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मातोश् एजुकेशन सोसायट्चे ;

मातोश् शशक्शाश महाशिदयालय,

एकलहरे,तालुका / शजलहा नाशसक

B.Ed. Course No.209

सि च् जा््ि
(Understanding of self )

पारयशककाचे नाि
(Name of practical)
सि च् जा््ि
(Understanding of Self )

शिदाया शशककाचे नाि रोल कमामक

( Name of Student Teacher ) ( Roll number)

मार्दश्क पारया्काचे
( Name of Guide Teacher )

पा. बशहरम वह्. एल.

Report of the Report of the

Orientation Activities Total 100 Out of 50
Session Session
Understanding of Self
Practical 1 : - Report of the Orientation Session

Name of Student: - ________________________________ Roll No: -

Evaluation Scheme
Rating Scale: - 1) Unsatisfactory, 2) Average 3) Satisfactory 4) Good 5) Excellent

No. Evaluation Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

1 Introduction

2 Objectives of the Orientation

Detailed description of Orientation 1

and 2

Detailed description of Orientation 3

and 4

5 Fulfillment of the Objectives

6 Output of the Orientation

7 Opinion / Criticism

8 Reflection on the Orientation as a Person

Reflection on the Orientation as a


10 Overall Impression

Total Mark- /50

Date: - / /20 Signature

अनुकमश्का ( Index)

अ.नम त्शशल( Description ) ्ान नम. सह् (Sign)

(Sr.No) (Page No.)

1 प्रस्तस ( Introduction )

2 ऋणनतर्द ( Acknowledgement )

3 गरज ् महत् (Needs And importance)

4 उन्दि (Objectives)

5 उद्भसत सतसरि नतय्जत ( Planning of the orientation)

6 उद्भसत सतसरि ्िळसपत् ( time table of the orientation) पा. बशहरम

पतयत ्सय््सहह (Proceedings)
वह्. एल.
अ.उद्भत क.१ गटररस् (A. Orientation no .1 group discussion )

7 अ.उद्भत क.१ गटररस् (A. Orientation no .1 group discussion

क .उद्भत क.३ जह्त ्ौदलय ( A.Orientation no 3. Life skill)

ड.उद्भत क.४ ्सरन््सर( A.Orientation no 4. Debate)

8 उन्दसषरह पररपरू ्रस ( the fullness of the objectives)

9 ससरसषद ( Summary )

10 दैतनण् उपय्जत (Education Implication)

11 अनिपसय (Opinion)
1.पसतािना (Introduction)

2.ऋ्शनद्श ( Acknowledgement )

३.ररज ि महरि (Needs And Importance)

4. उश्दे (Objectives)

उदोबन सताचे शनयोजन
( Planning of the Orientation)

अक त्श्ल मार्दश्क पारया्क

( sr no ) (Details ) ( Guide Teacher )

अ उद्भत क.१ रटचचा्

(A. Orientation no .1) पस . रिदमख

ु एस . डह

(Group Discussion )
ब उद्भत क.२ वयशकमरि शिकास

( B.Orientation no.2) पस. नत्म एस. टह

(Personality Development )

् उद्भत क.३ ज्िन कौशलय

( A.Orientation no 3) पस. रसमरसजि ए. ए

(Life skill)

ड उद्भत क.४ िादशििाद

( A.Orientation no 4) पस . रौभरह एत. पह

( Debate)
6 िेळा्तक (Time Table)

अ.क.( त्श्ल (Details ) शदनामक ( Date _)

