of independent observations, 11. Cut the resistance wire at the points where it leaves the terminals, stretch i i length by the metre scale. stretch it and find its 12. Record your observations. 13, Next repeat the above steps by taking other wires, OBSERVATIONS 1. Length Length of the resistance wire | =...... 2. Range Range of the given ammeter = Range of the given voltmeter =...... 3. Least count Least count of ammeter =...... Least count of voltmeter = 4. Zero error Zero error in ammeter, es Zero error in voltmeter, e, 5. Zero correction Zero correction for ammeter, C=-e=,, Zero correction for voltmeter, G=-e, 6. Table for Ammeter and Voltmeter Readings {ean value of resistance, Wire 1 Ammeter Reading I (A) Voltmeter Reading V (V) Vir Serial No. of ted T Obs. Observed Corrected Observed Corres (Ohm) 1, T=I,+¢, v, VaV,+¢, @ (2b) (3a) (3b) 1 2 3 ohms. ‘TIONS Find the ratio of V and I for each set of observations. Plot a graph between potential difference V (column 3b) and current I (column 2b), taking V along X-axis and I along Y-axis. The graph comes to be a straight line. From the graph, the resistance can be calculated. In AABC, or But, Graph between Potential Difference and Current Scale X-axis : 1m Y-axis : 1 om ¥ ).5 V of potential difference .25 mA of current 05 Current (1) in amperes —> oo 1.0 2.0 30 Potential difference (V) in. volts —» ~(L) ~-(2) (3) wf) 3. Constant ratio y gives resistance of the wire. 4. Resistance of the wire ..... 5. Finding the Diameter of wire 1. Table for diameter (D) of the wire 1. Serial | Linear Scale | Circular Scale Reading Observed diameter | No. | ReadingN |— wo, ofcircul Value D,=N+nxL.c. of Obs. (mm) scale divisionon | nx (L.C.) (mm) reference line (n) (mm) @ @) Ga) (3b) @ L @ D,@= o) D,®= (@) D,@= : a8: a D,(@)= ® DO= 6. Finding the lengths of the wire 1. L,+L, +L, 3 Mean length, L= , where L,, L,, L, are lengths of wire 1, L= m | 1 PRECAUTIONS 1. The connections should be neat, clean and tight. insulations nea 2. Thick wires should be used for the connections after removing the ins' ends by rubbing with sand Paper. 3. Voltmeter and ammeter should be of proper range. 4. Alow resistance rheostat should be used. Measurement of Resistance 5. The key should be inserted only while taking observations f° avoid heating of resistance (otherwise its resistance will increase). ie 6. Theelectric current through resistance wire should not be very high, sos to avoid heating effect of current. ; 7, The switch should be open when you are not taking readings. SOURCES OF ERROR 1, The instrument screws may be loose. 2. Thick connecting wires may not be available. 3, Rheostat may have high resistance. EXPERIMENT 2p {To find resistance of a given wire/standard resistor using metre bridge. »ARATUS. ‘A metre bridge (slide wire bridge), a Leclanche cell (Battery eliminator), a galvanometer, a istance box, a jockey, a one-way key, a resistance wire, a screw gauge, a metre scale, a set square, ‘ing wires and a piece of sand paper. RY ‘The unknown resistance X is given by, (100-1) xR where R is known. : is resistance placed in the left gap and unknown resistance X in the k right of metre bridge. I cm is the length of metre bridge wire from zero end upto balance point. ae a. | PROCEDURE For Resistance 1. 2. Nousw 10. 11. 12. Arrange the apparatus as shown in the diagram. Connect the resistance wire whose resistance is to be determined in the right Bap betwee and B. Take care that no part of the wire forms a loop. ne Connect resistance box of low range in the left hand gap between A and B, Make all the other connections as shown in the circuit diagram. . Take out some resistance (say 2 ohms) from the resistance box, plug the key K. . Touch the jockey gently first at left end and then at right end of the bridge wire. . Note the deflections in the galvanometer. If the galvanometer shows deflections in opposit, directions, the connections are correct. If the deflection is one side only, then there is some fault in the circuit. Check or take help of your teacher and rectify the fault. . Move (slide) the jockey gently along the wire from left to right till galvanometer gives zero deflection. The point where the jockey is touching the wire is null point D. _ Choose an appropriate value of R from the resistance box such that there is no deflection in the galvanometer when the jockey is nearly in the middle of the wire (j.e., between 45 to 55 am). Note position of point D (with the help of a set square) to know balancing length, AD = 1. Take at least four sets of observations in the same way by changing the value of R in steps. Record your observations. oa OBSERVATIONS 1. Length of given wire, L = ...... cm. 2. Table for unknown resistance «) Serial No. of Resistance from the Obs. resistance box R (ohm) @ @) Length AB =1 (cm) Length BC = (100-1) (om) @ Unknown resistance X=R (100-) 1 (ohm) @) PEN ew r Comprehensive Practical P 54 “) CALCULATIONS 1, Calculation for X (@)_ From position of D, find Jem and write in column 3 of Table 2. (8) Find length (100 - cm and write in column 4. (©) Calculate X and write in column 5. Xi +X tXy+Xo_ 4 Mean X= he. RESULT JK M x ft —Rercentageervor = ‘The value of unknown resistance, X = PRECAUTIONS ; “ine connections should be neat, the plugs in the resi “ 3. Move the jockey Sayre * ? 5. Null & Null point shouldbe brought

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