Important Skills To Habituate and Learn To Earn

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hdiys aa NE ae , Xe J Nobody Got Rich With A Salary. If You Want To Retire A Multi-Millionaire In The Next 5 Years, Focus On This... ( Swipe Left To Read ) 1. Learn a high income skill Set 2 hours a day No distraction Build on a specific knowledge you can leverage Here's how; ¢ Choose a skill ¢ Select 10-20 YouTube channels teaching the skill ¢ Binge watch it for 100 days Master the basics then build up on the knowledge. | recommend these 3 skills Pick one skill and develop it for 3 months; e Sales e Real Estate Wholesaling ¢ Copywriting Fact: A skill is 10x more valuable than a degree. 2. Create your network Grow your own circle Pick 3 friends and hop into self improvement. Let your conversations revolve around: e Money e Success e Business Note: Be a reliable team player 3. Create multiple streams of income Fact: You can't outwork what money can do for you Do this; ¢ Open 15+ businesses ¢ Own assets e Act broke Don't save your money, invest it wisely. Let your money work for you by investing in cashflow assets. 4. Spend at least 100 minutes of your day reading 88% of financially free people are obsessed with learning. Financial education is self taught Start by reading these books; e Human nature e Atomic habits e Think and grow rich Which one book would you recommend? Use the knowledge you obtain and earn with it. The ultimate modern flex: e Having a great physique e Stay anonymous ¢ Be filthy rich Simplicity is the new rich 5. Wake up at 5 AM People dread at waking up early But this saves you 3 hours before your day starts Cultivate successful people habits e Make your bed ¢ Take a glass of water ¢ Workout/Take a walk e Read 50+ pages Success is hidden in your daily routine 6. Grow a brand online Here's how: ¢ Choose a platform (Twitter/YouTube or IG) ¢ Grow your audience e Share your story ¢ Monetize Tip: Hire a mentor to accelerate your learning process. Leverage the internet to make money.

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