अ उद्भत क.१ रटचचा्

A. Orientation no.1
Group Discussion
उद्भत क.१ अह्सल लिखत

A. Orientation no .1 (Report writing )

ब उद्भत क.२ वयशकमरि शिकास

B. Orientation no.2
Personality Development
उद्भत क.2 अह्सल लिखत

B. Orientation no .2 (Report writing)

् उद्भत क.३ ज्िन कौशलय

C. Orientation no 3.
Life skill
उद्भत क.3 अह्सल लिखत

C. Orientation no 3(Report writing)

ड उद्भत क.४ िादशििाद

D. Orientation no 4.
उद्भत क.4 अह्सल लिखत

D. Orientation no .4 (Report writing)

उदोबन क.१ रटचचा्
Orientation no .1 Group Discussion

शदनामक (Date)- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

िेळ (Time)- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

मार्दश्क पारया्काचे नाि - -----------------------------------------------------------------------

(Name of Guide Teacher)

उदोबनानमतर वययक्त हो्ारे ्ररित्न
Change in Person after Orientation discussion )
उदोबनानमतर शशककामरये हो्ारे ्ररित्न
Change in Teacher after Orientation )discussion )
उदोबन क.२ वयशकमरि शिकास
Orientation no .2 Personality Development

शदनामक (Date)- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

िेळ (Time)- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

मार्दश्क पारया्काचे नाि - -----------------------------------------------------------------------

(Name of Guide Teacher)

उदोबनानमतर वययक्त हो्ारे ्ररित्न
Change in Person after Orientation discussion )

उदोबनानमतर शशककामरये हो्ारे ्ररित्न
Change in Teacher after Orientation )discussion )
उदोबन क.३ ज्िन कौशलय

Orientation no .3 Life Skills

शदनामक (Date)- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

िेळ (Time)- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

मार्दश्क पारया्काचे नाि - -----------------------------------------------------------------------

(Name of Guide Teacher)

उदोबनानमतर वययक्त हो्ारे ्ररित्न
Change in Person after Orientation discussion )

उदोबनानमतर शशककामरये हो्ारे ्ररित्न
Change in Teacher after Orientation )discussion )
उदोबन क. 4 िादशििाद
Orientation no .4 Debate

शदनामक (Date)- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

िेळ (Time)- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

मार्दश्क पारया्काचे नाि - -----------------------------------------------------------------------

(Name of Guide Teacher)

उदोबनानमतर वययक्त हो्ारे ्ररित्न
Change in Person after Orientation discussion )

उदोबनानमतर शशककामरये हो्ारे ्ररित्न
Change in Teacher after Orientation )discussion )
उश्दामच् ्रर्ूत्ता

( The Fullness of the Objectives)


( Summary )

शैकश्क उ्योजन
Educational Implication


( Opinion )

सि च् जा््ि
(Understanding of self )

कोस् क २०९
पारयशकक क २

उ्कम सताचे अहिाल

(Report writing Activities
Session )
B.ED-209. Understanding of Self
Practical 2 : - Report writing Activities Session

Name of Student: - ________________________________ Roll No: -

Evaluation Scheme
Rating Scale: - 1) Unsatisfactory, 2) Average 3) Satisfactory 4) Good 5) Excellent

No. Evaluation Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

1 Introduction

2 Objectives of the Activities

Detailed description of Activities

1 and Activities 2

Detailed description of Activities

3 and Activities 4

5 Fulfillment of the Objectives

6 Output of the Activities

7 Opinion / Criticism

Reflection on the Activities as a


Reflection on the Activities as a


10 Overall Impression

Total Mark- /50

Date: - / /20 Signature

अनुकमश्का ( Index)

अ.नम. त्शशल ( Description ) ्ान नम. सह् (Sign)

(Page No.)

1 प्रस्तस ( Introduction )

2 ऋणनतर्द ( Acknowledgement )

3 गरज ् महत् (Needs And importance)

4 उन्दि (Objectives)

5 उपकम सतसरि नतय्जत ( Planning of the

Activities )

6 उपकम सतसरि ्िळसपत् ( time table of the

Activities )

पतयत ्सय््सहह (Proceedings) पा. बशहरम

अ. उपकम क.१ गटररस् (A. Activities no .1 group
discussion ) वह्. एल.
7 ब. उपकम क.२ वयनकमत् न््सस( B. Activities no.2 पस. .पस. रिदमु
Personality Development )

् . उपकम क.३ जह्त ्ौदलय ( A. Activities no 3.

