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1.) TEXT 1 : Corporal punishment works for some but there were people who abused
the use of the strap to discipline children.

2.) TEXT 2 : Flogging the students because they didn’t get the answers correctly
thinking that flogging them would bring sense to them while the other classmates
watched .

3.) TEXT 3 : Petty landmarks lingering in a person’s life even though it happened a long
time ago due to overuse of trying to discipline a child .

B.) In the poem , the issue is presented through the use of reminiscing of the idea that the
petty landmark lingering in a person’s life although it happened long ago but the wounds are
marked deep in meaning .

C.) TEXT 1 : Article from a newspaper

Technique Used - would be analogy because in this article the writer

stated that corporal punishment was an effective way of discipling
children and the methods that are being used to discipline children
most people would tend to agree while some will disagree causing the
effect in persuading people to accept the argument .

TEXT 2 - Cartoon

Technique Used - Persuasive because the evidence is provided that

the teacher is over using his power in the way he chooses to discipline
these children .

2.) FACTOR 1 : Body language so the audience can relate and have a visual view about
what is being said / talk to them about .

FACTOR 2 : Eye contact so the audience can feel that connection and know that you are
interacting with them .

FACTOR 3 : Tone / voice so the audience can have a better understanding and if there is
any misunderstanding it can be cleared up .

B.) ( 1 ) Some children do need a little discipline because in the home they are not shown
what is acceptable behavior .

( 2 ) Teachers need to keep in mind that it is not what is being done but how some of them
choose to handle the situation .

( 3 ) Regardless of situations children are going to be children but as adults you need to help
them understand right from wrong and not leave wounds that are marked deep in memory .


( 1 ) Oral presentation would be for teachers , students , parents and any officials .
( 2 ) Oral presentation would be based on what is happening in schools or any other
educational facility .
( 3 ) No limit on age and gender registion


( 1 ) Using props , video and pictures to highlight that message given to the audience .
( 2 ) Allow the audience to participate through ‘’ hands up ‘’ feedback giving the opportunity to
feel connected to the issue .
( 3 ) Make eye contact to help transfer the interest to the audience .

3.) One bright and joyful morning , it was right after the Christmas break . Everyone was
excited to see one another after two whole weeks . My teacher Miss Eliza wasn’t present in the
classroom so I took the opportunity to express how amazing and cheerful my Christmas had
been and what I got for Christmas this year . As I stood there I felt this sharp and dreadful lash
repeatedly on my lower foot . She started flogging me leaving me no chance to explain while all
my classmates stood there in shock and terrified . I went home after school and explained what
had happened . Following day my parents attended the school wanting an explanation on the
matter . The teacher related to my parents and the principle that children need discipline
sometimes and she was only trying to discipline me . I was given a chance to speak and I told
everyone who was present in the room that I wasn't doing anything wrong. I have never been to
the principal's office or gotten in trouble with any of my teachers or parents . I was only trying to
share my wonderful Christmas experience with my friends before class began . Ms Eliza
apologized to me and my parents for her action and also for abusing the use in discipling
children . I wasn’t the first student to experience this but after the incident and how it was
handled I was surely the last.

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