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(a) A point is 30mm from the HP and 50 mm from the VP. Draw its projection keeping
it in all possible positions?
1. (b) A 80 mm long line PQ has end P 20mm above HP and 40mm in front of the VP. The
line is inclined at 30O to the HP and is parallel to the VP. Draw the projection of the
A 100 mm long line PQ has its end P 10 mm above the HP and 20 mm in front of the VP.
The line is inclined at 600 to HP and 300 to the VP. Draw its projection?
A 100 mm long line PQ is inclined at 30 o to the HP and 45o to the VP. Its mid point is 35
mm above the HP and 50mm in front of the VP. Draw its projection.
A 70 mm long line AB has its end A 20mm above HP and 30 mm infront of the VP.The
line is inclined at 45O to HP and 30O to VP.Draw its projection?
A straight line PQ has its end P 20mm above the HP and 30 mm infront of the VP and
the end Q is 80 mm above the HP and 70 mm infront of the VP.If the end Projectors are
60 mm apart.Draw the projection of the line.Determine the true length and true
inclination with the HP and VP?
The front and top view of 75mm long line PQ measures 50mm and 60mm . If the end P
6. of the line is 35 mm above HP and 15 mm in front of the VP draw its projection.
Determine the true inclination of the line PQ with the HP and VP?
Draw the projection of following points on a common reference line keeping the
projectors 25 mm apart
a) Point A 40 mm above the HP and 25 mm in front VP
b) Point B 40 mm above the HP and in the VP
7. c) Point C is 25 mm in front of the VP and in the HP
d) Point D is 25 mm above the HP and 30 mm behind the VP
e) Point E in the HP and 30 mm behind the VP
f) Point F is 40 mm below the HP and 30 mm behind the VP

An 80 mm long line is inclined at 600 to the VP and parallel to the HP. One end of the
line is 30 mm above the HP and 10 mm in front of the VP. Draw its projection?
The distance between the end projector of a line is 50mm.The end P is 50mm infront of
the VP and 25 mm above the HP. The end Q is 10 mm infront of the VP and above the
9. HP. The line is inclined at 300 to the VP. Draw the projection of the line PQ determine
its taw the projection of the line PQ determine its true length and true inclination with
the HP.
a) What is an Orthographic Projection?
b) Define Vertical, Horizontal and Profile Plane?
c) Differentiate between first angle and third angle projection?
10. d) A point on xy represents the front view of a straight line .What is the position of
the line?
e) The top view of a line is represented by appoint on the reference line xy .State
the position of the line.


1 In Orthographic projection, the xy is known as

a) horizontal plane
b) vertical plane
c) reference line
d) All of these
2 The front view of an object is projected on the
a) horizontal plane
b) vertical plane
c) profile plane
d) auxiliary plane
3 The top view of an object is projected on the

a) horizontal plane
b) vertical plane
c) profile plane
d) auxiliary plane
4 A point whose top view and front view are above xy, is situated in
a) First Angle
b) Second Angle
c) Third Angle
d) Fourth Angle
5 A point is 20 mm below HP and 30 mm behind VP. Its top view is
a) 20 mm below xy
b) 30 mm below xy
c) 20 mm above xy
d) 30 mm above xy
6 State the position of the point the front view of which lies on the reference line and
the top view is 40mm above it
a) 40 mm above HP and in the VP
b) 40 mm behind VP and in the HP
c) 40 mm below HP and in the VP
d) 40 mm In front of VP and in the HP
7 State the position of the point the top view of which lies on the reference line and
the front view is 30mm below it
a) 30 mm above HP and in the VP
b) 30 mm behind VP and in the HP
c) 30 mm below HP and in the VP
d) 30 mm In front of VP and in the HP
8 If a line is parallel to both HP and VP its true length will be seen in
a) front view
b) top view
c) side view
d) both front and top view
9 Horizontal trace of a line exist when the line is
a) parallel to HP
b) inclined to HP
c) perpendicular to VP
d) perpendicular to profile plane
10 If the front view of a line is parallel to the xy its true length is shown in
a) front view
b) top view
c) side view
d) both front and top view

Minimum number of orthographic views necessary to show length ,breadth(depth) and height of
an objects are __________.
The side of an object is projected on _______________ plane.
For orthographic projections B.I.S recommends the __________________ angle projection.

The point at which the line intersects the VP extended if necessary is known as________________.
If a line is inclined at 45O to the HP and 30O to the VP its front view is inclined at ________ to xy.
If a line is inclined at 30O to the HP and 60O to the VP its front and top view are inclined at angle of
____________ degrees to xy.
If both the front and top view of a line are perpendicular to the reference line ,the true inclination
of the line with H.P and VP is _______.
(b) ɵ+ø<90O
In orthographic view the height dimension is seen in ___________ view and ______________view.
The line joining the front and top view of a point is called ________________.
Second angle projection is not used because ,views ___________ each other.

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