Life skill)

ड. उपकम क.४ ्सरन््सर( A. Activities no 4.


8 उन्दसषरह पररपरू ्रस ( the fullness of the objectives)

9 ससरसषद ( Summary )

10 दैतनण् उपय्जत (Education Implication)

11 अनिपसय (Opinion)
1.पसतािना (Introduction)

2.ऋ्शनद्श (Acknowledgement)
ररज ि महरि
(Needs And importance)

उश्दे (Objectives)

उ्कम सताचे शनयोजन
( Planning of the Activities )

अक त्श्ल मार्दश्क पारया्क

(sr (Details ) (Guide Teacher)


अ उपकम क.१ रटचचा्

(A. Orientation no .1) पा . देशमुख एस . ड्

(Group Discussion )
ब उपकम क.२ वयनकमत् न््सस

( B.Orientation no.2) पा. शनकम एस. ट्

(Personality Development )

् उपकम क.३ ज्िन कौशलय

( A.Orientation no 3) पा. रामराजे ए. ए

(Life skill)

ड उपकम क.४ िादशििाद

( A.Orientation no 4) पा . चौबर् एन. ््

( Debate)
6. िेळा्तक (Time Table)

अ.क.(sr no) त्श्ल (Details ) शदनामक ( Date _)

अ उपकम क.१ रटचचा्

B. Orientation no.1
Group Discussion
उपकम क.१ अह्सल लिखत

Orientation no .1 (Report writing)

ब उपकम क.२ वयशकमरि शिकास

Orientation no.2
Personality Development
उपकम क.2 अह्सल लिखत

B. Orientation no .2 (Report writing)

् उपकम क.३ ज्िन कौशलय

E. Orientation no 3.
Life skill
उपकम क.3 अह्सल लिखत

C. Orientation no .3 (Report writing)

ड उपकम क.४ िादशििाद

D. Orientation no 4.
उपकम क.4 अह्सल लिखत

Orientation no .4 (Report writing)

उ्कम क.१ रटचचा्

(Activity no .1 Group Discussion )

शदनामक (Date)- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

िेळ (Time)- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

मार्दश्क पारया्काचे नाि - -----------------------------------------------------------------------

(Name of Guide Teacher)


वययक्त हो्ारे ्ररित्न
(Change in Person)

शशककामरये हो्ारे ्ररित्न

(Change in Teacher )

उ्कम क.२ वयशकमरि शिकास
Activity no .2 Personality Development
शदनामक (Date)- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

िेळ (Time)- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

मार्दश्क पारया्काचे नाि - -----------------------------------------------------------------------

(Name of Guide Teacher)

वययक्त हो्ारे ्ररित्न
(Change in Person)

शशककामरये हो्ारे ्ररित्न

(Change in Teacher )

उ्कम क.३ ज्िन कौशलय
Activity no .3 Life Skills

शदनामक (Date)- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

िेळ (Time)- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

मार्दश्क पारया्काचे नाि - -----------------------------------------------------------------------

(Name of Guide Teacher)

वययक्त हो्ारे ्ररित्न
(Change in Person)

शशककामरये हो्ारे ्ररित्न

(Change in Teacher )

उ्कम क. 4 िादशििाद
Activity no .4 Debate
शदनामक (Date)- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

िेळ (Time)- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

मार्दश्क पारया्काचे नाि - -----------------------------------------------------------------------

(Name of Guide Teacher)


वययक्त हो्ारे ्ररित्न
(Change in Person)

शशककामरये हो्ारे ्ररित्न

(Change in Teacher )

उश्दामच् ्रर्ूत्ता
( The Fullness of the Objectives)


( Summary )

शैकश्क उ्योजन
Educational Implication


( Opinion )


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