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Acquiring cards - To get the cards, you can summon one of your three priests to a war room whenever

you perform a summon action. Everyone starts with a priest in the Chamber of Law at the start of the
game. You can move the priests that are already in the war rooms whenever you perform a move
action. After each control monument event (7 times prior to the merge, 10 max), you get to pick a
political card if you have the most priests in a room that gives you a card or if you are tied with others
but have less devotion than them. Cards are not replenished when a player takes one. They are
replenished after all rooms have been resolved. Playing cards - You can play one (and only one) card
alongside an action (move, summon, gain followers or unlock ankh power). After using a political card,
they stay face up in front of you, similar to battle cards, and a Cycle of Ma'at battle card (or Book of the
Dead political card; see above) will have to be played to return them to your hand

There are 2 copies of each card (2 x 20 cards in total).

Index Name of card Card's effect
Sacrifice 3 followers to reclaim all of your used battle cards and other
1 Book of the Dead
political cards.
Steal 1 follower from each opponent for each of their monuments your
2 Convert the weak
figures are adjacent to.
3 Declare War Summon up to 2 Warriors Adjacent to Any Different Gods.

4 Destroy and rebuild Move 1 of your monuments to a space adjacent to any figure.

5 Exodus Move up to 2 enemy warriors in your god's region up to 3 spaces each.

Your second action may be the same as your first action this turn (move
6 Harmony of Ma'at
the marker twice).
Immediately unlock an Ankh power by sacrificing double the amount of
7 Justice of Ma'at
Kill an Enemy Warrior in your God's Region. You may summon a Guardian
8 Join the Pantheon
in that space.
9 Obelisk Affinity Summon 1 figure adjacent to each of your Obelisks (and Sphinxes).
Gain 1 Follower for each of your used Battle and Political cards, including
10 Order of Ma'at
this one.
11 Piety Summon a Priest in any Room.
Move each of your figures that are adjacent to your pyramids and sphinxes
12 Pyramid affinity
up to 5 spaces.
Sacrifice all of your followers (it can be zero if you have none). Each
13 Rapture
opponent loses 2 devotion.
Forfeit 1 of your actions (still move the marker) to build and control a
14 Righteous Worship
Temple, Pyramid, or Obelisk anywhere in your God's region, for free.
15 Smite Kill all enemy warriors adjacent to your god.
Gain 2 followers for each of your figures in fertile (green) spaces in your
16 Sow the fields
god's region.
Gain 2 Followers for each of your Temples (and Sphinxes) adjacent to at
17 Temple Affinity
least 1 of your figures.
18 Their Faith Wavers Each Opponent with any Figures in your God's Region loses 1 Devotion.
Summon up to 2 warriors in any desert (yellow) spaces in your god's
19 To the caravan
20 Walk through Worlds Move your God any number of spaces.

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